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Observation: Carowinds

12:00: Its lunch time. The majority of the people who come in to eat are younger, ages 5-8, with
their parents
12:02: Young kids are pouring in, all exclaiming how hungry they are
12:04: Numerous older folks are coming in to get food
12:06: Teenagers are passing up food to go on more rides
12:08: Two teenagers come in, contemplating whether or not they want food
12:10: The girl decides to order something while the boy goes for a water
12:12: They are eating inside and talking about the roller coasters they just went on
12:14: The girl says she was scared on the last one and the boy laughs saying he would go again
12:16: Two more teenagers join them at the table
12:18: Three small kids all complain that they want chicken fingers
12:20: A mother refuses to buy her kid a tourist cup
12:22: Little boy begins crying because he drops his food on the table
12:24: The teenagers are talking about going to Scarowinds later that night
12:26: The girls say they dont want to go while both boys laugh them off
12:28: The boys tell the girls to man up and that its not that bad
12:30: One boy talks about the clown problem in the state, freaking both girls out
12:32: The other boy says he is afraid of clowns but insists on going to Scarowinds
12:34: A dad yells at his daughter for running away from the table theyre eating at
12:36: The workers are getting stressed because a school group just walked in
12:38: The kids are all very loud and they wont talk one at a time so the workers are losing their
12:40: The one boy is afraid of clowns is being pestered into doing the clown maze
12:42: Both girls are going to buy the dont scare me necklaces and they want the boy to get
one too
12:44: The boy is chickening out and the other boy is pressuring him
12:46: The boy who is afraid of clowns is agreeing to do the clown maze even though he is
12:48: The girls told the boys to go one rides and they will wait
12:50: The boys have left and the girls are now talking about Scarowinds
12:52: Chad is going to be terrified I feel so bad
12:54: The kids are all leaving and the workers dont seem as stressed
12:56: The lunch rush is dying down
12:58: Everyones starting to leave
1:00: The girls have now left
Prideful boys persuaded by peer pressure

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