My Reading Diet

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My Reading Diet

Mid- Term

A.Y 2016- 2017

Br. Tarcisius Ma. Arcallana, MMHC

September 14, 2016 (DAY 1)

Title: Consecrated Life
Author: Pope Francis
In preparation for the upcoming 500years celebration of Catholicism
here in the Philippines, the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines or
CBCP allotted a year for the poor. In connection to this celebration, the
Universal Church, Pope Francis has also announced the Year of Consecrated
Life, the year allotted for religious person, last February 2015 with the
theme, grateful remembrance of the past and hopeful embrace of the
future. Thus, this pronouncement aims to deepen the commitment of each
people through serving God by means of religious life.
In this article, it talks about the significant role of the Consecrated
Person in the Universal Church. Since the essential elements of religious life
are living the evangelical counsel of chastity, poverty and obedience, the
religious person must always be a living testimony for the Church, of the
Church, and for Gods people. Furthermore, Archbishop Socrates Villegas
stated that, Wherever there are consecrated people, seminarians, men and
women religious, young people, there is joy, there is always a joy! It is the
joy of freshness, the joy of following Jesus; the joy that the Holy Spirit gives
us, not the joy of the world. Thus, in short, real happiness and joy must be
aligned upon the joy which was embraced by Jesus on the Cross, joyful
acceptance of the faith, of the suffering, and of pain in the spirit of love.
Therefore, as religious person everyone are called to imitate and be a living

testimony of Gods kingdom here on earth through following the exemplary

actions of Jesus- by being a radical examples of Jesus in this modern
Lastly, Archbishop Socrates Villegas called out the attention every
religious person, he is calling them to live out faithfully, joyfully their
religious consecration in the Church today.
Title: A Search for the Truth
Author: Pamela S. De Leon
This memoir entitled, A Search for the Truth, it talks about a real life
experience of a woman whose mother died because of bladder infection. At
first, the author does not know that her mother has a bladder infection. Later
did she know that her mother is already suffering from this infection? At the
end, her mother died too early at the age of 69. Thus, for her it is very
painful because her mother did not told her that she is experiencing
something in her body. Nevertheless, she is still happy that she was able to
know the cause of death of her mother.
Title: Walang Pasok Class Suspension
Author: Abs- Cbn

In this article, it reminded the people especially those Filipinos living on

the areas affected by the recent typhoon that there will be no classes to be
held in some areas in Luzon. To lessen the casualties, the NDDRRMC and the
Dep- Ed, announce the suspension of classes due to the continuous
landslide, huge floods, and strong winds in the areas affected.

Title: Gospel Meditation (Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross-)
Author: St. John the Evangelist
Source: Jn 3:13-17
In this Gospel, Jesus explained to Nicodemus that, no one has ever
reached up heaven except the Son of Man. In His explanation, He included
Moses to explain that if the serpent has been lifted in heaven, so how much
more the Son of Man be lifted up into heaven. In Gods mercy and
compassion he sent his son to restore the dignity and integrity of human.
Gods love is unfathomable, endless and eternal. For God so loved the world,
this gospel speak about the merciful love of God to his people. God sent his
son to become a sign of his love by experiencing the pain through his
passion, salvation through his death on the Cross, and hope through his
September 15, 2016 (DAY2)
Title: The Challenge of Human Sexuality

Author: Karol Wojtyla

Source: Love and Responsibility
In this particular book of Karol Wojtyla, Love and Responsibility, I
scanned over the topic entitled, The Challenge of Human Sexuality. This
topic speak about the real essence of the word, LOVE. According to Karol,
Man is the only created being that is capable of loving, and the only creature
that can make love. In his personal experience, he as young priest was able
to learned human love after he was ordained as priest in the ministry. It
means that priesthood teaches him to discover the deep meaning of love
through the people whom he promised to serve throughout his life.
He did not only exclude this topic for some, bishop, priest, deacons,
seminarians, but he shared it to others in order that people may truly define
the true meaning of love. He added that love is not only applicable for those
in a relationship, much more love can be showed in all aspect of life, such as
in work by making your work extraordinarily done, in the ministry by
faithfully observing the promised made, and for God by means serving the
people authentically .

