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UNT Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher:
Ashley Wienken

Grade(s): 1st

School/Mentor Teacher (if


Subject area(s):

Unit Topic/Theme:
Relevant ELPS:

Lesson Title:
Balancing with scales

Relevant TEKS:

5.(E) understand that the

equal sign represents a
relationship where
expressions on each side of
the equal sign represent the
same value(s)
Process: 1.1.E. create and
use representations to
organize, record, and
communicate mathematical

Listening: 2 (E) use visual,

contextual, and linguistic
support to enhance and
confirm understanding of
increasingly complex and
elaborated spoken language.
Speaking: D) speak using
grade-level content area
vocabulary in context to
internalize new English words
and build academic language

Relevant TX CCRS:
II. A.1.a Define what an expression
or equation represents.

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

1. The student will be able to balance a scale using addition.
2. The student will be able to balance a scale using subtraction.
3. The student will be able to identify how balancing a scale and balancing an
equation are similar.
Assessment (Description/Criteria)
Observation: The teacher will use observation during explore and explain to determine
if the student is understanding the material. Taking extra time to review concepts that
may be unclear.
Formative: The teacher will collect and grade the scale equation worksheet and grade
using the following scale:
Scoring: (total five points)
5- All equations are correct.
4- Most equations correct.
3-Half of the equations are correct.
2- Almost all equations are incorrect.
1-No attempt to complete equations
Materials and Resources

Management of the Instructional Environment

Open table to work with manipulatives.
TV and other distractions are off and out of sight.
Having materials prepared ahead of time.
Technology Integration
Video and website game using either a computer or an iPad.
Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)
Allow the student to use manipulatives as needed
Providing students with more difficult problems as needed




5E Lesson
Show the following video:
Pausing the video occasionally to ask questions like.
What could they do in order to make the cookies the same on each
What are you noticing about the scale?
Now that we have seen how scales work you are going to be able to
use a scale! Your help is needed in order to help poodle town find the
weight of each of the poodles. A poodle is going to be placed on one
side of the scale, and you will have to determine what numbers are
needed on the other side of the scale in order for the scale to be
Use the website:
Allow the student explore the game.
Observe the student. Make sure that they are understanding that the
scale needs to be even in order for it to be balanced.
So you just had the opportunity to balance a scale for yourself. Does
using this scale make any connection to anything we have done
Take the last example from the game.
Example: Our last poodle ended up weighing a total of 5. On our scale
we had a poodle on side who's weight was 5 and on the other we had
a weight of 4 and a weight of 5.
If we were to write this equation what do you think it would look like?
Give student wait time to answer.
Our equation would be written like 5=4+1. Do you see how this is like
a balanced equation? There is 5 on both sides making both the
equation and the scale balanced. Now I want you to try writing out the

equation. Balance out another poodle, then write out the equation
you believe goes along with it.


Use as many as examples as needed in order to enhance

Observe student and how they work the problems, are they
understanding the relationship between a scale and a balanced
Now let's think about what happened when you put too much weight
on the scale, what happened to it? How did you fix it?


The teacher will balance a poodle, making sure to put too much
weight on the scale. Ask the student, now what should we do to make
this balanced?
Lets write down the weight we have on this side right now.
Remove the necessary weight in order to make it balanced.
Ask the student, how much weight did take off in order to make it
Have student write down the number taken away making a
subtraction problem.


Do you see that this is also like what we have been working on?
Balanced equations, and scales may also use subtraction!
Now that you have had some practice with balancing and using a
scale in poodleville, your help is needed to find out the missing weight
of shapes. We know that these scales are balanced but there are
some numbers missing! It is your job to help me figure out what those
missing numbers are.
Give student the assessment. Point to the first problem, and explain
that this is the type of scale we will be using since it looks different
than the one previously used.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

After completing this lesson I would say that CJ has really grasped an understanding of
how an equal sign is a symbol that demonstrates that what is on either side of it are the
same. CJ was able to incorporate this thought process to a more complex situation using
a scale. It is apparent that CJ understood how to use a scale by observing him through
explore and his answers on his on the evaluate lesson plan. Not only did CJ provide the
correct answers, I also asked him to explain to me how he knew they were the correct
answers and he was able to explain to me in words, that either side of the scale needed

to be equal meaning he used subtraction/addition to help him determine the correct

I was able to determine that successfully completed this lesson by using observations as
he worked through the Explore, his answers and explanations during Explain and
Elaborate, and his completion of the worksheet in the Evaluate portion of the lesson. CJ

answered all 5 problems correctly, earning him a score of 5 using the rubric. He was able
to take what he already knew from the previous lessons, and extend that knowledge to
using a scale so that he could solve for the missing addend.
Overall, I believed that CJ really enjoyed this lesson. He was very excited to watch both
the video and to play the Poodle game on the computer, which I believe helped to make
this game really successful. If I were to repeat this lesson I would check to see if this

game was available on the iPad. CJ at first was confused by using a laptop, he eventually

got the hang of using the mousepad but if this was available on an iPad I believe it would
have been easier for him to use. Despite this small problem, it did not take away from
the meaning of the lesson and he was able to still successfully play the game and
understand the content. Moving forward, I will use the intended final assessment as

planned. CJ will be given a set of scale problems similar to what he completed during this
lesson as well as revisiting the same scale problem from the pre-assessment to see how
his understanding of this concept has improved.

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