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Miracle Deliverance

New Age Ye are gods

The Bewitchment of the Mind in the Latter
by Pastor Pat Holliday
Jesus was referring to Old Testament
where the people referred to the
MAGISTRATES judges, as “god,”
which did not mean that they were a god
(deity) but it was a word describing honor
and dignity of their office, (Jn. 10:34-38).

2 Tim 4:2-5 “Preach the word; be

instant in season, out of season; reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and
doctrine. 3 For the time will come when
they will not endure sound doctrine; but
ooks.php after their own lusts shall they heap to
themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears
from the truth, and shall be turned unto
fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work
of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” KJV

It is amazing to believe but some so-called Christians who are even

teaching that “human beings are little gods.”
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Constance E. Cumbey warned America in the Seventies of the

dangers of following the New Age demonic religious false prophets
and false prophetesses. She wrote: “It is the contention of this writer
that for the first time in history there is a viable movement The New
Age Movement that truly meets all scriptural requirements for the
Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world
scene. 1

"It is further the position of the writer that this most likely is the
great apostasy or 'falling away' spoken of by the Apostle Paul and
that the Antichrist's appearance could be a very real event in our
immediate future.” i


The New Age Movement began teaching its followers that they
were gods. NOT SO LONG AGO, the actress Shirley MacLaine
delighted a large television audience when, by standing with open arms
on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, she began to sing, “I am God, I am
God, I am God." This was shown in the television mini-series “Out On a
Limb” in 1987. Believers could have ignored that eccentric actress’ silly
performance if it weren’t for the fact that it was a planned act for the
popularization of the New Age movement. This now-fashionable
teaching preaches that everything is God and God is all; i.e., that God and
nature are one. Consequently every person is God. From this comes the
conclusion that the task of human life is to reveal one's latent divinity, to
recognize oneself as “god.” “When you finally understand your divine
nature,” say the ‘apostles’ of the new doctrine, “a remarkable sensation

(Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow).
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will overcome you that you are above space and time, above all that is

It was very shocking statement in the seventies when occultist,

Shirley MaClaine, “Out on the Limb,” introduced the New Age
teaching on the beach with her mentor shouting, “Hey world, I am

New Agers worldwide were seeking to achieve their godhood.

However, the most scandalizing thing occurred when so-called
Christians left the foundations of the Bible and joined the babble, “I
am god.”
New Age Priestess, Opral Winfrey wants you to be your own god.
Oprah & Eckhart I AM



This is an occult teaching that started in the Garden of Eden. If

you are sitting under a so-called Christian ministry, or church that is
teaching this kind of disgusting error, leave. Find a pastor that
teaches the truth of the Word and not flagrant false doctrines such
as, “Ye are little gods.”

(Matt. 24:11), "And many false prophets will rise up and deceive
and lead many into error." We should expect false "Christian"
leaders to arise, to give false assurances to Christians and lead them
astray. The fact that we are seeing such a huge number of just such
false leaders giving proof positive that we are living in the Last Days
of Time.

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Jesus warned, (Matt. 24:24), "For false Christ and false prophets
will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive
and lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

Remember, if you sell out to Jesus, read His Word and carefully
discern and watch what is being taught to you, you WILL NOT be
deceived. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.

This last warning even gives us the clue that such false ministers
will be able to perform many of the same "lying signs and wonders"
foretold of Antichrist. Such false ministers will employ great power, but
it will be the paranormal power of the occult, and will be exercised for
the express purpose of leading both believer and unbeliever astray.

In (Gen 3:5), Satan is talking to Eve. He promised her if she would

disobey God that she would become like or “as” God. Read the
commentary below. Even Satan knew that Adam was NOT a God!

[Your eyes shall be opened] Your understanding shall be greatly

enlightened and improved; and ye shall be as gods, kee-'Elohiym, like
God, so the word should be translated, for what idea could our first
parents have of gods before idolatry could have had any being, because
sin had not yet entered into the world?

The Syriac has the word in the singular number, and is the only one of all
the versions which has hit on the true meaning. As the original word is
the same which is used to point out the Supreme Being,

(Gen 1:1), so it has here the same signification, and the object of the
tempter appears to have been this: to persuade our first parents that they
should, by eating of this fruit, become wise and powerful as God (for
knowledge is power), and be able to exist forever, independently of him.

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Satan did not infer that man could be a little god, he said if they
disobeyed God, they could be LIKE (similar, similar, equal,
equivalent, comparable), to God.

But some of these neo Pentecostals say, didn’t Jesus call them gods in
(Jn. 10:34-38). “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I
said, ye are gods?”

Jesus was referring to Old Testament where they referred to the

MAGISTRATES judges, A “god,” which did not mean that they were a
god but it was a word describing honor and dignity of their office, (Jn.


