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Merhi 1

Faysal W. Merhi
Ms. Jizi
UWRT 1104-015
24th October, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Source #1
Jonathan, Massey. "Changing Course." National Architectural Accrediting
Board, Sept. 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

The article I chose as my first source is titled Changing Course by Massey Jonathan.
This article is based on the design major Architecture and how the major demands a lot of time
and effort to transform a student into a fully licensed Architect. Massey points out how design
students stay up late several times a week working on projects for studios, and most of the design
students end up staying in school from five to eight years just to earn their degree in the major.
Plus, another three years for the students to take all the state exams to make them official in that
state to practice design. The author pushes on the point that the major is scaring talented students
away with all these requirements and heavy course load. Making it seem impossible for them to
graduate and start working. Not only is this a long process but its also very costly. The article
explains how some Universities, like San Franciscos Academy of Art are starting to decrease
cost of their design programs by offering more online classes and giving younger students a
chance to see their potential in architecture, by offering college level courses on the subject in

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high schools. These changes are a starting point but will eventually help students realize their
passion for architecture and less the course load later on.
For my Inquiry proposal I explained how Architecture was my main major but after being
denied from my first choice of a design school and having a close friend in the occupation
suggest another major, I quickly changed my preference to a business major. The purpose of my
inquiry is to see whether or not I should still chase my original dream of becoming an Architect.
This article related to my purpose, because it explained the negatives of becoming an Architect.
It takes an average of 11 years to be come a fully licensed Architect, and the over all cost to stay
in college for that long is going to take several years to pay off. The course work is also
extremely heavy and the occupation values experience as well as education, so not only will it
take 11 years to finish your education but also another couple years for you to be well
experienced and/or successful in the profession. The author also touches bases on the fact that
many talented students are pushed away form the major because of these over the top
requirements by Universities and state officials to become a licensed worker. I couldnt help but
to think of myself in that scenario. Not only does the article describe the negatives about chasing
Architecture, but it also described ways that institutions are trying to change this lengthy process
for students.

This source is a credible, because of its recent publication date of Sep, 2016. The publication
date proves that this information is recent and is relevant to the present stance in the topics
argument. Also the articles author (Massey Jonathan) is the dean of Architecture at California
College of Arts in San Francisco (a highly respected design school) and not only that, she is also
the author of Crystal and Arabesque: Claude Bragdon, Ornament and Modern Architecture

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published in 2009, based off of her titles alone, its safe to say that Massey knows a thing or two
about what shes expressing. Masseys experience in a college atmosphere gives her the
background of her article, shes not only writing about what she observed but also what shes
experienced. Making her context a trustworthy and reliable source. On top of all of that this
article was retrieved from a Universities library which, has to go though several qualifications to
be passed into the library as a quality piece. This article also provided me with the right
information to help me gain knowledge about my inquiry question and my over all purpose.

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