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7/1/14 to 6/30/17
North American University
Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Name: Seher Kose

Date: December 11th, 2016

This template is adapted from


ESC Region: 4
State: TX
Zip code: 77479
Contact Phone: (281) 634-1000
# of Campuses: 75
# of Classrooms: 4600
Total # of Student Enrollment: 69900
Size of the District: 50,000 and over
Economically Disadvantaged: 37.41%
High-Speed Internet Availability Percentage of Campuses : 100.00%
High-Speed Internet Availability Percentage of Classrooms : 100.00%
Student/Computer Ratio: 4 student(s) per computer
Teacher/Computer Ratio: 1 teacher(s) per computer

The Committee for Technology Planning

Chief Information Officer: Long Pham
Digital Learning Director: Lynette Meyer
Digital Learning Coordinator: Dr. Allegra McGre
Coordinator, Career and Technology Education Coordinator: Linda Creech
Technical Services Director: Jojo Jacob

Student Information Services: Lisa Mirza

Applications Development and Management Director: Mitzi Patin
Remote Services Manager: David Major
Digital Learning Coordinator: Corlette Hill
Library Media Services Coordinator: Suzanne Lyons
Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
According to Lockard on her article about technology plan, it is a great
investment a school or a district can do in order to enhance teachers' technology
proficiency and students' learning. Thats why we tried our best to prepare an
efficient and well organized technology plan to increase the effectiveness of the
technology use in our district.
Also from the research we made, there were some recommendations for
technology planning; for example the planning should meet the objectives, so we
did plan our technology tools and media in a way that we can address our
objectives. Another recommendation was students computerized academic
behavior and fruitfulness of the assessment. Which I believe is a key point
throughout the technology plan because students are already willing to use
technology and it engages them more easily however its effectiveness, academic
benefits and the assessments quality were our concern. In order to meet the
need of efficient technology use we designed our technology plan and there are
many assessment tools, software and educational media, digital resources and
online subscriptions to fulfill the technology usage with academic purposes.
Lockard, L. (n.d.). Collaborative Technology Planning: The Impact of
Technology Plans on Students' and Teachers' Learning. T H E Journal
(Technological Horizons In Education).
Al-Mallah, S. T., & Al-Malik, A. (2000). Learnability vs. Assessment
Competency as a Constitutive Step for Planning Improvement in
Technology Education.


The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools.

What technology is currently available to all teachers?

Each teacher has a computer available to them in their classrooms. Also every
classroom is equipped with projector, document camera, interactive whiteboards,

How is technology being used to provide powerful learning

opportunities, especially for special-needs students and students
who required additional resources to improve academic

To address variety of needs, district has those following programs:

Technical Education Center, the M.R. Wood Alternative Education Center, the
Progressive High School, Ferndell Henry Center for Learning and JJAEP
Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of
digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.

How is technology integrated into the curriculum being used to

provide powerful learning opportunities for all students?

For technology integration the disctrict will have many digital resources and
online subscriptions. For elementary grades some of the technology tools will be
used are; Discovery Education, Gale Cengage,, World Book,
NoveList K-8, Gaggle student email, Atomic Learning, Aha Math and Aha
Science. For Secondary grades the technology tools and media include
Discovery Education Streaming,, World Book, Maps 101,
NoveList, Gale Opposing Biography/Viewpoints in Context, ABC-Clio, Gaggle
student email ,

How is technology being used by students in the library media center

and labs?

Library media center has begun to add eBooks to the library collections, as
technology use in library, the district started to purchase of Nooks and now
district has added approximately 1057 Nooks with approximately 11,000 eBooks.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to
the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the
LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.

What are the LEAs curriculum goals and plans for assisting students
to meet content standards and demonstrate college and career

To expand the opportunities for students to be prepared for secondary education,

create awareness and plan a career path, new courses implemented and
especially for all 8 grader students 4 year of career plans will be established. The
technology use for this purpose will be by the use of the COIN career awareness
software, the Achieve Texas model and the development of student portfolios.

