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Intensive Speaking

Grade Level: 2
SOL standard(s): English Oral Language
2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure:
c) Use correct verb tenses in oral communication.
2.3 The student will use oral communication skills:
a) Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to clarify,
and to respond.
WIDA standard(s): Grades 3-5, ELP Standard 2 Language Arts
WIDA level: 2
Purpose: To assess the students speaking proficiency in the areas of grammar, fluency,
pronunciation, and vocabulary.
Objectives: The student will listen to the teachers commands and respond orally in
grammatically correct sentences.
Directions in the student-friendly language:
Test-taker will hear: Listen carefully to what I ask you to do and then reply to me out loud.
Test-taker hears: Tell me she went to the store.
Test-taker says: She went to the store.
Assessment Items:
1. Test-taker hears: Tell me that you like watermelons.
Test-taker says: ______________________________
2. Test-taker hears: Tell him to come to your house at six o clock.
Test-taker says: _______________________________
3. Test-taker hears: Remind Sally what time it is.
Test-taker says: __________________________
4. Test-taker hears: Tell me that you dont like basketball.
Test-taker says: __________________________

5. Test-taker hears: Remind Pam that its time to go home soon.

Test-taker says: ___________________________

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