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College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019

(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
Branch / Cluster: Computer Sc., Cluster
Sem: VII
Course: C# And .NET
Course Code: 11CI7GECDN
Marks: 100
Answer the following questions (1, 2 and 7 are compulsory)
1. a. Explain the role of common intermediate language with an example and list the benefits. (10)
b. Explain the role and responsibilities of common language runtime, with a diagram describing
the modules of common language runtime. (10)
2. a. Write a C# program to implement a SavingsAccount class with a static member called
curintrate. Demonstrate the behaviour of static keyword by creating objects of SavingsAccount
class. Assume the other data items of SavingsAccount class. (10)
b. Write a C# program to demonstrate the Nullable types. (10)
Answer any one full question (3 or 4)
3. a. Write a C# program to demonstrate the Exception handling capability of C# by handling NonExistent File exception. (10)
b. Write a C# program to demonstrate the Finally block of Exception handling. (10)
4. a. Bringout the differences between Application level exception and System level exception with
an example for each. (10)
b. Write a C# program to demonstrate Processing multiple exceptions. (10)
Answer any one full question (5 or 6)
5. a. Write a C# program to create a Stack and Queue collections. Push/pop and Enqueue/dequeue
few elements into stack and queue respectively. (10)
b. Write a C# program to demonstrate the use of Interfaces. How is it different from abstract class
es of C#? (10)
6. a. Write a C# program to demonstrate a Delegate. (10)
b. Write a C# program to demonstrate Ananymous methods. (10)
7. a. Bringout the differences between i. Single file and Multi file Assemblies. ii. Physical and
Logical view of Assembly. (10)
b. Explain in detail the Role of .NET assemblies. (10)

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