[Jesus answered them] The answer of Jesus consists of two parts. The
first (Jn. 10:34-36) shows that they ought not to object to his use of the
word God, even if he were no more than a man. The second (Jn. 10:37-
38) repeats substantially what he had before said, left the same
impression, and in proof of it he appealed to his works.

Verse 34. [In your law] (Ps. 82:6). The word "law" here, is used to
include the Old Testament. [I said] The Psalmist said, or God said by the

[Ye are gods] This was said of magistrates on account of the dignity
and honor of their office, and it shows that the Hebrew word translated
"god," 'ªlohiym, in that place might be applied to man. Such a use of the
word is, however, rare. (See instances in Ex 7:1; 4:16). (Ex 7:1), “ And
the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh:
and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.”

(Ex 7:1) [I have made thee a god] At thy word every plague shall come,
and at thy command each shall be removed. Thus, Moses must have
appeared as a god to Pharaoh. 14

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(Ex 7:1 -N.V.), “Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made
you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your
prophet,” (Ex 4:16).

16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your
mouth and as if you were God to him.

(NIV Exo. 7:1), “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made
thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.”

[I have made thee a god] Or "appointed thee." See the margin reference.
Moses will stand in this special relation to Pharaoh, that God will address
him by a prophet, i.e. by one appointed to speak in. His
name. The passage is an important one as illustrating the primary and
essential characteristic of a prophet, he is the declarer of God's will and
purpose. 15


(Exo. 7:1) Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like
God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. NIV

In the above verse, God is telling Moses, since Pharaoh was a

worshiper of all kinds of gods, because of the actions that he saw with
his physical eyes, he (Pharaoh) would think of Moses like a god.
However Moses was like a puppet whose words were placed into his
mouth by God.

(Ex 4:16), “And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he
shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt
be to him instead of God.”

[He shall be thy spokesman] Literally, He shall speak for thee (or in thy
stead) to the people.

[He shall be to thee instead of a mouth] He shall convey every message

to the people, and thou shalt be to him instead of God . . . thou shalt
deliver to him what I communicate to thee. 16
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Verse 35. [Unto whom the word of God came] That is, who were his
servants, or who received their dignity and honor only because the law of
God was entrusted to them. "The Word of God" here means the
command of God; his commission to them to do justice.

[The scripture cannot be broken] (See Matt 5:19). The authority of the
Scripture is final; it cannot be set aside. The meaning is, "If, therefore,
the Scripture uses the word "god" 'ª lohiym as applied to magistrates,
it settles the question that it is right to apply the term to those in office
and authority. If applied to them, it may be to others in similar offices. It
cannot, therefore, be blasphemy to use this word as applicable to a
personage so much more exalted than mere magistrates as the Messiah."

(Jn. 10:34) “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said,
Ye are gods?”

[Is it not written in your law] The words which our Lord quotes are
taken from (Ps. 82:6), which shows that, under the word law, our Lord
comprised the Jewish sacred writings in general? (See also Jn. 12:34;

[Ye are gods?] That is, judges, who are called 'ª lohiym. That judges
are here meant appears from (Ps.82:2, etc.), and also from what
follows here. And this is probably the only place where the word 'ª
lohiym is applied to any but the true God. See Parkhurst under the root '-
l-h. (Jn. 10:34; Jn. 10:35).18

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
[For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.]
No man who does not have divine assistance can either find the way to
heaven, or walk in it when found. As Christ, by his sacrificial offering,
has opened the kingdom of God to all believers; and, as a Mediator,
transacts the concerns of their kingdom before the throne; so the Spirit of
God is the great agent here below, to enlighten, quicken, strengthen, and
guide the true disciples of Christ; and all that are born of this Spirit are

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led and guided by it; and none can pretend to be the children of God who
are not thus guided. 19

[Are the sons of God] Are adopted into his family, and are his children.
This is a name of endearment, meaning that they sustain to him this
relation; that they are his friends, disciples, and imitators; that they are
parts of the great family of the redeemed, of whom he is the Father and
Protector. It is often applied to Christians in the Bible; (Job 1:6; Jn. 1:12;
Phil. 2:15; 1 Jn. 3:1-2; Matt. 5:9,45; Lk. 6:35). This is a test of piety
which is easily applied. 20


