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Cawley 1

Joey Cawley
History 151
December 11, 2016
Portfolio Reflection
Throughout the semester, we have learned very many things about the United States and
its background. Many of the events of the past have shaped America into the country it is today.
The ideas of many historical figures and people of the past have changed the countries ideas and
made a new start for America after the Revolutionary war. One of the biggest themes presented
when learning about the past of America would be Politics.
When talking about America I would think most people would think of the idea of
freedom. The United States was built off becoming its own country and being free from the
British government and laws. These ideas later presented many new ideas for Americas own
government system and that is why I believe it is the most important aspect when talking about
the countrys history. Even though many people today believe that the United States has some
political issues, especially with many different opinions about the 2016 election this year. But
things are never going to be perfect in politics, so searching for answers by learning about
history is helpful. An example of this would be when Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana
territory. His purpose for this was simply to expand out west and to provide enough farming jobs
for every white man in the country. The problem is though that eventually you will run out of
jobs because of many different factors such as population increase. The question remains how to
you fix the problem after it occurs. In an article by The Washington Times it states, The U.S.
government now represents the rich and powerful, not the average citizen, United Press

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International reported (Chumley). Whether that statement is true or not, exploring the past can
help you fix currently problems in todays politics because you will always have change and can
run into political problems. Its important to look at people like Sam Adams and Thomas
Jefferson in module 7 to understand the ideas such as the Boston tea party, Boston massacre, etc.
and the reason that lead to forming Americas political system and how to fix it today.
Secondly, an important reason I feel that the politics of the United states are important is
because of the many ways Americans think when dealing with equality issues. The ideas Phillis
Wheatley in module 6 and David Walker in module 9 presented helped push for the idea of the
right for every person to be created equal after the Revolutionary War. Which later then helped
abolish slavery and give rights for African Americans, as well as women. Even today similar
ideas are presented when talking about race and gender. These ideas can be issues such as
transgenders and gay/lesbian people as well as immigration issues. These things though are dealt
with in politics and that is why it is important to have the knowledge about history in the U.S. to
have your own opinion formed about these types of topics.
Lastly, politics is important when talking about many other topics in the country and the
whole world today. Understanding the ideas of Americas past government can make things like
technology, education, and economy helpful when focusing on improving the America as well as
other countries throughout the world. In module 8 it talks very heavily about the events of the
Revolutionary War. George Washington was a leader of the war and later lead up to becoming
the leader of America. The reason I see this as important is simply because all these events and
ideas lead to the think big step in making the United States a strong country. One of the reason I
believe George Washington was such a strong leader is because he was always looking at the
bigger picture. George Washington even predicted at the end of his presidency that the problem

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America would face is internal conflicts of America and without his opinion about improving the
country things could have been a lot different. Therefore, I think its important to observe the
past and learn how to improve the government and then you can fix other issues, but its
important to take thing a step at a time.
Overall, the idea of learning history of the U.S. or another country in the world can be
beneficial. Having the knowledge of any politic point of view is the smart when you want to
form your own opinion and make a change for you or even the world.

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Annotated Bibliography
Chumley, Cheryl K. "America Is an Oligarchy, Not a Democracy or Republic, University Study
Finds." The Washington Times. The Washington Times, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
This article was used to compare the past U.S. government to the government of today.
Also, used to quote a section of the article to relate to political issues.
Module 6: The Enlightenment "HIST 151: Early America - US History." HIST 151. N.p., n.d.
Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Used to talk about the importance of equality in politics and how Phillis Wheatley helped
Shape the Revolutionary war.
Module 7: Pre-Revolution "HIST 151: Early America - US History." HIST 151. N.p., n.d. Web.
11 Dec. 2016.
Used to talk about the idea of political issues and how Sam Adams made the government
stronger with his ideas and knowledge.
Module 8: Revolutionary War "HIST 151: Early America - US History." HIST 151. N.p., n.d.
Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Used to talk about George Washington and how the effects of the war molded the
government of the past as well as todays government.
Module 9: Aftermath "HIST 151: Early America - US History." HIST 151. N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Dec. 2016.
Used to talk about David Walker and how he shaped equality and the war.

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Module 13: Jefferson "HIST 151: Early America - US History." HIST 151. N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Dec. 2016.
Used to talk about Thomas Jefferson Louisianan Purchase and how it relates to looking
forward to help the course of history as well as politics.
"Why Study History? (1985)." Why Study History? (1985). N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
The article was used to get a bases of ideas of why history is important and why politics
was a particular building block.

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