Title: Gospel Meditation
Author: St. John the Evangelist
Source: Jn 19:25-27

This Gospel speak about on Marys courageousness, and other woman,

by standing at the foot of Christs Cross. In this gospel, Jesus is giving up his
mother to his beloved disciple John, in vice versa, John is entrusted to the
care of Mary. Then at that moment the motherhood of Mary continues to
immerse even her beloved Son is little by little dying on the Cross.
Title: Surround Yourself with Laughter
Author: Anne Bryan Smollin
Source: Tickle Your Soul
Laughing is the main theme of this inspirational topic. In this book, she
even emphasize the people who help us laugh are truly gifts to us. For her,
everyone has the capacity to make someone laugh, everyone has its own
way of making himself happy, and everyone is talented enough to become
more flexible in adversities. Thus, laughter be included into the lives of
people so as to prevent depression and to make life longer.
Title: The Fundamental Constitutions of the Marian Missionaries of the Holy
Author: The Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross
Source: The Constitution of the Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross
In this article, the short history of the Marian Missionaries of the Holy
Cross was discussed, followed by the mission and charism of the institute,
the youth and the prisoners, and wide spread of the Marian Devotion. In

addition, the Spirituality of the institute is also stated in no. 3 which is to live
the lifestyle of Mary, a life of prayer and penance, in the spirit of love and joy.
September 16, 2016 (DAY 3)
Title: The Ethical Analysis of Love by Karol Wojtyla
Author: Karol Wojtyla
Source: Love and Responsibility

This topic was taken from the book entitled, Love and Responsibility
by Karol Wojtyla. The focal point of this topic is the fundamental ethical
characteristic of love.
Karol wanted to say that love has its own fundamental nature, and it
should start with knowing or discovering and it will end in a relationship, in a
deeper sense, which is marriage.

This ethical characteristic particularly

focus on the relationship of each being to another being. If man is truly in

love to his opposite sex particularly his love ones, they must both express
affirmation to one another. This affirmation must be coming from the bottom
of their hearts. In addition Karol Wojtyla said, True relationship is the
affirmation of the person or else it is not love at all. It means that both sides
must pronounced the desire of loving one another. However, if one of them
will not agree on the pronouncement then it is not true love at all, it either be
fruit of attraction which commonly lead to a desire of the flesh. So, if anyone
wanted to be loved eternally as what Karol said, they must learn to know, to
search, and to discern how deep their knowledge towards one another.


Title: Climate Change

Author: Nasa
Human have caused a lot of many changes in our planet. According to
the latest news of Nasa, global temperature is on track to rise by an average of

6 C (10.8 F) which means that the poles of the planet; the Arctic, for example, may
be ice-free in the summer within just a few years. There are commotions among the
scientists because other scientist would believe that it is too late to save our planet
but some other believe that there still hope to save the mother earth. Yet according
to them it is still depends on mans on how they will respond to this problem.

Title: Loving Ourselves
Author: Anne Bryan Smollin
Source: Tickle Your Soul

This inspirational works of Smollin encourage man to learn to love

oneself. According to her, loving oneself is not a selfish attitude, we as
human should get rid of the old thinking that if we are loving our own self we
become selfish, we become subjectivist but for her this notion is not
applicable to anyone. There are some people who can control and regulate
themselves, who can humbly submit themselves in spite the fact that they
are more focus on their own dignity. In addition, smollin motivate us to love
oneself because it is then that we could be able to acknowledge our own
personal flaws and weaknesses, strength and disability, ability and capacity.

So by doing this, we could be the person we wanted to be because it so by

acknowledging our own self that we grow in freedom and acceptance.

Title: Gospel Meditation
Author: Lk 8:1-3



The gospel is all about the preaching of Jesus, and the healing of Mary
Magdalene from seven demons, this is also the beginning of the mission of
the twelve apostles.
September 17, 2016- (DAY 4)
Title: The Ethical Issues and Solution in the Modern Society
Author: Young C. Tak
Source: The Study of Ethical Issues and Solutions in the Modern Society

-Centered on Marriage and Remarriage in South KoreaThis thesis is centered on the ethical issues in the modern society
particularly on the problem of Divorce. The research was all about the
cause and effect of failed relationship. As I was scanning and looking for a
source, I incidentally read the term, porneia which means fornication or in
English term unfaithfulness. It does not mean of adultery rather adultery
comes from the Greek word moicea that refers to adultery itself. In other

words, this sentence would just like to form distinction between the word
adultery and fornication.