As I look around the world of religion in our society one thing has
become very clear. The masks of the false shepherds of the apostate
church are coming off. Sadly, more and more the false prophets of
today’s religious establishment are showing themselves to be the wolves
that they truly are. In years past it has taken great discernment to see and
hear the little bits of leaven they have used to poison their flocks; but
lately these heresies reveal stunning apostasies are coming much more
out in the open.
A couple of the most blatant examples of this are Joel Osteen and
T.D. Jakes. Both were recently given an opportunity to boldly proclaim
the gospel on the national stage. Osteen in fact was given that
opportunity twice, once on the Larry King Show and again on the ABC
daytime show The View. Jakes had his chance during a lengthy interview
on National Public Radio. Both were asked during the course of the
interview if they believed that Jesus was the only way to heaven. Neither
would say that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and that no
man comes to God except by him. Both of these wolves in sheep’s
clothing left room for some to come to God another way.
“And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying Son of man,
prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them,
Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of
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Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?”
(Ezek. 34:1-2).
Will you follow a men and women that deny that Jesus came in
the flesh as God in the flesh? Or would you follow the teachings of a
man that wants you to believe the New Age lie that you are little

The Pagan Gospel of the New Age

According to the gospel of the New Age Movement is an idea

centered on the birth of a new world “consciousness” as a religion of
monism (all is one). They hope to bring about building a new Tower
of Babel a single religious umbrella that will unify the entire world
under pantheism of gods and goddess. They teach that God is
pantheistic and the masses are going to take their quantum leap into
their godhood.

According to New Ageism, Jesus came to reveal this pantheistic nature of

God and to teach humanity the gospel of Self-Realization. After
illustrating the divine principle of “God within us all,” Jesus ascended to
a place of distinction to live among the Masters of the Spiritual
Hierarchy—Buddha and Krishna. Jesus promised that the essence of God
would be revealed from time to time, and thus New Agers look for the
imminent appearing of a World Teacher who will, as Jesus did, illustrate
the divine human potential. In this way, New Age theology prepares the
world for the coming of the False Prophet and the Antichrist. These are
the false teachings of the New Age Movement. 3

The Word of Faith ministers are trying to redefine Christianity, Jesus, the
cross, His divinity, His purpose, the Bible and promote "New Age
religion". One of the biggest deceptions is that they teach a 'New Age
Christ' and believe they are gods; this totally that contradicts the

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teachings of Christianity? Preachers have dropped to interpreting religion
according to the New Age way.

As the days draw closer to the return of the Lord, the Word of God is
being fulfilled in many ways. One specific way is found in the Word of
God concerning people giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of
devils. This type of phenomena can occur through the reception of
fantasy that is so prevalent in our bookstores, movies and even in our
schools in this nation. However, it is also being fulfilled with the pulpits
being overshadowed by false prophets and teachers. Please pray that the
Lord will open our eyes and the eyes of the church to stay alert in these
dangerous and perilous times.

Matt 7:15-23 – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in

sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall
know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of
thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a
corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast
into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not
every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is
in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?
and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work

New Age Religion is not a religion at all, but a vast syncretism (or
mixing) of confusion, numerous religious and philosophical ideas with
Christianity that has a "follow the Leader and the "Sheeple" mentality -
experiment in blindly following authority figures".

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Dollar teaches that we are Gods
....Jesus didn’t come as God, He came as a man, and He did not come
perfect. (Creflo Dollar Ministries: World Changers, 12/8/2002. 4
“You’re not a sinner saved by grace you sons and daughters of
the most high God. You are gods’!” 5

This is the same lie with which the serpent tempted Eve.
(Gen 3:4-5) – “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely
die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes
shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Again Dollar contradicts the bible when he says "A son of God, they are
those through a understanding of their divine nature, they can operate like
God on the earth." 6

(Jude 1:10-11) “But these speak evil of those things which they know
not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they
corrupt themselves. Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of
Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished
in the gainsaying of Core.”

1 Peter 5:1-2 – “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the
oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but
of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being
ensamples to the flock.”KJV


“Pa Pa” Kenneth Hagin was a Word of Faith preacher. He claimed to

(Creflo Dollar Ministries: World Changers, 12/8/2002).
(Creflo Dollar Changing your world, April 17, 2002, LeSea Broadcasting)
(Creflo Dollar, "Growth Means Change," September 29, 2002).

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be a prophet called by God Himself. Kenneth believed in the following
beliefs: Christians are little gods. Jesus didn't pay for our sins on the
cross and he had to finish the work of atonement in hell.
The Bibles says in (Heb 9:22), “And almost all things are by the law
purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.”
IS NO REMISSION (for your sins).

Hagin also led an entire generation to seek God for worldly riches
instead of Jesus. He says, “If Christians are not healthy and wealthy it is
because of their lack of faith or knowledge. Christians have control over
their lives by the words that they speak. If they speak sickness and
poverty, they will be sick and broke. Therefore, if a Christian speaks
blessings and healing they will be healthy and have wealth.” Really,
according, (Matt. 16:26), “ For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the
whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?”