How are/will Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) being used

to ensure the quality and implementation of the plan?
Learning communities will be continuing their monthly mandatory trainings
and they will provide opportunities for reviewing the processes, they will
also share best practices by their feedbacks and according to the
procedure they will receive additional training.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address

Internet Safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the

What materials will be used to instruct students about Internet safety,

including how to use technologies to protect themselves and their
privacy online?
For internet Safety and Cyber bulling, district has been fully placed in the PCG
Curriculum Management System.

How will annual training for staff and annual instruction for all
students be tracked, and who will retain proof required under CIPA

District provides leadership support CIPA compliance, for this there are ePlan
development STaR Chart trainings will be organized monthly for throughout this

three years.


The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and

integration skills and needs for professional development.

How does your LEA regularly assess teachers and administrators

personal technology proficiency skills?

The FBISD Digital Learning Department monthly provides trainings for teachers
and administrators technology proficiency skills and Coordinator, Career and
Technology Education Coordinator will be responsible with assessing teachers
and administrators technology proficiency skills.

Do teachers have the classroom management strategies to work with

the amount of technology actually available in the classrooms?

Yes, teachers have classroom management strategies; they use technology to

enhance their classroom management quality. For technology use they receive
specific help from the technology trainings throughout the semester.

What professional learning will be available so teachers and

administrators can effectively use technology to assist with student

The district is using PCG as an Instructional Management and Assessment

System and this system provides necessary assessment items for the majority of
subject areas within the district. The design of student assessments and the
programs organized for improvement focuses on students with special needs and
assistance or students at risk.

How will teachers and administrators be trained and provided ongoing support in the effective integration of technology into the

The district is using PCG as Instructional Management and Assessment System

as mentioned above and this system will also help to integrate technology into
the curriculum for all FBISD teachers.
The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources,

technical support, and asset management already in the LEA that will be used to
support the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan.

What hardware/infrastructure currently exists at each school site?

Each school site is equipped with computers, document cameras and interactive
white boards while the district is currently working on replacement of computers
with Ipads. All computers come with Microsoft Office and Norton Anti Virus placed
in them. Also each classroom has a computer for teacher besides student

What are the main electronic learning resources (software, online

resources, courseware, or productivity software) currently being
used for instruction and/or student assessment? What grade spans
or subjects encompass each of the resources?

Some of the elementary campuses software:

Microsoft Office
Accelerated Reader
Inspire Data

Some of the middle campuses softwares:

Microsoft Office

Inspire Data
Adobe Suite

Some of the highschool campuses softwares:

Microsoft Office
Geometry Sketchpad
Pasco Science Probes
Adobe CS Premium
MS Office Specialist
Testing Program

Describe the technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and

telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical
support, and asset management needed by the LEA's teachers, students, and
administrators to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional
Development components of the plan.

Is the total cost of ownership of the technology being considered? If

so, how is this addressed?

Yes, the total and per pupil cost of the technology being used is calculated and
addressed as below:
Technology Expenditures: $54,030,000.00
- Teaching and Learning Budget: $10,125,000.00
- Educator Preparation and Development Budget: $6,105,000.00
- Leadership, Administration and Support Budget: $5,900,000.00
- Infrastructure for Technology Budget: $31,900,000.00
Technology Expenditure Per Pupil: $772.96

What filtering software will be used to prevent staff or student

access to inappropriate Internet sites (AB 307 and CIPA)?

For filtering the inappropriate internet sites, CIPA will be used.

The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response

to new developments and opportunities as they arise.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.

Who will oversee the data collection, analysis, and program

modification process?

Digital learning director and digital learning coordinator will be responsible with
overseeing the data collection, analysis, and program modification.

Who will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process?

Career and technology education coordinator, digital learning coordinator, library

media services coordinator will participate in the monitoring and evaluation

Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including
a description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results
to tech plan stakeholders.

How will strategies that have had a positive effect on teaching and learning
be communicated to others so that they can be replicated?

There will be a special team, IT Leadership Committee, gathered for the evaluation of
the effectiveness of this technology plan. While the evaluation is going to be both
qualitative and quantitative, team members will evaluate and communicate the
effectiveness of the implementation of the technology plan through these three years.

How will technology success stories be documented and publicized?

The same team as mentioned above will be responsible with documenting and
publishing the success stories throughout this three years.

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