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Brandon Zulueta

Ms. Batty
English 28
Reflection on Revision: Argumentative Essay
One of the major comments about my argumentative essay is that its mostly a research
paper than an argumentative. To not make it a research paper, I picked a side about how animal
testing is a bad thing because, they were being abused. I found more quotes from research
articles that supports ideas against animal cruelty and testing. One of the quotes I found that
supported the arguments is that animals are like people, like they can feel, think, etc. Like my
Narrative essay, I fixed the formatting to MLA and included a works cited page. I also checked
the paper again for misspelled words and any grammar issues within the essay. I put a thesis that
is more debatable to understand of what Im trying to say. Like, my essay sounds like I was
siding on neutral or both sides but now, I sided with one side. I had a some scholarly sources but
I needed to find or get more and I did that by doing a bit more research about animal testing and
most of them were articles. When I did this essay, it was hard to type the paper at first because, I
know what side to write about but finding articles supporting my argument was difficult.

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