Hagin goes on to spread his false assessment of the atonement of

Jesus for the human soul. "He [Jesus] tasted spiritual death for every
man. And His spirit and inner man went to hell in my place. Can't you
see that? Physical death wouldn't remove your sins. He's tasted death
for every man. He's talking about tasting spiritual death." (Ken Hagin,
"How Jesus Obtained His Name").
Hagin boldly denounces the need for the adoption of the need for the
cross of Jesus. He says, "The trouble with us is that we've preached a
'cross' religion, and we need to preach a 'throne' religion. By that I
mean that people have thought they were supposed to remain at the cross.
Some have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, have backed up to the
cross, and have stayed there ever since . . . The cross is actually a place
of defeat, whereas the Resurrection is a place of triumph. When you

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preach the cross, you're preaching death, and you leave people in
death." 7

Author’s note: My dear friends. If Satan had known that by means of

the cross and his slaughter of Jesus that it opened the pathway to our
salvation, he would have never killed our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hagin’s bloodless gospel will condemn millions to Satan’s house of
horrors and they will miss Jesus’ heaven. Hagin preached another
gospel, another Jesus under the anointing of another spirit. Hagin
did not teach the God of the Bible. His god was one of materialism
and self.

Without the shedding of the blood, there is no redemption from sins.

Eph 1:7-14 – “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the
forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8 Wherein he
hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9 Having
made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good
pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 10 That in the
dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one
all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on
earth; even in him: 11 In whom also we have obtained an
inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him
who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: 12 That we
should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. 13 In
whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the
gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were
sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our
inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto
the praise of his glory.” KJV
To top off his twisted gospel, “Pa Pa” Hagin went on to sell the lie
that Satan sold to Eve, “Ye shall be like god . . . ” This exactly the same

(Ken Hagin, "The Believer's Authority," page 16. Second Edition
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lie that every New Ager is selling those who are perishing today. Hagin
distorts the Bible again when he says, "Originally, God made the earth
and the fullness thereof, giving Adam dominion over all the works of His
hands. In other words, Adam was the god of this world. Adam
committed high treason and sold out to Satan, and Satan, through Adam,
became the god of this world . . . Now Satan has a right to be here and be
god of this world until 'Adam's lease' runs out." 8

This uneducated, self taught man, who doesn’t have a clue about
salvation, atonement, redemption, justification, heaven or hell, lead a
great body of people into the trap of false religion.

Hagin says, "The believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of

Nazareth." 9
Kenneth Hagin has some really unbelievable beliefs doesn't he. Yet,
he has been followed by dozens of men who continue on. Men who have
followed in Kenneth Hagin's footsteps are Kenneth Hagin Jr., Kenneth
Copeland, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, Creflo Dollar, Joyce
Meyers and many more.12


Joyce Meyer is housewife turned into a Word of Faith,
speaker/motivator. The problem with Mrs. Meyers is that her doctrine is
not Biblical. She does teach some good things everyday lifestyles but she
also teaches way to many things that are not Biblically correct. Like the

(Ken Hagin, "The Believer's Authority," page 19. Second Edition
(Kenneth E. Hagin, "The Incarnation, The Word of Faith page 13,
December 12, 1980.

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rest of the Word Faith, Seed Faith, Name It And Claim it, Better Homes
and Garden, fantasy believers, materialistic crowd, Mrs. Meyers lives an
extravagant lifestyle. Presenting the new plastic Christianity, she has all
her clothes tailor made for her and lives in a multi-million dollar home,
her husband drives a $100,000 automobile, her and their children all
drive expensive vehicles, paid for by the Ministry and she fly's around
the country in her Multi-million dollar jet plane when she isn't taking
time to vacation at her insignificantly in the Ozarks, paid for by the
Ministry. She makes one-hundred-fifty- million- dollars a year with her
appealing, fleshy gospel of self-esteem!

I truly believe these millions of dollars could have been used more
efficiently saving souls other than to give her and her family a rich
lifestyle. I do not think ministers should live as dirt poor but I certainly
do not recognize any sacrifice in this new empty gospel.
There are millions of people who need the basics in life just to live let
alone have any extra. With all this extravagance, she is not showing the
true spirit of Jesus. - RW 21

Joyce Meyers Message On Being Born Again

Quotes, Teachings, Doctrines, Beliefs Concerning Salvation
What are the beliefs, teachings & doctrines of Joyce Meyers
concerning being "Born Again"? What does Joyce Meyer believe on
what a person must believe to be saved? What does Joyce Meyer teach
concerning Jesus on the cross and spiritual death, and salvation?
Here are various quotes from Joyce Meyer teachings from one of her
booklets called "The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make", and
the purpose for this information is not to be contentious or divisive, but
rather to give an exposition of what Joyce Meyer teaches concerning
being born again. Within the Christian Church there are many people
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who listen to Joyce Meyer whether on the radio, television, or by reading
her books. However, many do not realize that her teachings are not in
accordance with the Word of God. She mainly copies many of the false
doctrines of the Word of Faith teachers. It is also true that there are things
she teaches which do line up Biblically, but the same is said of the
doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons.
What does Joyce Meyer teach that is so bad? Is Joyce Meyer a false
teacher? Is Joyce Meyer a Christian? Why should anyone be concerned?
Joyce Meyers does not have all the same false teachings as those in the
Faith Movement, but she does have some teachings that are the same
with various Faith teachers. Examine this information for yourself and
line up the Biblical gospel to the gospel that Joyce Meyer teaches.

