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Get Hired

About the Author

Vicki Morris is the Founder and Chief Inspiration
Officer of InspiredWork and the InspiredWork
online job search training, personal branding and
career transformation system, blending 25 years of
experience as a high tech hiring manager, business
leader, marketing expert, and spiritual practitioner.
InspiredWork helps professionals create their own
inspired work and brand so that they can be happy at work and
love their life. See http://inspiredwork.com for more information.
Prior to InspiredWork, Vicki was the founder and CEO of a
successful real estate investment company and ran a global
marketing agency. Before that, Vicki was VP of Marketing at
several Global 2000 and Inc500 software companies. Earlier in
her career, she launched Java at Sun and was awarded the
Presidents Award. She started her career at Oracle, while
completing her MBA at the University of Chicago. Vicki also has a
Bachelors degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University,
where she was an exchange student in Europe. During her
career, Vicki published numerous articles and presented at
conferences in more than 30 countries.

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Get Hired

Do you ever wish you could find a job you love, a job that is a
good fit, a job where you can just be yourself and be appreciated
for who you are and what you do?
After reading this book, you will learn:
The 3 things successful people do to find a job they love.
The 5 proven steps you need to take to get your dream job.
The 3 ways you can get help from InspiredWork to get
inspired, find a better job and build your expert brand.
I wrote this book because job transitions happen to everyone.
They are so common that in the U.S., professionals currently
average 11 job transitions by the age of 381. Yet, despite their
frequency, I found that most people are devastated by each and
every job transition and dont know how to get through them
without causing themselves and their loved ones lots of pain.
Not surprisingly, job transitions have been an all too common
pain for me, my family and friends. When I was 16, I experienced
the emotional pain first hand when I saw my Dad lose his job
after 41 years. That was the day he lost his self-esteem and
never recovered. Then, I watched helplessly as my close friends

U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, 2014

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went through painful job transitions. Finally, after some early

career success, I too went through a personal job loss.
Unfortunately, it was at the very beginning of the Dot Com Bust
in Silicon Valley. I ended up going through 16 total full-time job
and consulting project transitions. Each time, it was painful and I
felt like it was worse than the previous one. I thought, Why does
this keep happening to me?
But, then I realized something truly amazing. I realized that job
transitions didnt have to be painful. Job transitions were lifes
way of telling me it was time for something better. As my best
friend pointed out, I was finding ways to quickly pick myself up
and find new jobs all the time. Plus, I had learned a lot about how
to find a job by using my insights as a hiring manager and a high
tech marketing expert. So, I finally realized that although job
transitions happen, they dont need to be painful. In fact, I
realized that job transitions can be embraced as positive
opportunities to find a better job where you can learn, share your
unique talents and be happier.
The key is not just to find another job, the key is to find a
job that moves you; a job that inspires you and moves you
closer to the vision you have for your life! There is more to
work than just paying the bills and you can find a job that
is both lucrative and fulfilling.

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This book is an invitation to embrace your job transition as an

opportunity, and to learn and master how to find a better job as
an important life skill. It is possible to find a job you love, your
InspiredWork. Shall we begin?

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What is the best way to find a

