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Days Of The Week





Students will be able to

differentiate between a
reptile and an amphibian.

Students will be able

to demonstrate their
drawing and writing
to compose opinion
pieces, and retell to
the reader, to state
an opinion about the

Students will be able to

demonstrate their
understanding of
addition and subtraction
with the use of fingers,
mental images and


between a
Reptile and

(Life Cycles)

A read aloud will be done

and students will then ask
question about the
similarities and differences
of a reptile and amphibians.

Students will learn about

the life cycle of a reptile
and an amphibians. A book
will be read.
Students will then have to
match the life cycles to the
specific animal. Students
will be given a sheet that
shows the life cycle of each
animal and have to match
it to the correct animal.

Students will be
given a worksheet
to draw and write
about their
knowledge of the
similarities and
differences between
reptiles and
Students will
demonstrate their
through the
combination of
drawing, dictating
and writing to
informative texts in
which they name
what they are
Students will draw
the life cycle of an
animal of their
choosing and have
to label the
beginning to the end
stages of the cycle.

Students will be given

replica figurines of
reptiles and amphibians.
They will then have to
use them to add reptiles
and subtract the
amphibians. Showing
the differences and
similarities of the two.
Students will be able to
count forward beginning
from a given number
within a known
Students will work
together with their math
partners to count the
different stages of a life
cycle with the
elimination of the first
two stages and then
solve what number
cycle is being discussed.
Ex. Stage 1 and 2 of a
frogs life cycle has been
removed, students must
solve which stage is
being discussed. Then
follow up through proper
sequencing what stage
came before and what
stage came after.



Students will demonstrate

their understanding
movements of reptiles and
amphibians. A wordless
book will be shown in class
about reptiles and
amphibians movements.
Students will create
wordless books about our
trip from the zoo. They will
demonstrate their
knowledge on how the
different species move and
show the movements with


Students will be shown

different books that depict
reptiles and amphibian
habitats and needs to
survive. They will describe
the connection between
ideas or information in a

Students will be given a

worksheet where they must
cut out reptiles and
amphibians and match
them to correct habitat. Ex.
A lizard being match with
the jungle, dessert or
habitat containing their
needs to survive.

Students will be able

to understand the
movements of
reptiles and
amphibians with the
use of writing to
explanatory texts.
Students will be
given a book in
which they will
compose a story
about what the
different types of
movement there
are. Ex. A snake
slithered on it belly
into the garden.
Students will be able
to understand and
answer key details
in a text, while also
Students will be
describing colors,
describing the
different habitats in
detail. Using their
eyes to see what
they can describe
using descriptive
vocabulary. They
will design what
habitat belongs to
what reptile or

Students will be able to

understand the relationship
between numbers and
quantities. Connecting
counting to cardinality.
Students will be given a
worksheet where they will have
to count how many legs a
reptile or amphibians needs to
move. Then they must subtract
the extra legs.
Ex. A fog has 4 limbs, the
picture shows 5. Students will
cross the extra out and count
the correct amount.

Students will able to solve

addition and subtraction word
Students will be working on
their problem and color in the
sum to show the hidden
habitats of a reptile and
amphibian. They will then have
to subtract the items that do
not belong in that specific
animals habitats.


Students will be shown

what reptiles and
amphibian source of food
is. A story will be read
about how the where they
can find/ what other
nutrients they need.

Students will be able

to narrate the
events in order in
which they occurred
and provide a
reaction to what

Students will be given a

specific reptile or
amphibian. Students have
to locate another classmate
who has their particular
source of nutrients.
Students will have to use
their knowledge from what
they have learned.

Students will create

a story about the
different nutrients of
a reptile and
amphibian and be
able to discuss how
a reptile/
amphibians obtain
their sources of

Students will be able to

represent a number of objects
with a written numerals. (0-20)
Students will be shown items in
a reptile and amphibians diet
and be able to count and
identify which number
corresponds to the total
amount. Ex. Count five items
and write the numeral form of

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