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Ashley Finlayson From: Lance Mccann Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2016 6:20 PM To: Ashley Finlayson Subject: Lance McCann's Victim Impact Statement, for Justice Thomas, not to be read aloud in court, please, Justice Denny Thomas, Travis Vader killed my parents Lyle and Marie McCann and hid their remains. This has cut a hole through me and broken the hearts of everyone | know, and thousands of people I've never met. The pain Travis Vader inflicted on all of us seems to never fade. It is only pushed to the side because we have to carry on. Se ee -spacec I cent pate a ak acters dla ee Tc ty Sunn ae TED 5 Thank you, -Lance McCann Victim Impact Statement Name: Trudy Holder (nee McCann) Offender’s name: Travis Vader Police detachment: Police File Number: Please do not present my statement in court, a fact that the accused killed Marie and Lyle McCann. Itis @ fact that he killed my Mom and Dad Itis a fact that he killed my best friend and the most gentle and loving person | have ever known, ‘Anger is a constant companion now. And the not knowing gnaws away at me. My parents held me up and ‘created a foundation in my life that has been decimated. ‘My parents were loving, honest, kind, patient, nurturing, happy, hard-working people. They were always there for me. The accused took something so sacred and, out of greed, created a blood bath ... showing no remorse. | have suffered every day in every way imaginable since the accused killed my loves ones. | understand that the accused will read this and | am unwilling for him to know any more about what he's taken from me. He has already taken too much, Victim Impact Statement - Bret McCann (great-grandchildren) This is a picture of my parents, Lyle and Marie McCann, in their home with their first great grandchild, Benson. This picture was taken in May 2008, 2 years before they encountered Travis Vader (TV) and were Killed. After my parent's disappearance, lwo more great grandchildren (Chantelle & Juliette) were bor in 2011 and 2013. Itis so, so sad that my parents didn't live to fully enjoy their golden years: And, especially, di not live to enjoy their great-grandchildreh, They and us were robbed of this happiness. The pain will be revisited as they grow up, and theik parents (our children) will need to explain what happened to their great-grandparents. - \ \ (trauma) | think of, and miss, my parents often. We live in the same community, St. Albert, that | grew up in, and there are constant reminders. And, all too often, my thoughts of my parents are interrupted by a vision of TV killing my parents. My parents had a long and very happy life together, that was sadly cut short. They were kindred spirits. Married in 1952, they loved to be together. | often find myself with an image of TV killiig one frst. It is so horrible to imagine what the survivor thought, ahd felt, about their lifelong companion to be killed before their eyes. Then, to be killed in turn. | cannot, and likely will never, not think about that horrific, but hopefully brief, moment in time. This is a nightmare | have, and itis continually there. (ambiguous loss) In the summer and fall of 2010, | and my falnily were attempting to gain the public's attention to help find my parents. At that time, we thought they could be lost or kidnapped. Hopeful they could be saved. We organized poster blitzes. Conducted a Candlelight Vigil at St. Albert Place. Raised a reward fund of $60k. Erected billboards on the Yellowhead highway. Organized searches of the area east and south of Edson by family and friends. Now, over 6 years later, the remains of my parents have still not been found. It is very important:to myself, and my family, that my parents be'located, and buried properly. | think itis a critical component of our grieving. ‘And the one individual who knows where my parents are has said nothing for this whole time. TV- where are the'bodies of my parents? | (contact concerns) Since my parent's disappearance, | have noticed anxiety when individuals in my family travel. Especially, my children and wife. | always ask that they call or message me when they leave, when they stop mid-trip, and when they arrive at their destination. Occasionally, if the family member does not respond when expected, | find my anxiety will escalate. I'm sure this can be sourced back to my parent's disappearance. In retrospect, sadly, my parents were dead for a week before | even became aware that there was an issue. (MBEEM. Our loss is huge. Our pain is everlasting. | will never forget, or forgive, what TV has done. 1 will never forget the phone call in the middle of the night I received in Australia. My Mom called me to tell me they couldn’t get a hold of Grandma and Grandpa and they didn’t show up at the airport to pick up Trudy and Morgan. I instantly knew something was wrong. It was a horrible feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. It was so out of character of my Grandparents. ‘They were meticulously on time. If we would invite them over for dinner at 6pm, it would be 6 0” clock on the dot they would walk up to the front porch, Not a minute later, not a minute earlier. They were just that particular type of people. From that day, if I get an unusual phone call i late at night, I panic. My family and friends know to state immediately that everything is ‘okay at the start of the phone call before progressing onto the conversation, I hate that fear and anxiety that I will never be able to dismiss, One of the ways I've been impacted the most from of the killing of my Grandparents has been the growth of a fear of my daughter’s going missing. If I lose eye sight of them for a short period of time in public, I instantly go into a panic mode. There’s not a progression of rationale fear that builds, itis instantaneous. I attribute that horrific anxiety to my Grandparents missing. Unfortunately, we will never know the details of what happened that day, unless the guilty person responsible tells us, so I have a deep fear that something similar will happen to another loved one of mine. Another way I've been impacted is living life knowing there are truly evil people in the world. I used to believe you should smile at any person and sce the inherent good in people. Now, opening my eyes to the drug community and the acts of violence from people on drugs has altered the way I look at people. I never thought someone could be so cruel to hurt an elderly person, let alone killing them, To me, it was unfathomable of what type of human being could do such a horrific thing. My innocence has been shattered. Not only are there wicked criminals living close by, T've scen the lack of remorse by experiencing the trial. This gives me great worry and distress for the rest of my family and the community of what could happen next to another innocent family. Finally, I live every day with a deep sadness my daughters will never know the deep love of their great grandparents! my grandparents. My husband and I had a challenging time falling pregnant with our first child. I remember talking to my Grandma on the phone and she wanted to buy clothes and baby items for when we conceived and I told her to wait. I fell pregnant 2 months afier she was killed. She never saw me become a Mom and that breaks my heart. My Grandpa will never get to play with my daughters in their backyard, the way I so fondly did growing up. loved my Grandparents so deeply and no one could ever know the deep loss that our family was robbed of, Nicole Walshe. 