David Casanova Career Planing

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Casanova 1

David Casanova
Mr. Gaestel
HC101 Composition
29 November 2016
Career planning
Career planning is an important, ongoing process. It is important because the carreer you
choose will effect the quality of life.
One important step in career planning is to define your career goals.
Whatever your present plans for emplpoyment or further education, you should
Consider your long-term career goals. You might wonder why someone is
Considering a first job should be thinking beyond that job. Thinking ahead may help you choose your
first job that is closely related to long term interests. With a career goal in mind,you can evaluate
beginning job offer in relation to that goal.
(Oliverial psework and white 528)
Another usfull step in carreet planning is developing a personal profile of your skills, interests and
An alysiam of your skills is likely is to reveal that you have many different kinds functional
Skills that require determine how well you manage time. Communicate and motivate people, adapt skills
that dertimine you inifitiontly flexibiklity reliability, and ethuiasm the technical skills such as
keyboarding computer and language skill s that are required for many jobs.
Values are principles that guide a persons life. Fultins kilcken and stulz and you should identify
them. Values include the importance you place I n family securitywealth prestiegene creativity power and

Casanova 2
Fulton-Calkins, Patsy and Karin M.Stulz. Procedures & Theory for Administrative Professionals
5th ed. Cinccinatia: South-Western 2004.
Oliverio, Mary Ellen, William R. Pasewark, and Bonnie R. White. The office: Producers and
Technology. 4th ed. Cinccinati: South Western 2003.

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