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Our group is asking this big question, why is nothing being done

about the death of a baby girl and the attempts on Lawrence

Yudowitz life, and if laws were followed then the tragedies would
not have happened. We can see a conspiracy to commit murder
and a involuntary manslaughter.
Lawrences family has lied and obstructed any help to the baby girl
and attempts on Lawrence s life. An MRI, MRA shows Lawrences
healthy brain; an echocardiogram shows his healthy heart, and a
psychological examination shows his clear mind. We as a group
feels it is necessary to boycott the Cornell Hillel Yudowitz Center
for Jewish Living, the Glasgow Medical School Yudowitz Lecture
Hall, and the Mclean Hospital Yudowitz Law Institute to get to the
truth, and to hold those responsible for the attempts on his life and
the death of a child. The Yudowitz family , and the US consulate in
Manila, should be questioned.
We are an international pro life, anti child abuse organization.
Timeline (Dates are approximate)
1971 -1979
Lawrence was molested on a dozen different occasions. His father
later said to Lawrence that these molestations were simply teasing,
but one example of the molestation which was interrupted by his
brother entered the room, Lawrence calculated that from the time
he heard his brothers bedroom door closing to the time it would
take his brother to come downstairs and see the molestation would
be 100 steps or about 30 seconds which was no teasing but a
careful examination of his testicles. Broken from Lawrences trance
looking away towards the ceiling while he was molested, Lawrence
remembers that time like others, his brother would just leave him
there, or no one would ever stop it. Lawrence was entered into his
first grade class; during the entrance test he was told to throw a
ball testing for coordination and the tester had not specified which
hand to throw with so he used his unnatural left hand, and it
flopped. His mother often made reference from that as to how
Lawrence threw like a girl, Lawrence nevertheless grew on to be
skillful at hardball pitches. His mother grew his long and curly and
dressed him in girly clothes. Visiting his classmates homes
Lawrence would immediately behave like his dogs by going under
the tables to play, his only social life at home. Lawrence asked his
family to send him to foster care several times, but they laughed.
The Park School in Brookline, Massachusetts saw Lawrence as a
student engaging in sexual contact with girls, and drawing his

penis on the chalkboard and they recommended that the whole

family be tested for sexual abuse otherwise Lawrence would not be
able attend school there. His parents decided to simply change his
schools, but Lawrence did go to be tested. The cover letter to the
report stated there was an incestuous relationship with his mother.
Lawrence vividly remembers that on bathing nights, while sitting
in the bathtub, telling himself that if his mother did something
particular again, that he would refuse further bathing out of
rebellion. He did stop bathing, and his older brothers teased him
that his body and hair smelled on occasions. Lawrence from that
period onward dressed fully covered in long panted, long sleeved
clothing fully buttoned shirts, and with a hat drawn over his head.
Swimming at camp was a struggle to be seen in the flesh, and any
comments on how handsome he was , he took as an insult. These
feelings continued until the current day and was a great shame, not
a paranoia. Lawrence was tested to enter the Dexter School for
boys in Brookline, his entrance scores were high. Lawrence
remembers himself as a high achiever in Park School often trying
to catch up with the top student in an academic race.
While with a girl he invited from Park School he and she get
undressed and about to have sex when Jan the Yudowitzs English
nanny rushes in the room to intervene.
Lawrence had been skipping school pretending to be sick and so
his father scolded his mother for letting this happen. Lawrence
tried to skip school again and his mother took him to the hospital
to see the digital thermometer there, she intended to prove that her
thermometer was wrong. The hospital confirmed that Lawrences
real temperature was 104.
Then Lawrence skipped school his last time, and took away from
the medicine cabinets shelf all the thermometers, but his mother
for the second time was determined to prove him wrong, so she
used an anal thermometer on her bed. Lawrence vividly
remembers being told to lie down on her bed while she inserted it.
Lawrence mother scolded him for walking like a girl so she takes
him to a orthopedist who makes him arch supports. She later said
they are too expensive so she stops buying that later. Two
Christmases holidays Lawrence was sent to his room and his
mother opened his gifts to play with the others.
Lawrences father goes to his best friends house and tells their

