Psychology of Spirituality

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Aaron Fraley
Psychology of Spirituality


How can spirituality affect someones personal well-being? Many research studies have
indicated that spiritual people tend to be healthier and live longer, but what about the
psychological effects of going to church or being spiritual in general? The mind is such a
powerful thing and it can be amplified through regular spiritual or religious practices or services.
Ethics and moral reasoning can change throughout cultures and time. Spirituality, is also heavily
depends on the presiding culture. A powerful question to ask is, can psychology contribute to
the assessment or attribution of spirituality?

Literature Review:

Religion and spirituality greatly affect the mind. Psychologically speaking, those who are
religious or spiritual in one way or another, tend to be healthier. Not only physically, but
emotionally and mentally as well. Large studies have shown, that those who are spiritual,
experience lower levels of depression and anxiety; display signs of better health, such as lower
blood pressure and fewer strokes; and say they generally feel healthier (Unknown, 1999, p.2).
Ones ability to cope with stressful situations may be linked to the social networks and
comradery thats present in a religious setting. Research has shown that women live longer than

men because they tend to deal with stress differently than men. Men typically deal with stress in
a more psychologically harmful manner. Usually, they keep things to themselves and seek relief
in a variety of unhealthy and indulgent matters (i.e. alcohol, television, drugs, etc.). Women, on
the other hand, follow a more social pattern. They are more likely than men to respond to stress
with a tend-and-befriend style (Shacter, Gilbert, Wegner, Nock, 2014). Religion and religious
activities provide a social network for individuals to acquire motivation, support, and spiritual
and mental nourishment.
Spirituality is the act of drawing closer to God. Religion is institutionized spirituality
(Verghese, 2008, p. 1). These religious institutions can teach individuals how to channel their
poor, struggling, or developing mental health towards more positive, desired outcomes. A recent
study shows that patients who participated in spiritual health care gained faster recovery, better
self-control and self-esteem, and a new sense of meaning.
Although participating can increase or improve ones mental health and well-being, it does not
imply that a person would be mentally less healthy, or less able to attribute meaning. (Belzen,
2009, p. 216) It simply suggests that connecting to the inner, spiritual self can fortify and
strengthen the mind and its willpower.


Spirituality or the spirit, is something thats very real to me. Its so real, that the spirituality I
have has changed who I am, in a very real sense. My spirituality is what makes me, me! I had the
opportunity to connect with God and my spirit during a two-year mission, serving in the
Caribbean. I spent a full two years, working on becoming more and more sensitive to spiritual

things. As I did, my countenance began to change. I could almost tangibly feel and visibly see a
glow radiating from my person. I see that glow in others grow brighter and brighter as my
comrades and I would help others do the same.
I was happy. I was healthy. Surprisingly, probably the healthiest Ive ever been. My mind was
always alert. Intellectually, I was, quick on my feet. The progress in spirituality made it easier
and easier to bear the hardships and trials we faced during those two years. Depression and
anxiety were swept away and easily defeated as I drew closer to God and acquired a deeper
relationship with him and my inner self. My service and own self-mastery greatly and
positively affected my personal psychological well-being.

In conclusion, spirituality is a vague concept, but its been proven to aid people in maintaining
good and positive mental health. Its difficult to say how, because its not something that can be
measured. Its not a tangible item. All we know is that somehow it works and it helps.
Spirituality can help guide the mind and help it adapt to its surroundings. Stress is the leading
cause to mental health ailments, but spiritual behavior can bind a broken psyche.
This is a topic that Ive felt passionate about. If theres one thing I do know, its that there are
things in this life that simply are incomprehensible to us, especially in science. This was a hard
topic because there is very little research and findings available to study. How can we measure
something that doesnt exist in the realm of science? We just cant. 50% of the research I found
conflicted with the other half. The only research I could trust, were the ones that coincided with
my own personal experiences.
If anything, religion was established to provide hope. Hope, simply an internal change within

the mind towards a more optimistic outcome, can lead us to change. Now, is the mind connected
to something? Is it our personality? Our heart? Or our spirit? All the above? If the mind is to be
understood, the spirit must be as well.
I believe that those struggling with depression or ways of managing their stress more
effectively, can benefit greatly from some sort of inner spiritual activity. Psychology and
spirituality share an interesting relationship. I personally dont believe one can function properly
without the other. Those who are spiritually healthy are psychologically healthy.

Works Cited
Caplan, P. M. (n.d.). Psychology and Spirituality: One Path or Two? Retrieved December 11,
2016, from
Culliford, L. (2010). The Psychology of Spirituality: An Introduction. London: Jessica Kingsley
Belzen, J. A. (2009). Studying the specificity of spirituality: Lessons from the psychology of
religion. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12(3), 205-222. doi:10.1080/13674670802456606
Lyon, M. (n.d.). The Top 10 Benefits of Spiritual Practice. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
Spirituality May Help People Live Longer. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

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