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: Find your best friend!

Visual Aid

: Power point slides

General Purpose

: To persuade

Specific Purpose

: To persuade my audience to find best friend as

much as they can.

Central Idea

: Observe many people in Malaysia normally afraid to

have many best friend because the scare to have
best friend which only will comes to them when they
need help.


Based on statistic in my slide we know that mostly one person only

have one best friend which is 47%. For two best friend is 37% and
more than three best friend is 16% and not have any best friend is
This show that people in Malaysia normally afraid to have many best


friend because the scare to have best friend which only will comes

to them when they need help.

The reason why I choose this topic because I want you to have many
best friend as much as you can because friendship bonding is


something special like family bonding.

I fail to agree with some people which leave their friend because of
their relationship goal.

A. Get many advice to solve problem
1. When you have big problem, usually you cannot think clearly

2. I believe you should know that you need to talk with your friend.
Exchange suggestion to solve the problem. Sometimes your
friend have been through that problem
3. Normally best friends will speak true sentences and express true
4. It will help you to find solution in short time
5. You will have more support in your life

B. Help you to reach your goals.

1. I strongly agree that, Best friend will support whatever good
thing you want to achieve
2. they will boost you when you want to give up
3. sometimes they willing to sacrifice time and effort to help you
get whatever goal in your life
4. example goal like quit smoking and score in study
5. in the real life, you always need somebody to support you
especially family. But it will be an extra when you have your best

C. Easy to find job

1. As you know, today is so difficult to find job that you really want
2. You need to find connection as much as you can. When you have
many friend working at many field, it will help you to know many
better offer jobs

3. Sometimes high ranking job usually not publish publicly and open
only for short time
4. If your friend working at that company, they will tell you if in their
working company have vacancy
5. It will help you to find job that you really want as soon as you


As a conclusion, we must have many best friend, it will give many benefits to you
such as get advice to solve problem,help you to reach your goal and easy to find job.
You must try to open your heart to make many best friend as you can.


1. Ken Y-N (2014, January 11),how many friend do you have, Retrieved
2. Allison renner (2011), 7 Reasons Why You Need To Make Friends At
Work, Retrieved from
3. Barton Debra (2012,January 27), Letting Go Of Friends, Retrieved

4. Whitbourne Susan Kraus (2013,Mac 26), Fifteen Reasons We Need

Friends:Why and how friends can shape your life, Retrieved from
5. Dash Priyanka (2015), Top 15 Reasons why Friends are Important,
Retrieved from

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