family that Lawrence can not be their friend because Lawrence

traded one of his fathers baseball cards in a baseball card game.
Lawrence is taken out of school for the second time. His mother
says this is to avoid the long drives to friends houses. Lawrence is
unable to visit friends from his previous two schools.
Lawrence is transferred to public schools near his house, though he
is two years above their level and he pays no attention in class, but
he is placed on the honor roll nevertheless. His father takes him to
have EEG or EKG testing because of a complaint that he is not
paying attention in class. This is one of the first of tests initiated by
his father which were not necessary. Lawrence writes a postal letter
to a boy in camp that had offered to do anything for him, that same
boy Nathan Y Gross asked Lawrence to do a sick favor for him
while reading a Playboy magazine at camp but Lawrence refused;
Lawrence wrote that he wanted Nathan to have his father killed
because nothing could stop his fathers abuse. Lawrence said that
his father scolded him for smiling, and that acting happy was not
allowed. Lawrence was introduced to a neighbor several houses
nearby who was his fathers supervisor at work to help their
relationship. On his birthday, Lawrence and camp mate Jonathan
Rosman are driven to a gaming place on the highway and after
warning his mother of a car 1/2 mile up the road she continues
until she hits the car, she was in some trance. Lawrence noticed his
mom becoming more of a wreck since Lawrence was the only
sibling left at home and his father was extremely threatening.
Lawrence entered Brookline High School and kept a 3.5 grade
point average, focusing primarily on darkroom photography and
collecting records. Lawrences siblings call him from college to hide
their alcohol stash and Lawrence already smoked his sisters stash
and when Lawrence is caught, so his siblings take revenge by
holding an intervention for Lawrence, they accused him in front of
the parents of having a problem smoking drugs, the same drugs
they sent to him.
Lawrence never told Popper about his recent drug
experimentation, and Popper said that his parents had not told
him either. Lawrence began feeling little down and his mother put
a giant anti marijuana poster on the refrigerator. His father sat in a
meeting with Lawrence and his supervisor to recommend seeing
Dr. Popper. His supervisor said that Lawrence should not go see
Popper until he stops smoking marijuana but his father said
"Lawrence is a good boy and doesnt smoke marijuana". Lawrence

made it clear that his father was extremely abusive but his father
increasingly began to try covering that abuse over with excuses
that it could not possibly be him causing an unhappy home. Popper
was to test combinations of psychopharmacological drugs as an
experiment for his journal that he was chief editor for, and
Lawrence became perturbed that Popper did not intervene in the
home abuses; Later Lawrence found out that Popper was acting as
a friend to his father and not following ethical guidelines. Soon
after these meeting began, Dr. Yudowitz in one of many violent
rages beat sleeping Lawrences head after kicking in a locked door.
That was when Popper prescribed the doctor Lithium to calm his
moods, though Lawrence and his brother urged for antipsychotics.
Dr. Yudowitz accused his family of trying to make him look bad,
and for example placeing things so that if he neared them, they
would fall. His father also had a court case about a teen who
murdered by a boy with a bat and seemed to imagine his court
cases at home, and he thought Lawrence was thinking of using a
bat, but Lawrence did keep a bat near his bedside in case he was
beaten again while sleeping. While driving with is classmate
Nugyen Weeks Lawrence's dad rammed his Coupe De Ville into his
drivers door out of rage because he thought Lawrence was trying to
hide from him on the road.
As a minor Lawrence did whatever he was told, a good reason why
as an adult now he wishes to do something more with new
Lawrence graduated Brookline High School. His photography
teacher and Spanish teacher gave good recommendations for him
entering Bradford College.
Lawrence took a leave of absence from Bradford after initiating
help for drinking and eating his prescription Valium. Lawrence
entered himself into a salvation army work program where he sued
to serve thanksgiving turkey, but his father was telephoning the
director checking up on him so he left to get away. Lawrence was
adamant about separating from his family for good, then his father
cried on his knees inform of his brother begging Lawrence to
accept monthly payments, he said he feared that Lawrence would
end up as a statistic on the street. The early 1990s there was a
major recession in America, Lawrence got a job delivering Pizza
and dropping off strip messengers after work. Lawrences fathers
best friend Paul Mcsweeney and his surveillance team followed
Lawrence and kept watch his bank account, so Lawrence

complained to his parents but they denied it; nevertheless his

mothers sister Ruth confronted his mother and relayed that
indeed it was Paul McSweeney. Paul Mcsweeney met with
Lawrence and admitted that.
Shortly before Lawrences mentor, his fathers supervisor died,
Lawrence was invited by him to attend brunches at the Ritz Carlton
hotel to be introduced to new people, but he did not go. While
opening mail at the main hall in Lawrence's house, his father said
out loud "I'm gonna miss Whitey, He sure could fix a problem."
Lawrence moved to Oregon and worked as a caregiver for a
quadriplegic and also as a volunteer for American Diabetes.
Lawrence's apartment mate named Rose who owned a pasta
business in Portland's square opened his mail from his father and
discovered Prozac pills. Lawrence remains adamant that the only
person in the world who ever said bad things about his health were
his father, and Lawrence may be a character but nevertheless a
normal person.
Lawrence was urged to entre a plea agreement for a felony he knew
nothing about, when a housemate was charged with possession of
mushrooms, and so he stayed in Oregon dealing with that trouble
and some other relating to poor relations with several other
Lawrences mother arranged a meeting with a Dr. Jocelyn Bonner
in Eugene, Oregon to ask forgiveness from Lawrence for locking
him in his room for two years. Lawrence only remembered being
so bored there that three times he stuck his finger into his
bedrooms electrical wall sockets.
Lawrence went to China for work as an English teacher. Upon
working in China the school insisted that his photo needed to look
better so he went to make a replacement, then soon after there was
a house fire and the passport left inside was never returned. A year
after that Lawrence rented a new apartment and someone took the
passport from a drawer which he immediately reported like the
others. In a Hong Kong bar while being hugged by a hostess
another passport was stolen. So there was a small string of lost
passports which Lawrence felt bad about because it was an honest
mistake on his part. Lawrence has nothing to say about his stay in
China, it was normal.

