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Compare transport objects between

Posted by Sergey Berezkin Dec 2, 2015
This report can help you to compare objects in transport requests across different systems.
It allows you to analyze whole system landscape simultaneously and provides the information
about relative versions. The program has user-friendly interface and it is easy to install, just
copy paste the source code. It can be a useful tool for analyzing "hard" transport requests
before importing. The program uses SAP Version Management mechanism for all objects in
change requests. You can run it on any system (DEV, QAS, PRD), so you don't have to import
this program into other systems.
After creating the program, run the report and enter the change requests. You can also set
the target system and filter the choices by selecting object types.

After entering the required data click on execute. The program select objects in transports
(repository objects such as screens, reports, data elements etc.) and compare them in the
development system with that in the quality assurance system and the production system. The
report builds the dynamic ALV that will show the list of objects and their versions in the
systems of current domain (it depends on your system landscape).

This list helps you to understand the transport order and fix probable errors. Green objects
are consistent. Red objects are importing in incorrect sequence. The colour of the objects
depends on target system specified at the selection screen. If you don't fill this parameter, the
program will check for consistency through all systems of domain.

GitHub - MrBerezkin/ABAP_compare_vers

Hope my tool will be useful.

Regards, Sergey Berezkin.

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