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What are two major epics of Hinduism? Ramayana and Mahabharatha

Which yuga did Ramanaya occur? Tretayuga
Who first wrote Ramayana? Valmiki
Who are Dasharathas wives? Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi
How many Vedas are there? Four
What are the names of the Vedas? Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva
What are the ten avatharas? Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana,
Parashurama, Rama, Bala Rama, Krishna and Kalki.
8. Who is Ramas father? Dasaratha
9. Who is Ramas mother? Kausalya
10. Where was Rama born? Ayodhya
11. Who are Ramas brothers? Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna
12. Who is Lakshmanas mother? Sumitra
13. Who is Shatrugnas mother? Smitra
14. Who is Bharathas mother? Kaikeyi
15. Who is Valis son? Angada
16. What did Rama send to find Sita thru Anjaneya? Ring
17. What did Sita send back? Chutamani
18. Who wrote Mahabharatha? Vyasa
19. Who was the first teacher of Rama? Vishvamitra
20. Who was kula guru of Rama? Vashishta
21. Who was Lakshmanas wife? Urmila
22. What is the name of the boatman who helped Rama? Guha
23. What is the name of the old lady who was waiting in Chitrakuda for Rama?
24. What is Ravanas sisters name? Shurpanaga
25. Who came as the golden deer? Maricha
26. What is the name of the bird that fought Ravana? Jatayu
27. What is the name of Jatayus brother? Sampathi
28. Who was Valis brother? Sugriva
29. Who was Sugrivas minister? Hanuman
30. Where did Ravana keep Sita? Ashoka vana
31. Who was Ravanas queen? Mandodari
32. Who is Indrajit? Ravanas son
33. Who killed Kumbhakarna? Rama
34. Name two brothers of Ravana? Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana
35. What is the name of the yuga when Mahabharatha happened? Dwapara yuga
36. Who is Dushyantas wife? Shakuntala
37. Who is Shakuntalas father? Vishwamitra
38. Who brought up Shakuntala? Sage Kanva
39. Who is Shakuntalas mother? Menaka
40. Who is Shakuntalas son? Bharat
41. What is Bhismas original name? Deva Vrata
42. Who is the father of Kauravas? Dhritarashtra
43. Who is the father of Karna? Sun God
44. Who is the father of Yudhishtira? Dharma

45. Who is the father of Bheema? Wind God

46. Who is the father of Arjuna? Indra
47. Who is the mother of Nakula and Sahadeva? Madri
48. Who is the father of Nakula and Sahadeva? Ashwins
49. What was the Capital of Kauravas? Hastinapur
50. Who is the teacher of Kauravas and Pandavas? Dronacharya
51. Who is the father of Dronacharya? Bharadwaja
52. What is the name of the son of Dronacharya? Ashwathama
53. What is the name of the prince who gave his thumb to Drona? Ekalavya
54. Which state did Duryodana give to Karna? Anga
55. What is the name Bheemas son born to Hidimbi? Ghatotkacha
56. What is the name of the demon whom Bheema kills in Ekachakra? Bakasura
57. Who is the wife of Pandavas? Draupadi
58. Who is the charioteer of Dhritarastra? Sanjay
59. What is the capital of Pandavas? Indraprasta
60. In Bhagavat Gita, who teaches who? Krishna teaches Arjuna
61. What is the name of Krishnas conch? Panchajanya
62. What is the name of Arjunas conch? Devadutta
63. What is the name of Bheemas conch? Paundra
64. What is the name of Yudhisthiras conch? Anantavijaya
65. What is the name of Nakulas conch? Sughosa
66. What is the name of Sakhadevas conch? Manipushpaka
67. Where does Mahabharata war take place? Kurushetra
68. Who brought Ganga to earth? Bhagiratha
69. Who are the two asuras who tried to destroy Agasthya? Ilvala and Vatapi
70. What is the name of the King who gave part of his flesh to save a bird? Shibi
71. What is the name of Sukrivas wife? Ruma
72. Name the mountain where Sukriva was staying? Rishyamuka
73. What is the name of Bharathas wife? Mandavi
74. What is the name of Shatrugnas wife? Shrutakirti
75. Who is Abhimanyus father? Arjuna
76. Who is Krishnas sister? Subhadra
77. What is the name of Arjunas bow? Gandiva
78. Who was the charioteer of Arjuna? Krishna
79. What picture was on Arjunas flag? Hanuman
80. Who is Abhimanyus mother? Subhadra
81. Who is Abhimanyus son? Pariksheet

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