Lawrence finally discovers after years of search the original report
from 1979 which cover letter states the incestuous relationship,
also says that Lawrence is a perfectionist, and passive aggressive.
Lawrence calls his mother's psychiatrist who looks into his notes,
then says that his mother stated that everything was "fine" at
home. Lawrence says he has a letter handwritten sent by his
mother to him while in Oregon that "things were so bad at home"
as "the reason why" the family was never in therapy as was
recommended by the schools.
Lawrence was refused a passport by the Seattle office. On a
Thursday at 11:30 while leaving the Brooklyn Seafoods Restaurant
across the street from the Jackson Federal building a heavy glass
bottle landed exactly where he stood form the secure third story
rooftop. Lawrence took one step to better wait his taxi coming
which he called from inside ten minutes earlier; Afterward, he
hired an armed bodyguard with secret service training, and this
bodyguard confirmed with his contact inside that restaurant that
indeed the bottle fell there that time. Lawrence was followed and
approached consistently from that time period onwards for several
years, sometimes he stopped the men, one such man when asked
what does he do claimed that he kills people. Other men came up
to Lawrence and said simply that Lawrence was a criminal and
would die. Lawrence had gone to the police station in Seattle to
report the attempted murder but the policeman on duty said it
would have been an accident.
Lawrence says that either soon before or soon after in Hong Kong
two men approached his table at a recto bar and simply said they
were going to kill him, and they asked if he was a Jew. It seemed
serious so Lawrence told them there was no reason to kill him. He
called his father and his father said the exact words Lawrence had
said which was Did you tell them there was no reason?
Lawrences father said he wanted to give him an early inheritance
of a house and so Lawrence chose a condo in West Vancouver but
his father said it better to live inside an income property, so
Lawrence well managed this property in East Vancouver until taxes
were needing to be paid so he took out a mortgage because he had
no income that time.
It was then that Lawrence began noticing a woman in a green truck
following him in Canada, and upon visiting his nephew at a Bar
Mitzvah ceremony a blue sports car followed him from the airport
upon arrival, both drivers when caught waved their hands in from

of the faces in exactly the same manner as if from training

frantically and sped off, the funny thing about the green pickup
trying to escape was behind his taxi inside a one way alleyway
giving time for Lawrence to write down the plate number.
Lawrence asked for a meeting with his parents and also one with
Paul and his father. In the meeting with his parents Lawrence
asked them if his father was trying to kill him and his mother said
that his father would never kill his own son. In the meeting with
Paul at his fathers office, Lawrence said he endured more of the hit
man stories from his father about when he was a child in New
York. Paul turned to Lawrence when confronted with the
surveillance which he there denied, and said he owed Lawrences
father his life.
Upon returning to Seattle later on a visit from Vancouver right
across the border, two bald men followed him, the shorter bald
man was also near him in Hong Kong, asking a man on his phone if
he should shoot him. These two bald men sat down in a Seattle
resto bar where Lawrence and an undercover police lady he
befriended sat down for a drink, the two bald men sat right next to
them without ordering and Lawrence told the lady about the two
men and the threats against his life, to which she asked if he
wanted her to do something about it, and Lawrence said no.
Lawrence did make a joke and say to her aloud that we have a file
on these guys to which the bigger bald one said to his counterpart
is that true? and the shorter one replied, No.
Lawrences mother sent emails that a man named benny was
leaving messages on the phone or on her caller id, and there were
some numbers calling the house from Shenzhen or Hong Kong, but
Lawrence said he didnt recognize the numbers.
There was a time during the 2008 Olympics that a black and a
white man asked about his lost passports but he did not stay in
contact, but it was odd that Lawrence did call that man before
finally losing contact and Lawrence was told by him that he didnt
know him, and it was within a week that the first threat against his
life happened.
Lawrence visited a girl in the Philippines from an online dating site
and afterwards he stayed to date more girls. At a hotel in Manila
just after arriving from China to visit one of the ex girlfriends he
was invited to a dinner in another city. As a precaution Lawrence
asked the ABC hotel van driver/ security guard to accompany him,