In a book called "The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make"
Joyce Meyer teaches what it means (to her) to be born again and what
Christ had to do for people to be saved. Read the following comments:
"Although your physical body will die someday, your spirit will
continue to live for an eternity. Whether your spirit lives in heaven or hell
depends on the choices you have made. In this book, best selling author
Joyce Meyer outlines God's plan of salvation so that you can make a
quality decision." (Back of the book, 1996-Edition).
"The spiritual part of you can be thought of as the part of you that
cannot be seen with the natural eye. This part of you will live forever.
And where the spiritual you lives depends on the decision you make as
you read this book." (Page 8, 1996-Edition).

Warning, Danger Ahead!

Joyce Meyer teaches that Jesus did not pay for sin upon the cross, but
actually went to the torments of hell and made atonement there. The
following quote is from Joyce Meyer's 1991 booklet on being born again
which is worded differently in the 1996-updated edition.

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Meyers writes, “During that time He entered hell, where you and I
deserved to go (legally) because of our sin . . . He paid the price
there.…no plan was too extreme . . . Jesus paid on the cross and in
hell…(no scripture references because there are none). God rose up from
His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God,
“Let Him go.” (From the mouths of Haggin and Copeland). Then the
resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus . .
. He was resurrected from the dead the first born-again man," (No biblical
references because there are none to be found on this heresy). (The Most
Important Decision You Will Ever Make: A Complete And Thorough
Understanding of What It Means to Be Born Again) , 1991, pages 35-36,
Joyce Meyer) This quote was found from the Christian Research
Institute's article on Joyce Meyer.”
In her 1996 edition of "The Most Important Decision You Will
Ever Make" Joyce Meyer states the same things but with different

"Believe that Jesus did what the Bible says. Believe He is indeed
the Son of God, born of a virgin. He took man's sin on the cross. He did
not stay dead. He was in the grave three days. During that time, He
entered hell, where you and I deserved to go (legally) because of our
sin." (Page 41, 1996-Edition) Notice the similar wording in this quote
compared to the other quote.
"Whatever it took to get God's people back, free again, is what they
would do. Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and went to hell in our
place." (Page 41, 1996-Edition) Whatever it took means that Jesus had to
go to hell, suffer and be tormented by demons in our place.
Meyers goes on to explain her twisted interpretation of the most
important Christian Doctrine in God’s Word when she writes, "When
Jesus hung on the cross, He took our sin upon Himself. God cannot stay
in the presence of sin. As Jesus took our sin, He was separated from the
presence of the Father . . . Jesus was taking your sins and those of

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everyone else upon Him as He felt this absence of His Father's presence.
(No scriptural basis for this false teaching) He said, "My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?" [Matt. 27:46, authors’ paraphrase] Jesus
knew it would happen, but the horror of separation from the bright
presence of the Father was worse than He could of imagined, and it
caused Him to cry out . . . and His spirit went to hell because that is
where we deserved to go. says Meyers," (Page 42, 1996-Edition).
This is a common teaching among the Faith Movement whereas they
teach Jesus died spiritually and became literally the nature of sin.
Thus, the Father turned away from Jesus while He was on the cross and
Jesus died alone? They teach that Jesus becoming spiritually dead, went
into Hell in our place.

Meyers goes on to preach this despicable error, "There is no hope

of anyone going to heaven unless they believe this truth. You cannot
go to heaven unless you believe with all your heart that Jesus took
your place. He became your substitute and took all the punishment
you deserve. He bore all your sins. He paid the dept [sic] you owe . . .
Jesus went to hell for you. He died for you. He paid for your sins."
(Page 43, 1996-Edition).

Concerning being born again and what is required to be saved we

see Joyce Meyer false teaching:
1. "Believe . . . what the Bible says."
2. That when Jesus was on the cross He did not stay dead but went to
3. That Jesus went to hell in our place because that is where we
deserved to go.
4. That God would do whatever it took to free His people.
5. That there is no hope of anyone going to heaven unless they believe
this truth, meaning what Jesus did to make atonement for sins.
6. That a person must believe in their heart that Jesus took their place on

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the cross, He died spiritually, (implied) was separated from the Father,
tormented by demons in hell, (Meyers, 1991-Edition) Jesus is the first
born again man. (Meyers, 1991-Edition). 22
What is the truth about why Jesus went to Hell? Did He justify us by
His trip to Hell? Is this what the Bible says or mislead knowingly false
teachers tell us? The Bible tells us that Jesus descended into Hell to
preach and lead the captives out of Hell to take them to present them to
His Father in Heaven.

