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Marcos Filgueiras

Rig Safety Training Technician at Transocean

Ensure that all job related to injuries and illnesses are accurately recorded and addressed as per QHSE policies
and procedures;
Assist in incident investigations involving personnel injury or illness in accordance with QHSE policies and
Assist with presenting and/or coordinating safety orientation session for all persons arriving on the rig for the
first time;
Act as Helicopter Landing Officer in the absence of a Bosun to coordinate the arrival/departure activities of the
Assist in maintaining the relevant On the Job Training (OJT) materials
onboard the rig;
Assist the RSTC in coordinating the annual re-certification of all
Company personnel assigned to the rig;
Assist in distributing Safety Alerts, Safety Advisories, Incident Rate Charts, Injury/Illness Analysis, and Quality
Reports to appropriate supervisors for review by all personnel;
Discuss safety improvement ideas with RSTC and OIM coordinate the transmittal of Quality Improvement
Proposal forms to ensure appropriate action is taken;
Coordinate all record keeping with regards to training and reporting suspected exposures;
Carry out general inspection of the rig on a daily basis and identify hazards and reinforce proper safe conducts;
Assist RSTC and OIM on Audits such as : ANP, CONAMA, IBAMA, RASMA, PAG, ISM/ISPS, MSA,
Internal Audits (BV-SGSO and Ideal Work-NR35), NAVY and etc.Safety Process
Performance in Quality and Safety Procedures and Development People.
Health and Safety in operational processes.
Internal Quality Auditor SGI (ISO 9001, 14001 e OSHAS).
Training and emergency procedures application.
IATA (International Air Transport Association): Hazardous Cargo Transportation.
Technician Process
Operations with Testing and Tools, Maintenance and Operation Technician.
Equipment's certification. Offshore equipment. Special tools.
Industrial Logistics. Production and Quality System. Car mechanics and assembly.


Rig Safety Training Technician at Transocean
August 2014 - Present (2 years 1 month)
Ensure that all Offshore job related for prevent incidents. Follow the QHSE policies and procedures.
Safety Training Supervisor - STS at Noble Drilling
July 2013 - August 2014 (1 year 2 months)
Safety technician at Transocean
May 2011 - July 2013 (2 years 3 months)
Rig Safety Training Technician.
Working at Transocean with health, safety and training routines Offshore.
QA/QC at Halliburton Completion Tools
February 2006 - May 2011 (5 years 4 months)
Performance in Quality and Safety Procedures and Development People.
Health and Safety in operational processes.
Internal Quality Auditor SGI
Training and emergency procedures application.
Hazardous Cargo Transportation.
Operations with Dowhole Tools.
Maintenance and Operation Technician.
Equipments certification.
Quality and Production Operator Technician. at Mercedes Benz of Brazil LTD.
June 1998 - February 2006 (7 years 9 months)
# Industrial Logistics.
# Production and Quality System.
# Car mechanics and assembly.
# Risk Maps, Audits Processes and Safety Planning
# Health Committees, Work Safety and Ergonomics.
# PDCA, Kaizen e 5S.

Safety Training Technician
Safety Technician (Endorsed at CREA/RJ 2010146319 and MTE/DRT 12215-RJ), 2007 - 2009
Scaffold Training Institute
Train-the Trainer, Scaffold Training Institute - 311 East Walker St - League City/Tx 77573 USA, 2014 - 2014
Falck Safety Services
Offshore training, Macae, 2014 - 2014

Activities and Societies: General Safety Training mandatory for Offshore activites.


Marcos Filgueiras
Rig Safety Training Technician at Transocean

2 person has recommended Marcos

"Tenho a oportunidade de trabalhar com Marcos Filgueiras na mesma plataforma de perfurao offshore o
recomendo como um excelente profissional de Segurana do Trabalho, correto, ntegro, e sempre visando a
segurana de toda equipe, tambm pelo timo relacionamento com os companheiro de trabalho."
Samuel R Martins, worked directly with Marcos at Transocean
"Trabalhar com o Marcos Filgueiras tem sido um prazer muito grande. Excelente profissional, dedicado,
organizadssimo, focado na Segurana, super interessado, excelente relacionamento interpessoal, calmo,
dinmico e muito competente. Costumo dizer que tive a sorte grande ao t-lo trabalhando no meu time de
seguranas. Quem tem o Marcos Filgueiras trabalhando em sua equipe s tem a somar e a colher bons frutos."
Jos Luis Franco dos Santos, managed Marcos at Transocean
Contact Marcos on LinkedIn


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