Title: No Need to be Perfect

Author: Anne Bryan Smollin

Source: Tickle Your Soul

The author believes that we human dont need to be perfect but we

strive hard for perfection. According to her, those mistakes are not really
failures. They are ruts and grooves that we need to grow into an awareness
of. In addition, when a man commit mistake it does not mean that he is not
good not he is bad but it is just a matter of fact that man always fall short in
circumstances. I believe that is the first thing man should admit first before
he/ she could acquire a life he/ she wanted to be. We need to accept the
reality that we are not complete, we need also to accept that we can never
attain wholeness but as long as we strive for goodness then by means of this
a man become complete in itself

Title: Consecrated Life
Author: The Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross

Source: The Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross Constitution

This Section of Consecrated Life discussed about the three evangelical
counsel of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience. Chastity is giving up of oneself
wholeheartedly, and making oneself available for the service of the Kingdom
of God. Obedience which indicate the total surrendering of ones own will in
accordance to the desire of God through the authority of the designated
superior. Poverty is giving up of everything for the common good of each
member they must not desire thing that is not essential for Religious Life.

Title: Gospel Meditation
Author: St. Luke
Source: 366 Days with the Lord ( Lk 8:4-15)

In this gospel Jesus tells about the Parable of the Sower. He specifies
four different types of soil on the seed falls: the path, the rocky ground,
thorns and thistles, and good soil. A believer can knew if his/ her faith is
strong when it is planted on a good soil however a believer whose faith is not
firm is most likely likened to a seed that falls on the rocky ground. In this
gospel, he tried to separate those faith are strong and with those faith are
weak through the use of the parable of the sower.

September 18, 2016 (Day 5)

Title: Gospel Reflection
Author: St. Luke
Source: 366 Days with the Lord (Lk 16: 1-3)

The Gospel is about the dishonest steward. He was entrusted to take

good care of everything yet he fail to do so. He did not only waste the
property, he even wasted the trust of his master. At the end, he was asked
by his master to prepare a full account of his stewardship. The steward did
his best and the master was happy about it as a result he was again
recommended because of his prudently.

Title: 3000 religious leave religious life each year.
Author: Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Source: Fr. Z's Blog
In this article, it was stated that almost 3,000 men and women
religious person leave the consecrated life each year. This increasing rate of
separation was due to the absence of spiritual life, loss of a sense of
community, and a loss of sense of belonging to the Church. While some
other, cases of separation is because of problem in personal identity, and
sexual morality of man.

Title: Take a Risk
Author: Anne Bryan Smollin
Source: Tickle Your Soul

The writer explains that we cannot experience happiness in our life

unless we learn to risk something for it. When a man is afraid of taking risk
she/ he will not attain what he/she desire for her/ his life. Indeed, she/ he can
be comfortable for a while but this happiness is not an everlasting
experience of joy. Thus, in this book he is inviting people to learn to take risk,
to go beyond the limit for as long as the limit will not affect other people at


Title: Nature of Management

Author: Ganesh Murugan
The importance of management for individual is vital and necessary.
Not only that it gives a smooth flow of life but also it encourages one to
organize himself in a state where he is inclined to. Its very difficult to live a
life that is not organized and systematic because the tendency is that

achieving goals and purposes are impossible to achieve. Unlike that if there
is management, everything is planned and settled will just need to ask for
updates so that there will be no conflict along the way.

September 19, 2016 (Day 6)

Title: John Lockes Biography /Life and Philosophy
Author: Editors

John Lockes believes, Every man has a property in his own person.
This nobody has a right to, but himself. He believe that man has the
capacity to perform on his own. It was proven and tested by him himself who
also struggle throughout his life just to attain the state he wanted for himself.
That as man must know how to decide for his own future, must know how to
accept defeat, and must know how to understand human being. Thus by
means of this success will just come along the way as long as we/ I put effort
on it with additional importance to ones desire in life.
I guess the Philosophy of Jon Lockes is also a reminder and a
good inspiration for me, as I aspire for my future. That like John Locke who
met his experiences along the way, bad and good, but still because of his
persistency he became successful as man and his Philosophy were known
throughout the Earth.

