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December 12, 2016

Professor Jeanne Criswell

Department of Communication
University of Indianapolis
1400 E. Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46227

Dear Professor Criswell,

I am writing to express my interest in re-applying as the entertainment editor for The
Reflector and The Reflector Online on the campus of the University of Indianapolis. The
Reflector has been recommended to me by my peers because of the praise and awards it has won
in the past. I feel I am qualified to be the entertainment editor because I have held this position in
the past, and I understand what needs to be done to make the entertainment page successful.
As you can see from my rsum, I am a current senior at the University of Indianapolis,
majoring in communication with a concentration in journalism. I am enrolled in the Applied
Journalism course at the university, and I plan to continue to enroll in this class for the second
semester of my senior year. Being enrolled in the class now gives me more practice writing for a
newspaper. I liked to write reviews for books or other events, but I also enjoy writing for the
news editor and the opinion editor.
The enclosed rsum highlights other skills and talents that I bring to The Reflector and
The Reflector Online. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this leadership position with
you and your colleagues. I can be reached via cell phone at (317) 670-7263 or at my email
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about
this exciting opportunity.

Nicole Monday
(317) 670-7263
University of Indianapolis East Hall, 212A
1400 E. Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46227

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