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Campbells Heros Journey

The Heros Journey is a pattern of narrative

identified by the American scholar Joseph Campbell
that appears in drama, storytelling, myth, religious
ritual, and psychological development. It describes
the typical adventure of the archetype known as The
Hero, the person who goes out and achieves great
deeds on behalf of the group, tribe, or civilization.

The Hero's Journey has 12 stages. They are:

1. Ordinary World - The hero's normal world before the story
2. Call to Adventure - The hero is presented with a problem,
challenge or adventure
3. Refusal of the Call - The hero refuses the challenge or journey,
usually because he's scared
4. Meeting with the Mentor - The hero meets a mentor to gain
advice or training for the adventure
5. Crossing the First Threshold - The hero crosses (leaves) the
ordinary world and goes into the special world
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - The hero faces tests, meets allies,
confronts enemies & learn the rules of the Special World.
7. Approach - The hero has hit setbacks during tests & may need
to try a new idea
8. Ordeal - The biggest life or death crisis
9. Reward - The hero has survived death, overcomes his fear
and now earns the reward
10. The Road Back - The hero must return to the Ordinary World.
11. Resurrection Hero - another test where the hero faces death
he has to use everything he's learned
12. Return with Elixir - The hero returns from the journey with
the elixir, and uses it to help everyone in the Ordinary World

Watch: (Hs J) (Archetypes) (Brave) (Disney)
Identify the stages of the Heros journey as they are represented in Blade
Runners narrative. Consider how this structure helps you understand the
narrative. (You may be chosen to report your findings to the class, so make
sure you write good notes!)

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