job you love?
To answer this question practically, lets consider this. Put
yourself in the hiring managers shoes. You have a choice of
two candidates for your open position.
The first candidate, lets call her Amy, was referred to you by a
senior member of your team, who has worked with Amy before
when she was doing the exact same position for one of the
largest high tech companies in the industry. You also worked at
that company earlier in your career and have had good success in
hiring talent from them for your current employer. Since Amy
was referred to you and she has the proven experience you are
seeking, you are excited to have her come in for the face-to-face
interview with you and your team. Before the interview, you see
her as the clear front runner for the job. During the interview,
however, Amy angrily says she hates her current boss and just
wants to get away from him and that is one of the main reasons
she is willing to consider your opening. Next, she demands to
know when she will be promoted, since she is not satisfied with
her current job level, which is the same level of the position she
is interviewing for. Then, she proceeds to say that she wont
consider anything less than a specific salary, which is higher than
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what her current employer is paying her now. At the end of the
interview, you feel really uncomfortable with Amy and so do
others who interview her. You are not surprised when you dont
receive a thank you e-mail or call from Amy afterwards.
The second candidate, lets call him Matt, applied to the position
through your companys website and is unknown to anyone within
the company. He has less experience than Amy for the position
and is currently working at a no name company in the industry.
On paper, he doesnt look as good as Amy, but his resume and
cover e-letter are extremely well done. During the interview, Matt
connects with you immediately and you are impressed with his
eye contact, poise, listening skills and maturity. Also, he seems
really excited about the opportunity even though it is an entry
level position in your department. You really like Matt and his
positive, can-do energy and so do the others who interview him.
To your surprise, a few hours after the interview, you receive a
call from the office receptionist saying you have a package to pick
up. The package is a beautifully wrapped PowerBar with a
handwritten thank you card from Matt saying he would love to
empower you and the team. Since the position is in the
marketing department, his creativity went over big with
Which candidate do you choose?

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Please note that the choice you are making is one that I as a VP
of Marketing had to make in real life. So, you may also be
interested to know that I chose Matt and so did the entire hiring
team including the Senior Director of Corporate Marketing who
had referred Amy originally.
Why didnt Amy get the job?
Amy had a great start with her referral and proven experience,
but no one liked her. We all agreed that she had really bad
energy. Despite her experience and knowledge, she was very
negative and none of us could imagine working with her. Also,
since she was so focused on whats in it for me, I didnt think
she would be a good fit for our culture and I didnt trust her to
honor our companys win-win values.
What can we learn from Amy and putting ourselves in the hiring
managers shoes?
Here is what I learned most from this experience.
Energy matters. As the old saying goes, it is not just what you
do, but how you do it that matters. People want to work with
people they like. People want to work with and be around
positive people.
Both common sense and real life experience shows us that the
#1 way to land a job you love is to be positive and radiate
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good energy. That way, people will be more likely to want to

work with you.
It totally makes sense.
However, 99% of the job search books on the market dont talk
about energy at all. They dont talk about why good energy is
important. They dont give practical advice on how to raise your
energy. They dont provide insights into how to maintain positive
energy throughout the job search process.
I didnt understand how they could miss the most important
ingredient in finding a job you love.
So, I decided that I needed to do something to fill the gap.
After all, I have been on both sides of the hiring table many,
many times in the last 25 years. As a high tech hiring manager, I
successfully hired over 140 team members and worked with inhouse and independent recruiters. Also, I have personally gone
through 16 job and/or consulting project transitions plus I have
helped many friends and family members go through their job
transitions and career counseling. To fill the gap, I went back and
looked at what worked. I also looked at what didnt work and I
looked at what made all of the difference in the world not just to
getting a job but getting a job I loved.
What did I find?
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When I analyzed all of my hiring and job transition experiences

plus my familys, friends and colleagues job hiring and transition
experiences, I found that there were three things that people did
to find a job they really loved.
You know the first one, which is being positive and radiating good
energy. Thats what we learned from Amy. People hire people
they like and want to work with. People hire people who are
positive and have good energy.
I discovered that the second ingredient to finding a job you love
is to be authentic. It turns out that employers prefer people who
are honest, confident and real, which means that you need to
know who you are and who you are becoming in order to get that
job you love.
The third ingredient to finding a job you love is to be your best
and put your best foot forward. It turns out that people prefer
people who care enough to present themselves and their work in
the best possible way. It shows they respect themselves, their
work and those around them enough to make the effort.
After my in-depth research, I concluded that these three
ingredients could easily be called Law of Choice Principles
because they really indicate how most of us choose the people we
invite into our lives.

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Try these Law of Choice Principles out for yourself.