and both were surprised that strangers other than the date showed
up and directed them to drive under a bridge, and when Lawrence
and the driver made it clear they would not, they both heard clearly
the strangers on their phone stating that The hit was cancelled.
Lawrence intended to continue his college education in the
Philippines in Criminology so his mother sent his requirements to
a certain Tonros hotel in Cebu City. Soon after the high school
transcripts arrived from his mother, several men took house at a
hotel Kucoos Nest across the street. Lawrence had noticed a man
on the lookout at a nearby corner and so on a hunch he approached
the men. The men asked him if he had ever been to the Cayman
Islands and that something was like a game of chess, upon leaving
the place they exclaimed that Lawrence would need guns.
Lawrence began to think that someone might be trying to set him
up. A different foreign man inside there who had also sat down
with him had been seen near Lawrences hotel room when a certain
fax letter had disappeared from his folders. Lawrence kept well
organized and this particular paper resembled a copy of a financial
record from the Cayman Islands Lawrence took from his father just
after the Seattle bottle dropped, as part of an investigation into
why the purchase of the house coincided with the attempt on his
life. The name card given to Lawrence by these men Lawrence
scanned and sent to his parents computer. Later when Lawrence
asked for the card again, to follow up on a boat for sale offer, his
parents refused to give up the card. Lawrence will not say anything
more about strangers he met, he simply does not know anything
more and does not want to get in another persons business as a
Different men showed up at the Kukus nest across the street from
the Tonros hotel, and one named David stayed a while, he said he
had a purple heart. David ran up to Lawrence waiving his phone in
front of Lawrence one night while approaching the street.
Lawrence asked him why his phone was on with it's light while he
spoke to Lawrence and David replied that he needed the light on to
cross the street. It was odd to Lawrence so he said to David that he
might likely investigate him to which David said if he did, then he
would tie Lawrences feet to cement and drop him into the ocean.
David had strange visitors at his hotel where Lawrence frequently
ate his meals. Two Muslim girls were there and one of them asked
the other " Are they really gonna shoot shoot him?"

Lawrence asked their names and they stumbled on their words,

they both had similar names, one said her name was Shenma, and
the other said She nna, Lawrence had studied Hebrew and so he
asked them the meaning of their names and they didn't know.
Lawrence, while planning his schooling in Davao, Philippines also
rent a space to open a coffee shop to pay his bills while attending
classes for four years. A man named Jerry came there and called
Lawrence out loud a member of the Illuminati which embarrasses
Lawrence who knows nothing about such a topic but Jerry goes on
to quote something from a story Larry wrote years earlier which his
father said he could edit for him; hed sent it to Secretary Kerry for
reading as part its gorilla marketing. Jerrys comment scared off a
potential coffee space collaborator who appeared at the
entranceway the same time. Lawrence then later meets uo with
Jerry for a few coffees, the neighborhood is saying that they are
now friends, but after Jerry invites him to a drug house. Inside
Lawrences apartment he tells Jerry clearly that they cannot be
friends anymore, and Jerry points to a photo of his father saying
that he would dare not cross that man. Lawrence told jerry as a
joke that he would give his photo to a friend at the airport for facial
recognition and Jerry freaked out, even calling Lawrence the next
day to see if Lawrence was kidding or not. Lawrence noticed a
Caucasian man with sunglasses and a bushy beard wearing a
baseball hat nodding at him.(Lawrence noticed this same man
much later on after a murder attempt but without the beard, hat
nor sunglasses staying in the bungalow behind his at the 9 waves
resort in Manila, he drove a red suv). Lawrences paperwork
disappeared from his desk and the restaurant equipment inside his
rented space was removed against his contract so he left Davao to
Cebu where he was invited by Lesyl Medalla his new girlfriend.
Lesyl had visited him in Davao twice, long distance.
Lawrence applied for a repatriation loan from the U.S. Consulate.
The consulate send him emails introducing a woman as a liaison.
She introduced herself as from Arlington Massachusetts where
Lawrences father has an office. Says she will ask Lawrences family
for 2500 to cover the expense for exit visa and airplane ticket.
Lawrence tells her his plans to go to D.C. where he already
scheduled to meet a relocation specialist at that airport who will
help him get settled and look for a job. Lawrences family only
sends 1500 which is not enough to leave, and Lawrence questions

who he was applying for the repatriation loan from if it did not
allow him to leave the country. Lawrence asks her if his father said
he was crazy, and she laughed, then she said "yes".
Lawrences girlfriend had unveiled herself as a habitual liar. She
was a prostitute and gangbanging men brought to her home with
her brothers ice cream truck, and he mom also invited men from
the street everyday while they made me wait outside her room.
Lawrence was already had loving feelings for her, while he dated
her in Davao.
He had dated her a few times before he left Cebu for Davao.
Lawrence notes that so0mething strange brewed after Lesyl called
another girl that Lawrence dated ugly. That girl she called ugly
made up some story about Lawrence and it seemed that someone
may have been arrested and an entire club closed because of a
story she made up. While Lesyl and Lawrence were inside the
Tonros hotel, a girl knocked on Lawrences door and asked for
help, to let her in, but Lawrence said no. It was later found out that
the girl called ugly was spreading a rumor that Lawrence invited
the girl to his house, but he did not.
Then, during the repatriation loan, a Caucasian man with died
black hair walked by the doorway while Lawrence sat outside. The
next week a different Caucasian man stood outside the house
pretending to inflate his tire at the vulcanizing store next door, he
brought with him two policemen. Lawrence noticed the men and
so went outside to greet them. (Lawrence had previously met the
girl who spread that false rumor at a Mango Square entertainment
area and lightly joked that he was from France even though she
knew he wasnt.)
Lawrence approached the men outside his girlfriends home at 26 c
Imus highway and asked if he was American. That man snarled
back and said no that he was from France. The two policemen with
cowered heads looked down at the ground when Lawrence looked
at them near his side. He asked how Lawrence made his money so
Lawrence told him about 20,000 owed by his brother for losing his
houses things, and E trade which Lawrence traded on. Lawrence
also told him that he did not like to be bothered. Lawrence called
his father to speak about the men outside his room that day and his
father said 'That's what happens when you write that letter."
The men left and Lawrence went back inside.
The very next day another Caucasian man approached Lawrence
on the street and asked for money. Lawrence recognized him from
a year earlier at the Cebu asking him for money. "Aren't you the
same guy from last year'? Lawrence asked him. "Yes I am" , he

