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In this problem set, you will use regression analysis to model the climate of

different areas and try to find evidence of global warming. You will create
models to analyze and visualize climate change in terms of temperature.
Please do not rename the files we provide you with, change any of the provided
helper functions, change function/method names, or delete provided docstrings.
You will need to keep data.csv in the same folder as
To model the change in climate of an area, you will need some data. For this
problem set, we will use temperature data obtained from the National Centers
for Environmental Information (NCEI). The data, stored in data.csv , contains
the daily maximum and minimum temperatures observed in 21 U.S. cities from
1961 to 2015. Open the file, and take a look at the raw data.
In order to parse the raw data, in w e have implemented a helper class
Climate. You can initialize an instance of the Climate class by providing the
filename of the raw data. Look over this class and read its docstrings to figure
out how to get data for the following problems.

Problem 1
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Problem 1: Curve Fitting

15.0 points possible (graded)
Implement the generate_models function.

x and y are two lists corresponding to the x-coordinates and ycoordinates of the data samples (or data points); for example, if you have N data
points, x = [x1 , x2 , ..., xN ] and y = [y1 , y2 , ..., yN ],
where x_i and y_i are the x and y coordinate of the i-th data points. In this
problem set, each x coordinate is an integer and corresponds to the year of a
sample (e.g., 1997); each corresponding y coordinate is a float and represents
the temperature observation (will be computed in multiple ways) of that year in
Celsius. This representation will be used throughout the entire problem set.

degs is a list of integers indicating the degree of each regression model

that we want to create. For each model, this function should fit the data (x,y) to a
polynomial curve of that degree.

This function should return a list of models. A model is the numpy 1d

array of the coefficients of the fitting polynomial curve. Each returned model
should be in the same order as their corresponding integer in degs.
print(generate_models([1961, 1962, 1963],[4.4,5.5,6.6],[1,
Should print something close to:
[array([ 1.10000000e+00,
2.15270000e+03]),array([ 6.83828238e14,1.10000000e+00,
The above example was generating a linear and a quadratic curve on data
samples (xi, yi ) = (1961, 4.4), (1962, 5.5), and (1963, 6.6). The resulting models
are in the same order as specified in degs. Note that it is fine you did not get the
exact number because of numerical errors.
Note: If you want to use numpy arrays, you should import numpy as np and
use np.METHOD_NAME in your code. Unfortunately, pylab does not work with
the grader.

Problem 2
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Problem 2: R^2
10.0 points possible (graded)
After we create some regression models, we also want to be able to evaluate our
models to figure out how well each model represents our data, and tell good
models from poorly fitting ones. One way to evaluate how well the model
describes the data is computing the model's R^2 value. R^2 provides a measure
of how well the total variation of samples is explained by the model.
Implement the function r_squared. This function will take in:

list, y, that represents the y-coordinates of the original data samples

estimated, which is a corresponding list of y-coordinates estimated from

the regression model
This function should return the computed R^2 value. You can compute R^2 as
follows, where ei is the estimated y value for the i-th data point (i.e. predicted by
the regression), yi is the y value for the ith data point, and mean is the mean of
the original data samples.

If you are still confused about R^2 , its wikipedia page has a good explanation
about its use/how to calculate it.
Note: If you want to use numpy arrays, you should import numpy as np and
use np.METHOD_NAME in your code. Unfortunately, pylab does not work with
the grader.

Problem 3
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Problem 3
5.0 points possible (graded)
We have learned how to obtain a numerical metric for evaluation. Visualizing our
data samples along with fitting curves can also help us figure out the goodness
of obtained models. In this problem, we will integrate the numerical metrics and
visualization for a comprehensive evaluation.
Implement function evaluate_models_on_training. This function takes as
input your data samples (x and y) and the list of models (which are lists of
coefficients obtained from generate_models) that you want to apply to your
This function should generate a figure for each model. In this figure, you are to
plot your data along with your best fit curve, and report on the goodness of the
fit with the R^2 value. When you are writing this function try to make your graph
match the following format:

Plot the data points as individual blue dots

Plot your model as a red solid line

Include a title and label your axes

Your title should include the value of your model and the R^2 degree of
this model. Your title could be longer than your graph. To fix that you can add
"\n", which adds a newline to your string, in your title when you concatenate
several pieces of information (e.g., title = string_a + "\n" + string_b ).
After you finish writing the function, you have all the components needed to
start generating data samples from the raw temperature records and investigate
the trend. Run the following code at the bottom
# Problem 3
y = []
for year in INTERVAL_1:
y.append(raw_data.get_daily_temp('BOSTON', 1, 10, year))
models = generate_models(x, y, [1])
evaluate_models_on_training(x, y, models)
This code just randomly picks a day from a year (i.e., Jan 10th in this case), and
sees whether we can find any trend in the temperature changing over the years.
We surmise, due to global warming, that the temperature of this specific date
should increase over time. This code generates your data samples; each sample

represents a year from 1961 to 2005 (i.e., the years in INTERVAL_1) and the
temperature of Jan 10th for Boston in that year (provided helper class is helpful
for this). The code fits your data to a linear line with generate_models and
plots the regression results with evaluate_models_on_training.
What is the R^2 value? (use 3 decimal places)

Problem 4
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Problem 4-1
5.0 points possible (graded)

Let's try another way to get data points and see whether we can find some
evidence for global warming. We surmise, due to global warming, the average
temperature should increase over time. Thus, we are going to plot the results of
a linear regression on the average annual temperature of Boston.
In a similar manner to Problem 3, fill in the missing piece to the following code.
The code should generate your data samples. Each sample represents a year
from 1961 to 2005 and the average annual temperature in Boston in that year
(again, the provided helper class is helpful). Fit your data to a linear line with
generate_models and plot the regression results with
y = []
models = generate_models(x1, y, [1])
evaluate_models_on_training(x1, y, models)
Which of the following is the correct missing code?

for year in INTERVAL_1:

y.append(numpy.mean(get_yearly_temp('BOSTON', year)))

for year in INTERVAL_2:

y.append(numpy.mean(get_yearly_temp('BOSTON', year)))

for year in INTERVAL_1:

1961, 2005)))

for year in INTERVAL_1:

y.append(numpy.mean(raw_data('BOSTON', year)))

for year in INTERVAL_1:


for year in INTERVAL_2:


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Problem 4-2
5.0 points possible (graded)
What is the R^2 value? (use 3 decimal places)

Problem 5
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Problem 5
4.0 points possible (graded)

Which graph, choosing a specific day (Jan 10) or calculating the yearly average,
indicates that almost none of the data variation is learned by our model?
choosing a specific day

calculating the yearly average


Which graph, choosing a specific day (Jan 10) or calculating the yearly average,
supports more the claim that global warming is leading to an increase in
choosing a specific day

calculating the yearly average

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