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Denaturing Proteins

Grade Level: High School; T ype: Biochemistry

Object ive:
The objective of this experiment is to determine whether all proteins denature at the
same temperature.

Research Quest ion:

What happens when a protein denatures?
Do all proteins denature at the same temperature?
What temperature does albumen denature at?
What temperature does keratin denature at?
What temperature does casein denature at?
Why might proteins denature at different temperatures?
Denaturation is a process in which proteins lose their structure when attacked by forces like a strong acid, heat, or
a solvent like alcohol. If a protein is denatured, it can die. In this experiment, you will determine the temperature
that will denature proteins like albumen, casein, and keratin. Eggs are mostly albumen, milk is largely casein, and
hair is mostly keratin.

Mat erials:
Small saucepan
6 eggs (any siz e)
2 mixing bowl
Candy thermometer
Powered Milk
Cookie Sheet
Aluminium foil
Hair from a hairbrush
Toaster oven (or conventional oven)

Experiment al Procedure
1. Crack an egg over the first bowl and separate the yolk and white. Use two bowls, keeping all the whites in
one of the bowls. Make sure that your yolks do not contaminate the whites.
2. Transfer the whites into a small saucepan. Place the candy thermometer into the saucepan.
3. Gently heat the whites. Record the temperature when their texture changes.
4 . Clean the saucepan, thermometer, and bowls.
5. Make two cups of reconstituted powdered milk according to the package directions and add to the
saucepan. Place the candy thermometer in the saucepan.
6. Gently heat the milk. Record what temperature the texture of the milk changes or a skim forms over the top.
7. Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil.
8. Preheat the oven for ten minutes to 200 degrees.
9. Using a comb, pull all the hair out of a hairbrush and put on the cookie sheet.
10. Put the cookie sheet and hair into the oven. Let it heat up for 15 minutes. Inspect the hair for any changes.
11. Increase the temperature by 25 degrees. After 15 minutes, inspect the hair again.
12. Keep increasing the temperature in 25-degree increments. Note when the hair texture changes.
T erms/Concept s: protein, amino acid, denaturation

Animation: Protein denaturation, Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Animation: Protein structure, Discover Biology

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