"Aren't you from France?", he asked.
Lawrence was not given the repatriation loan he applied for, and
was afraid of the men outside his house threatening him by what
they said and what they might be planning, Lawrence did not
know, and he asked Lesyl to accompany him to other cities to run
from them, better he was with her than alone he thought. The
memories of the man with the two cowering policemen still
frightened him so he wrote as letter to the St. Nino church director
and went to deliver it in person at the office inside that church.
Lawrence claims that something very strange occurred inside that
office as if the air was water. That weekend Lesyl became pregnant
with Lawrence's child.
In her second month of pregnancy they came back to her
neighborhood's barangay(community station) named Lorega and
Lawrence asked the captain for help to stop Lesyl from killing the
baby through her alcohol and drug dependency, Lawrence found
out about it when he found tin foil in her pocket book.
The captain called a grey suv to take them to the family services
department and there was nothing done to plan for her pregnancy.
In the city of Dumaguete Lawrence and Lesyl moved to a hotel
after that where they walked on the beach and boardwalk everyday.
A man knocked on their hotel room door and said aloud his name
and disappeared. The hotel management did not do that. This
reminded Lawrence of the same thing that happened on a trip to
Portland Oregon a few years earlier. A different neighbor there
invited Lawrence to have a drink, and when Lawrence arrived that
man excused himself to leave, leaving Lawrence to defend himself
against four attackers, and Lawrence quickly went away.
Then, Lawrence and Lesyl moved to Mactan, near Cebu.
In Mactan three men sat downstairs from their room in the small
store below, and Lawrence shook their hands when he went
downstairs with Lesyl. a man name Jun on the left said "I''m not
going to shoot him". Lawrence then asked them "Are you here from
the state department?"
to which a Caucasian with bald head and arm tattoos said "Why?,
Do you wanna die?". Lawrence said to that "No. I want more
evidence" (pertaining to a continued harassment). The man in the
middle of the three had a huge birthmark around one eye, and he
said "We are Philippine army."

Lesyl and Lawrence changed hotels and while at the lobby again
Lawrence began a new very strong hallucinogenic experience and
so he check his body all over and found a swollen puffy mark and a
small hole in the muscle behind and below his right knee.
Lawrence called the US consulate night duty officer and begged for
some assistance, that he was a good person and that someone was
trying to kill him. The duty officer had spoken to Lawrence other
times and said "There is a warrant on your life" to which Lawrence
asked who and the officer said something cryptic "Whitey"
Then the officer told Lawrence to call back in the daytime.
Lawrence did call back and the day officer immediately asked
Lawrence if he had spoken to someone the night before. Lawrence
called his mother and asked for financial help to hire a guard, and
she said "she would think about it."
Lawrence was having a difficult time with his relationship to Lesyl,
caring for her lovingly while she often went out and gave men
blowjobs. On one occasion Lawrence went out for a walk and was
yelled to from a bar named Gecko, the owner said to come over so
he did.
He invited Lawrence to sit down and told him that someone
wanted to shoot him, and that "It isn't a white man". Another
Caucasian man inside the resto bar (it was just them three)
shouted "Just shoot him".
Lawrence and the owner huddled in conversation, Lawrence said
he had no idea what this was about and the owner mentioned
something asked him if he was going to testify in court, or if there
were any court documents and Lawrence knew nothing about any
court proceeding, and he was not involved in anything to do with
When the baby was about 5 and 6 months old Lawrence and Lesyl
jumped to a few different apartments to collect deposit money in
order to eat because his parents had been sending money ever
since the repatriation loan stranded him there. Lawrence had
taken out a loan periodically from a loan services company named
Loan First in Mactan and upon paying in full they would extend
another loan, but thhis time they did not. It was very important
since it was the end of Lesyl's pregnancy. In her second month of
pregnancy. The Australian husband and his wife the owner told
Lawrence they would not give another loan, and they said this as
soon as Lawrence paid nealry all their money for the month in full,