Lets say that you are dating seriously and looking for someone to
marry. Would you ever consider choosing someone who you
didnt like and whose energy didnt resonate with you? Would you
ever consider choosing someone who is phony and is so insecure
that he or she is lying for fear you wont like him or her? Would
you ever consider marrying someone who doesnt make any
effort to be their best?
You probably wouldnt consciously choose a person who had low
energy, was not authentic and didnt make an effort to be his or
her best.
The same would be true if you were choosing a friend or hiring
someone to your team.
Its true that most people make decisions emotionally within a
few minutes and then justify their decisions based on reasons
they make up after the fact.
So, I concluded that the best three ways to find a job you
love are to:
Be positive and radiate good energy.
Be authentic.
Be your best and put your best foot forward.

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Notice that these principles are all states of being. Its possible
that when we change who we are being, we can change how we
are doing what we are doing and ultimately we can change what
we attract and who and what we have in our lives.
Again, what I learned from my in-depth research was that by
being more positive, authentic and putting our best foot forward,
you have a much better chance of finding a job you love, a job
that resonates with who you truly are.
Having discovered the three Law of Choice principles, the next
step was to incorporate them into a proven, step-by-step process
for getting a job you love. I call this the InspiredWork
System, since it is based on the universal energy, Law of
Choice Principles.

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The InspiredWork System is a proven,

5-step job search program.
Get Hired & Find a Job You Love

Personal Job Search

Alignment &

Inspired Vision

Daily Rhythm

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The InspiredWork System has five steps.

Step 1: Put your job loss into perspective with a new
positive mindset.
Emotionally process the pain of losing your job and embrace
the job transition as an opportunity for something better.
Step 2: Create a daily rhythm plan.
Determine how you will spend your time and energy during
the job search process.
Step 3: Create a soul-inspired vision.
Discover who you are and who you want to become.
Step 4: Align and package yourself and your job search
Align your home environment (subconscious).
Align and upgrade style to your vision.
Align and upgrade your communications to your new vision.
Step 5: Create and run a personal job search campaign.
Systematically find the most opportunities.
Interview professionally yet soulfully.
Make a heart-centered job choice.

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How does the InspiredWork System relate

to the Law of Choice Principles?
The InspiredWork System is the step-by-step process that I
recommend job seekers take if they want to find a job they love.
Each step is organized so you are doing the right things in the
right order.
The Law of Choice Principles are built into the five-steps of the
InspiredWork System. Specifically, InspiredWork System steps
one, two and five are designed to help you raise and maintain
good energy. Step three is designed to help you be authentic.
Steps four and five are designed to help you be your best and put
your best foot forward.
The InspiredWork System is designed to help job seekers bounce
back, raise and manage their energy, create an inspired vision,
align their home (internal programming/subconscious), style and
communications (external packaging) and successfully create and
run a personal job search campaign so they can find a job they
The InspiredWork System is truly unique because it integrates my
experiences as a high tech hiring manager, marketing expert and
a spiritual practitioner.
Lets take it step by step.
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Step one is to put your job loss into

perspective with a positive mindset.
It may sound weird that you need to step back before stepping
forward to start hunting for a job. But when I didnt do this, I
caused myself a lot of unnecessary pain and delays.
One time, for example, I didnt take time to process my job loss
emotionally and focused on getting a job instead. It seemed like a
good idea when I got a job interview with a CEO hiring manager
within a month, but then I bungled the interview by being overly
defensive about my job transition.
Guess what? I didnt get that job.
By not putting my job loss into perspective up front, I actually
delayed getting a new job by at least 6 weeks. Plus, I felt more
pain and more like a victim than in other job transitions when I
did take the time to put it into perspective.
If you agree intuitively that it makes sense to put your job loss
into perspective, then youll want to try these simple steps.
Know you are not alone and that job transitions happen to
everyone. Use one of five proven methodologies (storytelling,
journaling, self-care, Tonglen meditation, positive affirmations
and/or reframing and gratitude) to process your job loss
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emotionally. Find the silver lining in the job transition and then
celebrate it as a blessing.
Once you have accepted and embraced the transition as an
opportunity, you are ready to move on to step two in the
InspiredWork System.
Putting your job search into perspective helps eliminate most of
your initial negative energy about the job transition. But, you still
need a plan.

