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Speech 04: Persuasive Speech.

Jessica Simpson
Submitted to Professor Billington
COMM 1020
Speech 4: Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech: Audience Assessment
Specific Goal:

My audience will believe that gender integration has a positive affect on learning.

Type of Claim: This is a claim of Fact.

Ethos: Primary Ethos:
a) Competence: Studied it for a project in Highschool.
b) Fairness: State that due hormones and other teenage related problems people do
believe they should be separated.
Secondary Ethos: I will cite 3 references.
Audience Assessment: Most of my audience members will probably have an attitude toward my
proposition that is neutral.
Adaptation to Audience Attitude:
a. Common ground: I will explain the benefits of keeping schools integrates and use experiences
from my own school days.
b. Latitude of acceptance: Many have seen the benefit of integrates schools but have also
experienced segregated schooling.
Baby Steps: The differences in the way boys and girls learn expands there opportunities to think and
learn differently.
Pattern of Organization:

Comparative Advantage

Persuasive Speech: Outline
Gender Integration.
I. Hook: Differences in academic achievement between genders is discussed a lot when it comes to
education. But it is the outcome of those differences and what they yield that is the most beneficial
to be discussed.
II. Ethos: I work with children and have studied there learning differences for school and work.
III. Proposition (or Hint at Proposition): The benefits of gender integration in classrooms outweigh the
IV. Preview:

1. Boys learning differences

2. Girls learning differences
3. Benefits of integration vs. segregation

Transition: There are differences in how each gender learns, and to switch things up I would like speak
about the gentlemen first.

The way boys learn.
The structure of the male brain includes more cortical areas. (
i. Makes them want to play and move.


Use half the verbal-emotive functions.

i. They use half as much as girls.
ii. The compartmentalize learning, harder to multitask.
Less serotonin and oxytocin.
i. More physically compulsive
ii. Less likely to sit still in class.

Transition: Now on to the ladies.


There is a physical difference in Brain structure. (Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Larger corpus callosum
i. Increase in communication between hemispheres
Increased memory.
i. Increased listening skills
ii. Writing and reading also benefit.

[Transition] But it is whether or not these differences benefit each other that truly matters.

There are benefits and consequences to gender integration.

Teachers need to prepare more.
i. Prepare for both learning styles
ii. Be willing to attend to everyone that need it.
Distractions ( Article)
i. Social pressures.
School prepares for life.
i. Life is co-ed
ii. There are benefits for seeing other learning styles.

I. Signal speech is coming to an End: ( let me close by saying. Though there are benefits to keeping
genders separated in schools the benefits of integration are stronger.
II. Summarize main points: ( Boys and girls learn differently but there is much to learn from differences
and that is a great tool for the future.
III. Reiterate the thesis: ( Schools that are integrated prepare the future generation for life in a way that
resembles how they will have to interact in it.
IV. End the speech memorably: We need out children prepared for life. And life is co-ed.
V. Challenge the audience to respond: I hope that after learning all of the benefits to gender
integrated schools you will agree that they have a positive affect on learning.
Works Cited:


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