they only had to pay a small percentage but Lawrence was very
The husband said that Lawrence had a trust account so that it
would be crazy to ask for a loan. Lawrence gave Lesyl his
electronics to help sell to neighbors for cash or food, but instead
she went to a drug dealer and gave blowjobs. Lawrence tried to
keep her at home but she would disappear for hours just after
stepping out the front door. Lawrence wanted her either locked a
home or hospitalized until the baby was born but he had no
parental right. In desperation he called the U.S. state department
from the Lapu lapu police station nearby, there women's services
division and called to ask they ask my family to send money.
Lawrence also asked either in email or calls to his family but no
one sent anything. Lesyl began trying to squeeze the baby to death.
The baby was now about 7 1/2 months prenatal. Lesyl sometimes
went out to use drugs so he would feel her pulse when she returned
home to test for a strong or week drug, fortunately the drugs she
used were very low potency, people seemed to be making meth
from their garages without the correct processing. Lawrence
believed he could try his best to limit her going out and take long
walks with her.
Lesyl seemed at one point thinking about having Lawrence killed
and ransoming the baby after birth. There was one night when
some people tried to break into their new apartment through the
air conditioner, this was near Deca 3 or 5 where Jun lived.
Lawrence called the local police station and 911 but with no answer
and so he blocked the front door and all the bottles on top fell off
from their attempts. They waited until morning arrived, Lesyl had
yelled to the air conditioner at one point when Lawrence dialed
911, "Not tonight!". In the morning Lawrence called his father
about the break in and his father said to go to the hospital, and
never mentioned the police. His father said " I guess you did a
public service before ending the call.
The night the baby was killed, Lesyl had went into the bathroom
and asked for help to get off the toilet twenty minutes later.
Lawrence suspected others involved outside but could not prove it.
The drug house he found out hat she went to, Lawrence went there
and asked about Lesyl, they called her a monster and for Lawrence
to be careful of men with guns outside, their house is behind police
station two in Mactan. Rocky was the boy there, I think she gave
him blowjobs when she was supposed to find neighbors to by our

Lawrence's family was scheduled to come for the birth's ceremony
but they did not come. They sent several email stating they were
sorry to hear there was a miscarriage, but I had already sent them
emails that the baby was healthy according to the sonogram and
nurses appointment, that the baby was murdered, and Lesyl did
feel bad so she made a signed confession with two different lawyers
that she smothered the baby to death. I had asked to do to that
because there had to be some justice for what happened. Lawrence
believes that Lesyl suffers from some mental illness, and says she
portrays herself as both a psychopathic criminal and sometimes
contrary to that. Lesyl calls herself a criminal and a black sheep.
After she killed the baby girl, she carried the baby inside her for
two more months waiting for the baby to come out. They went to
Cebu again Lawrence and Lesyl stayed at the Escario hotel and
there were four special agents who identified themselves similar to
America's I.C.E. parked outside his hotel. Lawrence went to see
their four identical sports cars. Their Captain was a pot bellied man
with earrings in both ears, who stared at Lawrence while his agents
shoed their identification cards. That night while Lawrence
ordered food and after eating it he felt his body become faster and
faster as the hour went on so he became afraid what might be
causing it. He called an ambulance and when the ambulance
arrived Lawrence spoke to them to take his vitals and they did not,
but instead just waited parked, so Lawrence asked a taxi to take
him to the hospital. When he arrived, he waited in the emergency
room and a doctor who was just standing against the wall was near
Lawrence and offered him a pill that he said might help, so
Lawrence ate in, then after one minute, Lawrence says that it felt
like a tidal wave pulling him under, like he was dying, and he asked
that doctor to take his vital signs but he refused so Lawrence drank
some water from the faucet nearby and went outside to throw it up,
and then left the hospital grounds. That night Lawrence says he
stayed in a taxi too afraid to return to the hotel because he was
hallucinating similar to a Santana concert he went to a dozen years
earlier. Lawrence went to a different hotel by himself for over a day
to drink gallons of water in attempt to flush out the hallucinogen.
Lawrence came back to the hotel where Lesyl stayed and they went
to stay at a hotel near the Cebu airport early in the morning before
6 AM. First they moved into a room on the ground floor but they

switched rooms to the upper floors after Lawrence discovered a

man outside at their window. Their new room was above the empty
parking lot and Lawrence noticed the loud conversation of some
men outside in the parking lot talking about shooting the two of
them so he went downstairs to talk to the security. At the front
entrance of the Holiday Inn hotel Lawrence observed a grey suv at
the very end of the long driveway and stationed off the highway
adjacent to the driveway, and there were some men walking back
toward it including a man in a yellow shirt. Lawrence asked the
security manager "Who is that guy in the yellow shirt who was with
the man in the backpack just now by the guards booth, and the
security manager replied "Which man? I dont; see anyone in a
yellow shirt."
So at that moment Lawrence called the US. Consulate again at 6:30
am to seek advice what to do. Lawrence said he only wanted to
make a record of it incase something happened. The duty officer
then or later said that they at the consulate had a contact at one iof
the Lapu Lapu police stations, either #7 or another number
Lawrence cannot remember. Once going out to find Lesyl a Lorega
captain from the barangay across from Lesyl's barangay and
stopped Lawrence with a group of his men, Lawrence said it
appeared he had been called to stop him on the street, and Jack
was perplexed why he had stopped Lawrence.
Lawrence began to get ready for his exit visa and a few days after
one of the times he was poisoned he went to the exit visa issuance
department and a heavy set Caucasian women came up to him and
said "aren't you confused" in surprise. Lawrence had done a good
job flushing out the hallucinogen. Lawrence and Lesyl went to
Bohol because Lesyl said that she wanted to say something to
Lawrence but was too afraid to do so in Cebu, so they went to
Bohol. In Bohol Lesyl write down what she wanted to say, and she
notarized it with a lawyer, the statement went on about the grey
suv that people came from it to talk to her as soon as Lawrence left
the Holiday Inn Hotel to go to the Lapu Lapu police station, and
that these people talked to her about a poison. Lawrence had never
told her about his talk with security at 6:30 that previous stay at
the Holiday Inn hotel.
At the Tagbilaran hospital in Bohol the baby is finally delivered
after much waiting an applying prime rose oil to the womb. The
baby is given all the proper Catholic ritual or rites and given a
proper burial, but the hospital put unknown cause of death on the