Step two is your job search daily rhythm

This plan covers how you will use your time and maintain your
energy throughout the job search.
Everyone has the same number hours in the day. But not
everyone uses their time effectively. Many job seekers dont use
their time effectively. In fact, many job seekers dont have a plan
for how to use their time and dont have a plan to keep their
energy positive.
Dont fall into the trap of not managing your time and energy.
Remember a key success factor in finding a job you love in being
positive and putting your best foot forward. So, take time to
create your daily rhythm plan or InspiredWork Plan to
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proactively and effectively manage your time and energy during

the entire job search process.
A personalized job search daily rhythm plan will help you find the
best possible job quickly. Also, your plan will help you raise and
maintain your energy level throughout the job search no matter
how long it takes and how many setbacks arise.
And if you want to play full out, then your plan will help you
establish new daily habits or rhythms that you can keep using
after you start your new job.
It normally takes 30 days to create a habit. Since most job
searches take one month per $10,000 of income, then most job
searches are longer than 30 days.
Why not use this job transition to transform your life for the
better by adopting daily rhythms that help you raise and maintain
your energy both during the job search and afterwards when you
have a job you love?
The added bonus is that the better your energy, the more you are
stepping into your highest, most loving self. The more loving you
are to yourself and others, the more likely you will be to attract a
job you love.

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Here is an example of a daily rhythm plan that works REALLY well

for people who are between jobs. This plan helps you maintain
your energy and time effectively.

A big mistake unemployed professionals make is not having a

game plan for how to use their time. Most people just spend time
on LinkedIn and then apply to every job they can find online.
With the daily rhythm plan, job seekers can proactively manage
both their energy and their time.
Once you have your daily rhythm plan in place, its time to get
crystal clear on who you want to become and what type of job
and life you want.

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Step three is to create your InspiredWork

During the time you have carved out of your daily rhythm plan
for doing your job search, you will start by creating an
InspiredWork Vision for yourself using a few, simple steps.
You know the saying, If you dont know where you are going,
any direction will do.
Well, many job seekers are so desperate to get a new job that
they just run after the exact same type of job as their previous
one even if it is NOT a good fit for them.
If you want to find a job quickly, that may be an okay strategy.
But, if you truly want to find a job you love, please explore this
The InspiredWork System takes a really practical approach to
creating an InspiredWork Vision in a few simple steps. You start
with your current job profile and add your latest job experience,
skills, etc... Then, you turn your profile into an inspired one
where you include your values, style, job environment
preferences, etc... Next, you reflect on your soul purpose to
determine if you want to expand your vision.
Now you have your very own InspiredWork Vision.
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One benefit of completing the InspiredWork Vision step is that

you end up with an inspired profile that you can use to update all
of your job search materials including your LinkedIn profile,
resume, cover letters, social media pages, website, etc The
second benefit is that you turn your inspired profile into a
compelling Vision Deck that you can use every day to guide your
intentions and inspire your job search.
Now that you have an InspiredWork vision, its time to use your
job search hours to ensure you are aligned and putting your best
foot forward to make that vision a reality.