Author’s note: Believe me, if the demons were fearful on this earth
when they were confronted by Jesus, they SURELY WOULD HAVE
OF MANKIND. They never laid a hand on Him in Hell. He boldly
walked through the corridors of Hell while every demon trembled,
covered their face and shrieked in fear. He positively took the keys of
death from the Satan and took those keys to the Old Testament captives
that were in “Abraham’s bosom,” preached to them, “I have come to set
you free!” My blood has been undefeatedly shed.” That’s what Adam and
Eve gave to Satan through their disobedience to God, DEATH! He
promised them they would be like gods and would not die! Well, they did
die! So the Devil lied to them.

(1 Pet. 3:18-20), “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just
for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the
flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: 19 By which also he went and
preached unto the spirits in prison; (Hell) 20 Which sometime were
disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of
Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls
were saved by water.”

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Jesus descended into Hell to take the keys of death from the Devil
and to lead the Captives free and into the presence of God. (Rev 1:18), “ I
am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore,
Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.”


Kenneth Copeland teaches the following heresy. “The death of Jesus
on the Cross did not pay the price for sins. “It wasn’t the physical death
on the cross that paid the price for sin. . . anybody could do that.” (What
Satan saw on the day of Pentecostal.”) “Every prophet that walked the
face of the earth under the Abrahamic Covenant could have paid the
price if it were a physical death only said Copeland.” “When he said, “It
is finished,” on that cross, he was not speaking of the plan of redemption.
The plan of redemption had just begun, there were still three days and
three nights to be gone through.” Copeland continues his crazy heresy,
“{Jesus} accepted the sin nature of Satan in His own Spirit, and at the
moment that He did so, He cried, “My God, My God, why have you
forsaken me?’. He {Jesus} was down in that pit and there he suffered the
punishment for three horrible days and nights for Adam’s treason. . .
There is a new birth takes place in the very depths of the earth, when the
command of God says, ‘That’s enough, loose him and let him go’.”
(Copeland, From the Cross to the Throne).
I pray that our loving Jesus will forgive and open the eyes of the
millions that are facing disaster that are blindly following these heresies.
Jesus said, (Matt 15:14), “Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the
blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with
tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not
the offering anymore, or receiveth it with good will at your hand Yet ye
say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and

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the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is
she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. (Mal 2:14-15).
How many in pulpits today have dealt treacherously with the wives of
their youth? I can tell you that some of the biggest names in American
Christianity are guilty of this sin.

Richard Roberts divorced his first wife to marry his current wife who
was an ORU student at the time.

John Hagee was pastoring a church in San Antonio Texas when he

admitted to adultery. His wife divorced him and took custody of their
children uncontested by Hagee. A few months later he married the
woman with whom he had been committing adultery, the current Mrs.
John Hagee.

Robert Tilton divorced his first wife and soon after secretly married
his second wife. That marriage subsequently ended in divorce. Tilton is
now on his third marriage while still claiming to speak for God on
television, asking people to make a $1,000 vow of faith.

Clarence McClendon divorced his wife of 16 years (and mother of

their 4 children) claiming that he had a call to preach, not to be married.
Seven days after his divorce was final he married a woman who was a
member of his Los Angeles congregation.
Earl Paulk, the man who counseled Clarence McClendon during his
marriage and divorce episode has been accused of multiple adulteries
going all the way back to the early 60’s. His brother Don Paulk has
likewise been accused of many sexual indiscretions. Both men have
admitted to some, but not all, of the accusations. Paulks wife of over 60
years continues to stand by her man.

Paul Crouch has been accused of periodic drinking binges and

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multiple homosexual dalliances. While he has not admitted to any of the
accusations he has settled at least one claim from homosexual Lonnie
Ford by paying Ford over $400,000 to keep his mouth shut. Witnesses
claim that Jan Crouch is aware of her husband’s homosexual tendencies
which is why the two of them have not lived together as husband and
wife for over fifteen years.

Charles Stanley, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta was

divorced by his wife of 44 years who cited irreconcilable differences. To
his credit he has not remarried however prior to the divorce he stated, "If
my wife divorces me, I would resign immediately." His failure to resign
would apparently make him a liar.

Dr. Peter Ruckman, a popular Baptist preacher and promoter of

King James only-ism, has been divorced twice and married three times
yet still manages to keep a full preaching schedule.

A local pastor in Jacksonville, Florida divorced his wife to marry his

song director. After his divorce, he told the other pastors that, “his first
wife was hurting his ministry because she took drugs. (Her drugs were
proscribed for epilepsy by her physician). He also spread rumors that she
was a lesbian which was not true. He left town with his new wife after he
was caught masturbating on church grounds.