death certificate and the ultrasound showed a crushed skull

Lawrence sent his lawyer in Oregon who expunged his past record
the originals for safekeeping.(Lawrence told Lesyl that he would
not urge the justice department to press charges against her for the
death of the child if she tried to be a good person and get her first
job or go to school, and she has not, but to this day sits at home
servicing men with her family in Lorega.) Continuing to stay in
Tagblilaran at their first room together, their neighbors who
operated a baker vanished for one night and three men outside of
the complex were heard saying "We have to kill him." Lawrence
went to the red cross and asked for help to stay at a safe place, and
the red cross workers who helped him said that there was an order
of "death by execution", but Lawrence did not ask about it.
Lawrence search for the contact telephone of a certain Nathan Y.
Gross who was a narco informant in Brighton, Massachusetts now
living in Israel, that man had asked Lawrence for sexual favors
which Lawrence refused, when they met at summer camp as
children. Lawrence felt that Nathan owed him a favor so he made a
notarization allowing Nathan to retrieve a copy of his trust
account; Lawrence knew that in history money was a big motive for
murder in families. The very first thing Nathan said after twenty
years of no contact was that Lawrence's parents sent him a letter
that said there was a chemically induced psychosis, and Lawrence
guessed that his family intended to poison him to make him
psychotic in order to gain the control of the trust.
Lawrence and Lesyl both went to Bagiuo City so that Lawrence
could apply to the criminology program at the Cordova University
there and to pay for Lesyl to attend art classes and earn her GED.
Lawrence emailed the Hillel Yudowitz Center at Cornell in New
York in confidentiality that he wished to Boycott them and also the
Yudowitz Medical lecture hall in Scotland and the Institue at
Mclean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts because he could not
in goods conscience see his own family name on any medical,
religious or law building, it wouldnt be kosher.
Lawrence scheduled a health exam at the local hospital on top of
session Road near the local artists community, and in public the
weekend before the appointment Lawrence said aloud that he
would prove first his heart in good condition before those men
tried to give him a heart attack.
The following Week arriving at his 8:30 am appointment the
doctors and nurses were switched and Lawrence waited an hour

with the male nurse reading his heart sonogram on the monitor, all
was normal and usual. The nurse there explained about the
running machine test that came later and if Lawrence felt faint
then to hit the red button. She left the room.
About an hour later the doctor and a new nurse walked in together,
she wore a mask and she explained to Lawrence that if he felt faint
NOT to press the red button BUT to tell her instead, and she then
guided Lawrence to the running machine. The monitor was to
Lawrence's left between the doctor and himself. Lawrence walked
at barely above normal walking pace when he saw that his heart
rate was 120 to 130 beats per minute, BUT he only just walked
normally so he asked the doctor about it and the doctor snapped at
him that how should Lawrence know anything. Lawrence asked
him again because he knew it was very unusual, and the doctor
snapped back again saying that he was busy with procedure.
At that moment staring at the monitor while Lawrence barely
walked his heart rate jumped from 160 to 190 on the monitor
during which he felt the strong sense of some chemical entering his
bloodstream. He took the electrodes off and wiped off any contact
areas, and he said as calmly as he could while experiencing a heart
attack that he was "late for an appointment". He grabbed more
than enough money to pay for this appointment from his pockets
and politely proceeded to leave . The doctor got out his cell phone
and called someone just like the past investigators had, and while
he reached for a nearby nun in the hallway while Lawrence
stumbled out as nonchalantly as he could. Four guards came to
stop him outside the entrance even though he already paid in full.
Lawrence explained to them that he was leaving, and late to an
appointment. They blocked his way with the intention to bring him
back, so he ran as fast as I could up the hospitals private road to
the main street, when a big lady stepped out from the streets
entrance and so did his girlfriend from another angle. That lady
told him to go back. He said there was no reason to stop him that
he had already paid, and he said that several times. The lady said
she was a police lady so I said to please call more police but she
didnt comment. His girlfriend said "I though you were going to
give me a heart attack." Lawrence offered the guards 10,000 pesos
each to let him pass. The lady whom I gave my payment at the desk
near the examining room ran up he road and waived the receipt,
she saved him. Finally, Lawrence yelled his name loudly and that
they had "poisoned me", at which point they let him walk away.
(Lesyl later made a witness affidavit and had it notarized after
Lawrence escaped from the country.)That doctor gave Lawrence

