Vajeh Name Engilisi

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A Acceleration input Accelerometer Adaptive control Aileron Analytic function Angle condition Angle deficiency ‘Array Armature control Asymptote Asymptotic stability Auxillary equation B Back emf Bandwidth Block diagram Bode Bode plots Branch Break-away point Break frequency Break-in point Cc Cascade Causal — Characteristic equation - Clockwise cal. (cloud So cg ja Closed-loop Be nd SI dole ily Cofactor Coil Compensation Compensator Conditional frequency Conditionally stable Conductors Constant M-Circle Constant M-Locus Continued fractions Continuous-time Control action Controlled output Controller Control signal ee Damping ¥e4 1508 Bk shy if Control surfaces sh oh Sus “ Conventional : Comer frequency oy Gaps ee Counter clockwise els ele Slade OS > Ke ge 5 Kt ya eh F Critical ers ruK5 IE} Cae Critically damped bn she Sty aes Curvilinear bs Cutoff frequency ei Sa s Cutoff rate Be oe D > nab alee Damped natural frequency ele oe othe Ye) Damping ratio. Decade Decibel Delay time Desired output Digital control Direct polar plot Direct transmission Discrete-time Design Disturbance signal Dominant poles Dynamic E Eigenvalue Elevator Encirclement Enegy-storage Error Error coefficient Estimated Estimation External description External disturbances F Fundamental matrix Feedback Feedback compensation Feedback control Feedforward control utd aes WS Kad Sas Sad sil Said as os Field control bie JS Final value theorem AE ale ana Flux oH Flyball governer wb Sos gy Forcing function sassy lt Forward path Free response Frequency response Full order observer Functional dependence G Gain a Gain crossover frequency on ablis WS Gain margin ayy tle Hq Heaviside Highpass filter Homogeneous part gid Sonal. Hurwitz Hurwitz criteria i Impulse function a3 ew Independent state variable sly le pice Inductance cals Initial state adh ode Intitial value theorem dy! Jade quad Input matrix ea al Input node Sef Input-ourput data > 9 5 — 525)5 slasal> Insignificant poles Intelligent Intelligent control Internal description Inverse Nyquist plot Inverse unstable L Laplace transform Linear Load Load disturbances Load impedance Log magnitude Loop Loop gain Low pass filter M Magnitude Magnitude condition. Mason’s gain formula Maximum overshoot Minimal realization Minimum phase Mixed node Modern control Motor shaft Multiplicity Multivariable control PS shechi cat ee ples eb ney 1 pt aa saga PLU ye See AY Jets os a sh oleleat ah algal scale 921 15 ase ae baat aie be IS ¥eY N Natural frequency Negative feedback Nichols chart Node Noncausal Nonlinear Nonminimum phase Nonsingular Nontouching loops Neth order system (A ye pie Nyquist ad Sb Nyquist contour © SU ee Nyquist plot eet SAU sya oO Observability Crh wel Observable whee ‘Observation error adh gles Observer Sy, Observer matrix Fab) asl Octave ss! Offset l Open-loop Sh Ail Operating point WS abass Order Output node Output matrix Overdamped Overshoot Yer P Parabolic error constant Gre lhe ot Parabolic function Se ot Parallel ile Path Path gain Peak resonance Peak time Phase Phase crossover frequency 36 abl 1S 3 Phase lag MR Phase lag-lead 38 Phase lead Phase margin 5G a Phase shift 5G dust Phasor diagram 2358 4 Sus Physical variables Su Gl Pitch ayy Plant Sawa Polar plot bd ays Pole ot Pole placement ws ple Pole-zero cancellation jo. kai Gi> Polynomial function leas be a Process als Proper Spans cee Proportional Derivative ists auld Proportional- Integral SSI cats R Ramp error constant Ramp function Random Random noise Realization Reconstruction Reduced- order observer. ah BS SS, Reference input er Ss Regulator oe, Relative damping ratio J pl, Resonant frequency ads ISS Resonant peak Ba ate Response et Rise time syne Ob Robust po Root contours Ay Ge Root locus yl Routh array Sy abt Routh criteria yy shee Rudder un s Semilog paper Sensitivity Series so Series compensation Sr Gil Servo by Servomechanism plSab Set-point LS abi Settling time deel obey Signal flow graph SER IE ba yet Singular obs Sink Sine Sinusoidal function Solenoid Source Spiral Spirule Stability Stabilization State State controllable State feedback State matrix State space State transition matrix State uncontrollable State variable State vector Sb shy Steady-state error j1SaiLe > thas Steady-state response. Sul oe at Step-error constant ah thet cot Step function ab gt Strictly proper Jove LaSioe Lisl Summing point cor tht Super position principle ui wo bl System identification gee Lut System order pee ye System type rm Ey ter T Take-off point ge sae Time constant Sgt Time delay hy ot Time delayed ieee Time domain be ee ‘Time invariant SUSY pL ais Time varying Obj ed elt Thrust ay Tolerance vl Torsional spring constant gine 3 ut Torque oss Transfer function as et ‘Transient response 138, ek Transmittance Jus! U Uncertainty set ‘Undamped stile Underdamped ed hee ely sans Unit ramp input Unit step aely dy Unknown system Unstabie Ve Velocity input em Sts Z Zero Ao Zero input response Zero state response Ziegler-Nichols

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