Step four is all about alignment and

Ive repeatedly found that if we want a new and different job, we
need to make sure that we present ourselves in a new way, a
way that supports our new vision.
As many of us have learned, even if you are clear on what you
want, it doesnt always happen.
Sometimes we dont get what we want because we simply
havent upgraded our packaging. When I wanted to become a
people manager at Sun Microsystems, I had all of the technical
and functional skills and even some experience at Oracle
managing people.
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However, my mentor advised me to update my wardrobe. She

recommended that I dress like an executive, if I wanted to be
seriously considered for a promotion.
I took my mentors advice and upgraded my wardrobe, hair style,
grooming, accessories, etc I got the promotion and I learned a
valuable lesson. I learned that sometimes the outer needs to
show up before the inner can. I also learned that you need to
always put your best foot forward. And as your vision changes of
who you want to become, it often necessitates changing your
packaging including your style and your communications.
Another reason that we dont get what we want is because our
subconscious mind is stuck on the old habits. If we dont align our
subconscious to our new vision, then there is a very high chance
that it will sabotage our efforts to find something better for
Since we dont want to limit ourselves to our past patterns, this
alignment and packaging step also includes aligning our home
environment using Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a universal system
that describes how objects affect energy and how that energy
affects you and your life. It is based on universal energy laws so
it always works. Personally, Ive found Feng Shui to be a really
practical way to shift pain and energy and reprogram your new
intentions into your subconscious.

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With this fourth step, you are aligning your outer environment to
your inner intentions. This step helps you remove unconscious
blocks and consciously energize your InspiredWork Vision.
There are three areas in your home that can negatively impact
your job search. The first is the career area and is located at the
center of your homes entrance (see Feng Shui Energy/Bagua
Map below). The second is the wealth area and that is located at
the northwest corner of your home. The third is your home office
or place you apply for jobs within your home or apartment.

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Here are three easy tips to energize these areas and support your
job search effort. First, remove all clutter from these areas. For
example, if your bookcase is overflowing with books, then that
sends a message to your subconscious mind that you are
overwhelmed and cant take on anything new. Thats not a good
mental program to be running when you are looking for a new
Next, clean the areas while mentally repeating a simple intention
like I am cleaning and making room for a fulfilling new job that
uses my gifts and generates abundance for the well-being of all.
Finally, energize these areas by making them inviting to be in
(e.g., add a positive career image, healthy plant, photo of
yourself smiling and/or fountain, which promotes the flow of
Using Feng Shui is a very practical way to shift your energy and
help align your subconscious mind to help attract your intention.
Try it and see what happens!
If you are looking for a job that is a different level, different role
or even a different industry, then you really need to do this step
to align or re-align your home environment (subconscious), your
style and communications (outer packaging).

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If you have your vision and dont want to wait to start your actual
job hunting, then skip this step for now. You can always come
back to it during the job hunt when you have a lull and cannot
find more jobs to apply to and just need to do something
different with your job search time.
When you align your home environment (subconscious), style
and communications, you are consciously putting your best foot
forward and ensuring you are presenting the new you to the
world. This step will help you become the new you. It will also
help give hiring managers confidence that you are the right fit for
that new job you love.

Step five is to create and successfully run a

personal job search campaign.
The last step in the InspiredWork System is to create and run a
successful job search campaign. The InspiredWork Campaign is
a critical step where job seekers often make a lot of mistakes.
For example, my friends and I have all gotten attached to jobs we
were interviewing for and stopped looking for additional
opportunities. When we didnt get the job we wanted, we didnt
have a pipeline of other opportunities. So, we delayed our job
searches considerably.

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Probably the most damaging mistake job seekers make is to do

ad-hoc job hunting versus having a systematic approach to
finding a better job. The main reason that most job seekers dont
have a systematic approach is because they dont really know
how to look for a job. They only know how to apply for existing
job openings.
Thanks to the digital age, an average job will have 5-10 times
more applicants than before. This is a double edged sword for job
hunters. On the one hand, having more jobs online with clear
online applications makes it easier to apply to more jobs. On the
other hand, it means that hiring managers and recruiters have a
bigger pool of applicants to choose from.
Due to the new dynamics in recruiting and hiring, you really are
shooting yourself in the foot if you dont know how to create and
run a successful personal job search campaign.
A campaign is a systematic program. It is most commonly used in
marketing. Marketing leaders need to systematically find new
prospects to buy their companys products.
Successful marketing campaigns are authentic (their products or
services can deliver on the value proposition marketed). Success
marketing campaign are multi-method (their products and
services are marketed via multiple communication vehicles