Title: Man is a creature with a material body and spiritual soul, made by God
in his likeness.
Author: Catholic Bishop of the Philippines Commission on Youth (CBCP)
Source: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church

Man is a creature with a material body and spiritual soul, made by God in his
God made the body of man in a special manner; he created them out
of his image and goodness. Not only that he created them out of his image,
he gave them life, both body and spirit, and together with that are the gift of
freewill and freedom. All man has achieved all these capacities. In fact, Man,
because he has spiritual soul, has dominion over the other earthly creature
and is perfect image of God than anything else on this earth.
In His creation, he includes Jesus as sign of His love to humanity; in
respect to the second divine nature of God, he created Him as the most
perfect being. Since Jesus is human, he also acquired the things given by
God to human race, the gift of life both body and soul. Jesus has his own
spirit/ soul because without the soul the body would not have life. Therefore,
if Jesus would not have soul, he will not even exist in this world. God may not
be able to achieve the mercy he want for whole human race of which
through his Son may it be possible. He need to experience



public ministry, his passion to be with man in pain, his death- to get life from
darkness and resurrection- to bring hope to people who fail to do what God
wanted to do.

Jesus is the same with us human; he became man in order to

understand the real nature of man, that man is weak and very frail. By doing
this, he can give and show more his mercy and compassion because he was
able to experience being human like us.

Title: The Basic Formation Program
Author: Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross (General Chapter of 1999)
Source: The Basic Formation Program of the Institute of the Marian
Missionaries of the Holy Cross

In the spirit of the constitution of the Marian Missionaries of the Holy

Cross, the institute made an updated formation program for the betterment
of the future members of the institute. Thru this development, the four major
areas of formation which was characterized as the intellectual, pastoral,
human and spiritual formation has been written into details. Each formation
year has its own specific goal to achieve such as the initial formation that are
composed of Candidacy, Aspirancy, Postulancy, and Novitiate, with these
year formation the seminarians must already acquire the spirit, charism, and
spirituality of the institute. Furthermore, these areas of formation are path to
temporary profession without having completed these terms seminarians
may not be admitted for the next stage of formation which is the Philosophy
September 20, 2016 (DAY 20)
Title: Three Gravest Sins
Author: James Killgallon and Gerard Webber
Source: Life of Christ (Three Gravest Sins)

According to the book, the three gravest sins are sins against the first
commandment, greediness, and lust. The first commandment speak about to
love God with all your heart which means loving God wholeheartedly, the
second gravest sins was about greediness which means learn to share what
you have, do acts of charity in simple manner, and lastly lust, thou shall not
commit adultery, which means being pure in mind, heart and soul.

Title: Ethical analysis of Love (Focus on Divorce)
Author: Karol Wojtyla
Source: Love and Responsibility

Aside from extrajudicial killing, abortion, suicide, wars, and climate change, the
issue of divorce is one of the major concerns of the Church today. Since many of these
countries carried out divorce for their respective society as laws, maybe as norms, are
rooted in Christian Doctrines and Tradition, the Church has the responsibility, to stand
for what is right, to assess this certain issue with adequate support based on the moral
standard of the Church, the scripture, and the teachings of Jesus.
The scripture would attest that marriage is a sacred institution made by God, it is
then the union of man and woman should live and last forever, it is a gift, thus it is
Sacred. In the beginning, the Creator made male and female, and said, For this cause
a man shall leave his mother and father, and cleave to his wife, and the two shall
become one flesh (Genesis 2.24). This union, which was established by God himself,
of both man and woman are no longer two but one flesh. They become one flesh to
perform the responsibility they made for each other not temporarily but for life.
Therefore, whoever divorces his wife/ husband and marries another person are
committing adultery, according to Jesus, let no man put away their covenant to one
another, what the Lord has joined should last forever.


Title: Marys Call for Prayer and Penance

Author: St. John Paul II

In this article, Mary is calling us faithful to be converted in the light of

Christ, do acts of repentance for the sins committed. Thus, her proclamation
to her own apparition at Portugal would be continuously proclaim throughout
the world. Mary is inviting the faithful to believe and to be a signs of mercy
and forgiveness to mankind in spite of the sins committed. She is also asking
the faithful to pray the rosary, that as we pray her favorite prayer we the one
who personally embrace the call for repentance and rejoice in the maternal
care of Mama Mary for humanity.

Title: Focus
Author: Anne Bryan Smollin
Source: Tickle Your Soul
This particular topic emphasizes the importance of attentiveness. A
man who desire to be successful should how to set priorities- he/ she must
know that everything is not a work and are part of responsibility. The author
has said that man should learned from his/ her childhood days wherein
his/her energies is endless and could manipulate to finish a single
responsibility assigned.

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