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InTASC Standard 9
Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each

My artifact is a copy of a Collaborative Assessment Log between with my peer mentor. My peer
mentor and I meet as needed. In our conferences, we discuss concerns about the classroom
including instructional and management issues, individualized education plans, and professional
and personal goals. At the end of our conference, we review the log and create a focus

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assignment to work on until our next meeting.

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The Collaborative Assessment Log and conferences with my peer mentor allow me to sit
with an experienced, tenured teacher and gain ideas and share experiences in and for my
professional practice. In meeting the criteria for InTASC Standard 9, I engage in professional
learning from my peer mentor, who provides me with instructional strategies to implement with
specific students. For example, I have one non-verbal student with whom I struggle to
communicate. In the log, my mentor stated that she showed me Mrs. Rileys website to assist
me in creating a visual schedule for him. Through implementing new strategies suggested to me
by my mentor, I further meet the criteria for this standard because I adapt [my] practice to meet
the needs of each learner.
I enjoy my peer mentor meetings because I gain new insight into my classroom
management and instructional strategies. My mentor helps me see the positive things I am doing
in the classroom, provides advice for work and other assignments outside the classroom i.e.
individualized education plans and communicating with my students parents. In closing, my
Collaborative Assessment Logs are a record of the strategies I am currently working on and
strategies that I must attempt to implement to sharpen my teaching skills as managed by a
tenured, experienced classroom teacher. This log serves as evidence that I participate in
professional learning and growth throughout the school year.

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