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depending on what stage of the buying cycle people are in such

as infographics, videos, special reports, case studies, etc..).
Successful marketing campaigns are also multi-channel (their
products and services marketing communications are distributed
via multiple venues such as YouTube, company website, PRWeb,
Facebook, Twitter, Google ads, e-mail, etc...)
Your personal job search campaign needs to be like a
successful marketing campaign. It needs to be authentic,
multi-method and multi-channel.
Hopefully you see why it makes sense to take proven marketing
campaigns and apply them to the job search process. After all,
marketing is marketing. The only difference is that the product
you are marketing is you.
To support the uniqueness of marketing you, you will personalize
your job search based on your vision and you will also incorporate
job search success principles for the digital, knowledge and
spiritual age we now live in.
Once you have created your personal job search strategy, you
will begin implementation immediately. At this stage, you will be
using your job search time within your daily rhythm to do market
research, networking, apply to published and unpublished job

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openings, and to work with recruiters and influencers in your

industry until you secure some responses.
You will also be evaluating what is working and what else you can
try to increase your response rates. You will be refining the job
search materials you created during step four based on market
Also, you will be preparing for and conducting interviews, doing
post-interview communications, negotiating offers and selecting a
job you love.
To give you a better idea, here is an example of the elements you
will want to include in your personal job search campaign or
InspiredWork Campaign.

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When you embrace an inspired job search process, you know who
you are becoming, you dont pretend to be someone you are not
just to get the job, you are being your highest self and you are
attracting better opportunities opportunities that resonate with
your vision and your heart.
This system helps you to master the modern job search and
career transformation process as a lifelong skill. Having followed
these steps, you will know that if you ever need to look for a job
or take a critical look at your career you will be armed with the
tools you need to make it a quick and successful transition.
Plus, you will feel confident that you are now on a new, more
inspired path. You will look forward to working at a job you love
and will enjoy your life every day with your newly adopted daily
rhythms that support your success.

By now I hope you can see your job transition as a positive
opportunity to find a job you love, a job where you can be
yourself, share your unique talents and enjoy the ride.
In this book, weve covered the three best ways to find a job you
love by being positive, being authentic and being your best. I call

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these the Law of Choice Principles as most hiring managers

make their choices emotionally based on these principles.
Weve also described the five proven steps you need to take to
find your dream job without incurring any unnecessary pain or
delays. This 5-step InspiredWork System is the only program
that is designed based on the Law of Choice Principles.
Specifically, the InspiredWork System helps you put your job
transition into perspective, establish a daily rhythm plan, create
an InspiredWork Vision, align your environment, style and
communications and run a successful personal job search or
career transformation campaign.
If this inspirational approach to finding a job you love resonates
with you, then there are three ways we can work together to help
you manifest your InspiredWork.
First, we offer an intensive 8-week training program called
InspiredWork Job Search. This program is available as a live
online group training program or as a 1:1 VIP coaching program.
Either way, we are committed to help you find your best possible
job. To learn more, visit http://inspiredwork.com/job-search/
Second, we offer do-it-with-you InspiredWork personal
branding services where we help you create your personal brand
and optimize your LinkedIn profile, create your personal brand

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website and/or create and maintain your personal brand blog. To

learn more, visit http://inspiredwork.com/branding/

Third, we offer free inspirational quotes and career advice

through our InspiredWork Inspirations blog. To join, visit
We look forward to helping you create your InspiredWork and
To your inspired success!

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Copyright 2015 InspiredWork

All rights reserved. This report or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, redistributed
or used in any manner whatsoever other than its intended purpose for personal viewing
without the express written permission of the authors. You may download and print this
report for your own personal reading. If you wish to share this report with someone, please
direct them to my website where they may sign up for their own copy.

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