These are just a few of the higher profile names that have dealt
treacherously with the wife of their youth. How many more are there?
How many smaller church pastors are guilty of this sin?


The Church today is also sitting in this same fallen condition. Many
have left the foundations of the Gospel. They are seeking things, money
and emotional experiences instead of wisdom and knowledge of the
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Word of God and Jesus. Seductions are great and world wide. Many have
lost their first love. Christians use to get excited about Jesus Christ but
now they cheer when greedy preachers pick their pockets as men and
women of God. We must return to the basics of the Word of God if we
intend to make it into the kingdom of God.
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached
unto you, which also ye have received, and in which you stand By which
also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you,
unless you have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that
which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the
scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day
according to the scripture, (1 Cor. 15:1-4).
Paul teaches that the Gospel consists of four points.
1) He died for our SINS on the cross.
2). Today, we see “Seeker Friendly” churches, they believe that
they can fill their pews if they don’t speak of sin! You know
what? Their churches are filled with unbelievers, dancing,
cheering, laughing and sitting many times in trances, while the
preacher preaches a bloodless, sin filled gospel.
These churches are nothing more than a social club. Jesus is on
the outside, His candlestick is no longer at the altar. Darkness has
replaced the light. Most people don’t even release that Jesus has been
stolen from them and they are listening to “another gospel another Jesus
and another spirit.”
He was placed in the tomb, proving he died. Today, we have many
teaching that the cross is not the reason that the reason that Christians
receive Salvation! They teach that they are saved because Jesus went into
hell and was beaten and tortured by Satan, therefore, they are saved
because Jesus suffered the pain of hell in their stead. This is certainly a
denial of the blood atonement of Jesus. If you are sitting under this

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terrible heresy, and millions are, run to a Church that knows that there is
no remission for sin apart from the blood of Jesus.
He rose again from the dead taking up the same body he came in.
Some heretics are teaching that he only came back in the spirit. The
twisting of the Word of God is the greatest danger of our time.
Jesus Christ is God. Some of these false teachers are saying that
Jesus was just a man. Kenneth Copeland says, “God’s reason for creating
Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I mean a reproduction of
Himself and in the Garden of Eden, He did just that. He was not a little
like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God
even . . . Adam is as much like God as you could get, just the same as
Jesus . . . Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the
flesh.” (Copeland tape, “Following the Faith of Abraham 1,” side 1).

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me," (Jn. 14:6).

Christ is the way:

1. By his doctrine, (Jn. 6:68).

2. By his example, (1 Pet. 2:21),
3. By his sacrifice, (Heb. 9:8-9).
4. By his Spirit, (Jn. 16:13).


He died for our SINS on the cross ~Not by going to hell for you. He was
placed in the tomb, proving he died. Today, we have many teaching that
the cross is not the reason that the reason that Christians receive
Salvation! They teach that they are saved because Jesus went into hell
and was beaten and tortured by Satan, therefore, they are saved because
Jesus suffered the pain of hell in their stead. This is certainly a denial of
the blood atonement of Jesus. If you are sitting under this terrible heresy,

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and millions are, run to a Church that knows that there is no remission for
sin apart from the blood of Jesus.

These churches are nothing more than a social club. Jesus is on the
outside, His candlestick is no longer at the altar. Darkness has replaced
the light. Most people don't even release that Jesus has been stolen from
them and they are listening to "another gospel another Jesus and another
spirit." He rose again from the dead taking up the same body he came in.
Some heretics are teaching that he only came back in the spirit. The
twisting of the Word of God is the greatest danger of our time.

APOSTASY ~ 2 Cor. 11:14-15)

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as
the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
works." (Gal. 1:8-9),

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other
gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."


"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemes, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without
natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away."


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We see "Seeker Friendly" churches, they believe that they can fill their
pews if they don't speak of sin! You know what? Their churches are
filled with unbeliever, dancing, cheering, laughing and sitting many times
in trances, while the preacher
preaches a bloodless, sin filled gospel. Many Christian Churches, once
faithful to Jesus, have joined the bloodless trail of the many cults and
false sects. (Heb. 9:22), "And almost all things are by the law purged
with blood; and without shedding of
blood is no remission.”


"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but
after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having
itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and
shall be turned unto fables."

"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together,
and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such a
one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved
in the day of the Lord Jesus"
(1Cor.. 5: 4, 5).

Who Hath Bewitched You?

(Gal. 3:1), "O foolish Galatians, WHO hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey
the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified
among you?" Christians are being led blindly and unresistingly onto their own
destruction. That is, foolish for having yielded to the influence of the false teachers,
and for having embraced doctrines that tended to subvert the gospel of the Redeemer.
Totally bewitched, destruction, foolish, false teachers, subvert the gospel, false
doctrines,seeking extra-biblical answers,prince of the power of the air,
children of disobedience: fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were
by nature the children of wrath.”