the pill from his pocket in Cebu's Soccer hospital, it was the same
doctor positively.
The doctor is described as 58 barrel chested 215 pounds with
moustache and goatee, a dark tanned man about 45 to 55 years old.
The Baguio hospital was at top of Session road near a famous art
caf. The book cover is a portrait of the imposter doctor.
Lawrence and Lesyl immediately went to manila to apply the
exiting visa. Lawrence called his parents for help to pay the exit
visa, that it was life and death, but his father threatened his mother
to close her personal bank account if she sent him money.
Lawrence was terrified and after staying at the White Knight Hotel
in Manila signed a legal international will and testament with three
hotel staff as witnesses making Presidential candidate at the time
Donald Trump and Officer Steven F. Seagal as his beneficiaries in
case something happened to him.
The White Knight Hotel was next to the immigration where
Lawrence applied for his exit clearance e to leave the country, and
the application had to go through two full times, for no valid
reason During the time he applied while standing in line he was
poisoned, somehow. This time the poison nearly killed him.
Lawrence had jumped in a taxi as soon as he realized that someone
had poisoned him while standing in line. Lawrence had been
introduced to a black foreigner behind the fingerprinting booth.
Lawrence thought it was strange to be introduced and since the
foreigner was standing behind the booth next to the attendant, and
the attendant seemed very scared and red faced, shaking.
Lawrence felt the poison beginning while inside the NBI and went
to the American consulate; there he went twice within about two
hours time as the poison got worse, and to show the puffy mark in
front of the camera system, and to the woman at the window where
he went into a room booth, he told her that a law enforcement
officer had said he could come in that week to talk about the
attempt on his life, and that it might be from their investigators.
She said that the officer was not available. Lawrence told her that
someone was trying to kill him outside, and so he waited and asked
a second time to telephone the federal law enforcement officer, but
finally she told Lawrence he had to leave the consulate. Someone
behind the window was saying aloud something about hypnosis.
In the taxi the symptoms resembled meningitis and severe blurry
vision and unable to stand up, Lawrence stopped the taxi once on
the highway to stop at his ex girlfriend's house but there was the
red truck from the 9 waves resort he stayed. After five hours in the

taxi and returned to the hotel he crawled up the stairs. Lawrence

attempted to flush out his system with water. Lawrence called the
U.S. consulate and then an ambulance appeared outside his
bedroom and parked. The next morning Lawrence asked the
management to check the camera system and a black foreigner was
using their office computer when the camera system stopped, the
security manager said some bastard had sabotaged the cameras.
Lawrence then called an emergency contact in case of emergency ,
but it happened to be the same contact that was listed on his fax
paper which was stolen from his hotel room in Cebu a few years
earlier. The contact was an ex Israeli Defense commander and he
didnt seem to believe Lawrence and his men who came to get him
from the hotel to switch hotels made the comment in front of
Lawrence that there was nowhere to run.
Finally the NBI did clear Lawrence and the letter said that there
were humanitarian reasons to help approve the exit clearance.
Lawrence waited in his room until his mother sent enough money
to leave the country.
After escaping the country Lawrence's oldest brother called him on
Skype, hotel.score and texted him this message:
Mike: There is money
send email. Confirming that you want me to be trustee and not ***
tell me now if you do nto want me involved. I am doing this to help
you. It is not something I
want to do
Lawrence: I dont want you involved m***
honestly I dont trust you
Mike: then shulman will do it
i will call dad now
all family contact crom now on eill be though shulman
I will block u now bye.
After escaping the Philippines and entering the next country
Lawrence's ATM card is taken inside the ATM machine and so he
calls his brother Martin. Martin answers the phone and yells
"Lawrence you need help!', to Lawrence it seemed staged as if
Martin was talking in front of his wife.
Lawrence told Martin that it sounded as if that was something to
tell someone with a drinking issue, that he was quite healthy.

Martin said he would help with a hotel payment until the new Atm
arrived but that Lawrence had to tell him which address he would
stay at. Lawrence told him the address and two men showed up
outside on their phone. Lawrence called martin from inside the
lobby and gave the manager the phone to talk to Martin. martin
refused to pay the deposit, and then Lawrence took over the call
and Martin asked if there was a problem with Lawrence's
appearance. Martin said that it must be Lawrence's appearance
that makes the hotel ask for a deposit. Lawrence verified that the
deposit is normal policy. Lawrence says he knows his family well
enough to guess that Martin was involved with the surveillance and
may have thought that Lawrence had still some affect of the
poison, and that only by surveillance could he have known that he
wore a disguise. In retrospect there were times that his mother also
knew of the surveillance when he called from the Philippines.
Lawrence suspects that his father and mother led the family and
some of the investigators to kill Lawrence. Martin had said in a
recent phone conversation "Never tell a murderer that he's wrong."
Lawrence swears to G-d that he never gave anyone any passport
illegally nor any pages from one. He also states that he did not do
anything wrong to his family.

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