Page -26-

They had shown it in a remarkable manner in rejecting the doctrine of the apostles,
and in embracing the errors into which they had fallen. The Bereans commended:
"These were more
noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all
readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were
so," (Acts 17:11).

Are Christian leaders promoting Iniquity? They are promoting Iniquity. Jesus said in
(Matt 7:21-24 21), "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of
heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say
to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name
have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will
I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

The Apostle Peter indicated that many would come in the name of Christ, yet deny
Him as both
Lord and Saviour. The apostle also said that these same apostates would make
merchandise of the members of the churches. In other words, like the Nicolatians,
they would use the money to gain advantage”, (Rev. 2).

Today, many are spreading lies and slander concerning the deity of Jesus Christ.
Every mind is under attack to turn the people to hoards of demonic men who wish to
rule the world under a new religious system called witchcraft. If they can transform
the minds of the masses, they can take possession of the planet and exercise authority
over the people as slaves. The impure doctrines of our present church systems have
muddied the waters of religion until it hardly favours the Holy Bible and the true
church. Revival is impossible until we return to "the love of the truth." (2 Thess.
2:10). The love of the truth is the saving power of God.


As our society rapidly approaches the end- time events of the book of
Revelation, Satan, his evil host (demonic forces) and demonic possessed
men and women are doing everything within their power to deceive
humanity and to condition men to worship an individual known as "the
Page -27-
beast" (Abbadon) that possesses a wicked man that the Bible calls "the
Antichrist" (Rev. 13:1-18). Satan has always had a desire to be worshiped
as God (Isa. 14:12; Lk. 4:7), and he will be worshiped as God in the
coming Tribulation Period (2 Thess. 2:3-4). In order to bring this about,
Satan realizes that he must first DETHRONE the true God in the hearts
and minds of people; that is, he must attack the Deity of Jesus Christ.


Quoting from (Isa. 7:14, Matt. 1:23), "Behold, a virgin shall be with
child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is, God with us." According to both of these
verses, Jesus was "God with us" when He walked upon this earth. He
wasn't merely "God's chosen one with us" or "God's Son with us." As (I
Tim. 3:16), states, "God was manifest in the flesh." (Jn. 1:14) tells us that
"the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." In (Zech. 12:10),
GOD said that HE (God) would be "pierced" by sinners, and (Rev. 1:7),
states that Jesus Christ Himself fulfilled this prophecy! Friend, the Bible
presents Jesus Christ as much more than a great prophet and teacher.
God's word presents Jesus Christ as God incarnate.


Check these references for yourself.

In (Matt. 22:42-45), Jesus claims to be the "Lord" of (Psa. 110:1). He

allows Thomas to address Him as "My Lord and my God," in (Jn.

He is the "everlasting Father," and "The mighty God," of (Isa. 9:6).

(Jn. 10:11-14), He is the "shepherd," of (Psa. 23:1; Psa. 80:1; Ezek.

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God is the "Saviour," in (Isa. 43:3, 43:11, 45:15, 45:21; Hos. 13:4;
Lk. 1:47; I Tim. 4:10), yet this same title is given to Jesus Christ in
(Lk. 2:11; Phil. 3:20, 2 Tim. 1:10; 2 Pet. 2:20).

God is the "Rock," of (Deut. 32:4, 32:15, 32:18, 32:30-31; I Sam. 2:2,
and Psa. 18:31), yet this title is given to the Lord Jesus Christ in (I
Cor.. 10:1-4; I Pet. 2:7-8; Rom. 9:33).

God is "light," in (Psa. 27:1; Mic. 7:8), and then Jesus is "light" in
(Jn. 1:4-9; Jn. 8:12).

In (Isa. 44:6) God says, "...I am the first, and I am the last; and
beside me there is no God." In( Rev. 1:17) Jesus Christ says, "...Fear
not; I am the first and the last."

The Scriptures are clear: Jesus Christ is the God of the Old
Testament (and New Testament).

Miracle Outreach Ministries

9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804
Jacksonville, FL 32241
(904) 733-8318

Gnosticism, E.W. Kenyon, eastern mystical, New Age, Daniel McConnell’s book, A Different
Gospel, Christian Science, New Thought, and Unitarian ideas, Kenneth Hagin's "The Word of
Faith" magazines, , Charles Capps, Ed Price, Kundalini, cobra snake, spiritually
defiled homes another gospel, faith message, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth
Hagin, Creflo Dollar, Counterfeit, false prophet, little gods, Jesus went to hell, doctrines of
demons, Jesus, Born Again,

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22. Joyce Meyers and was written by Kelly Powers. Page 31

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