1g of my wife’s grandparents has had a deep and definite impact on myself and my immediate It started with the horrible phone call that you dread receiving in the middle of the night to say that something is wrong. That was the beginning of a six-year long process filled with hundreds of unanswered questions, disbelief, anger, hurt, anxiety, fear, and a great deal of sadness. Sadness that my little girls wil never get to meet their amazing great grandparents. Sadness that my wife and I will not get the opportunity to bring moments of happiness and joy into out grandparents lives with visits, phone calls and photos of our growing family, and sadness that a wonderful family lost the two people who stood in the center and inspired kindness, laughter, and goodness in everyone they met. | dread the day that | have to explain to my daughters what happened to their beautiful and gracious great grandparents. | will have to expose them to the horror, and selfish cruelty that exists in the world so close to us, in the world that we interact with in our everyday lives, in the communities that appear safe. Since their disappearance, every phone call from a family member is an anxiety inducing event. | cannot help but think and feel something is wrong, itis a horrible and unhealthy way to live. Unfortunately, itis not a conscious decision, when family members have been taken from you so randomly, so undeservedly, for such a shallow reason and in such an evil way, it sinks very deep into the unconscious. thas created huge fear of loss that I cannot shake, | admit with a very heavy heart that the Killings have made me much less inclined to help anyone. Before this horrible event | would happily help those that | came across who needed a hand. Now | am very reluctant to help anyone in public or sometimes in private after seeing the vile acts that drug addicts are willing to commit. So much has been taken from my family that | am not willing to risk losing more. My wife's grandparents were such wonderful people. So much was taken from our family and from the ‘community with their killings. Never knowing what happened, where they are, or what they faced in their last moments will leave a wound that will never heal. | will never get to have dinner with them again, share Christmas with them again or introduce my daughters to them, but | hope this letter will contribute to justice being served for them. itis a small thing that | can do in their memory and ina effort to make sure that other families do not have to receive the same agonizing phone call, the same ‘sense of enormous loss and the same deep sadness that we have felt since their disappearance. Casey Walshe Victim Impact Statement — Bryan Jahraus Justice Denny Thomas, |1am wiiting to you today as the oldest Nephew of Marie and Lyle McCann. _ Selec nS tee AEE ETE AN TT TPT SRT Ihave started and re-started this letter uncountable time: f Marie and Lyle MecCann- one of the most hard working, family focused, giving & lovable people | have ever known. Everyday our familly is reminded of this devastating, heartless qu crime. There is now a huge void that sits in our family; one that will never have the opportunity to be filled and full again. One that is constantly reminded when Auntie Marie's giggles that were so full of love and happiness are no longer been heard throughout the house or when Uncle Lyle's guidance and vivid stories are no longer being, told over coffee. xiteA Travis Vader may have physically aemmimmag-two people; but his actions have devastated and affected the lives of many many more. ‘Travis Vader has stolen opportunities, special memories and amazing experiences that have not even had the chance to be started for the family of Lyle and Marie, their three Children, five Grandchildren, two Great Grandchildren — not to even mention any extended family, numerous family friends and the community that they were so actively involved with. il ‘Thank you for giving our family the opportunity for being the voice of Lyle and Marie McCann, Ashi From: remotecontrol3411. Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 2:41 AM To: Ashley Finlayson Subject: Victim impact statement Good evening Mr. Finlayson. Things went sideways, and I most likely will not be able to come and read my victim impact statement. If possible, I request to have my victim impact statement read aloud by someone of ‘your choice/ a family member of mine. I'm lyle and Maries grandson, this is my victim impact statement. -emotional impact 1 can't begin to express the toll this trial and act of manslaughter has taken on my families lives. My grandparents were always full of love. Radiating it, in fact. With my grandfather, I would always play games of cribbage and 9 ball on the billiards table. Walk their dog on the paths out behind their place. Grandpa could name every bird in the backyard and every tree in the forest. Grandma would always whip up a 5 star meal, and ‘was always on the phone with a loved one, chatting and laughing. There would be lulls where me and my sister were stuck watching curling on the TV, but we always seemed to hold our tongues, because it's not like they were changing the channel anyways. I have avid memories of trips to ghost lake - a fishing hole of theirs that they visited once a year or so. It was always good times. I once caught a 5 pound pike just trolling back to shore, That was a lengthy fight. The thing was nearly as tall as me at the time, out of the water. There was no power out there, if I recall correctly. Just one heck of a loud generator. The appreciation came when we would ‘turn it off for the night. Pure silence, minus the beautiful noises of the forest at night. I planned a trip there July 25th , 2010. Never went. It dawns on me. It creeps me out to know my grandparents lives were cut short. They were nothing but loving,generous,selfless, kind, thoughtful, caring, perfect people. I just hope I can find love like they had one day. Full of compassion, always being by each others side. And when you're calling for your darling, after the years of calling out those loving words to each other, the words just mend together into something only one another understands, but in a loving way. They used to say daw-wing to each other always, I will never forget them. They are buried deep down within me forever. [just wish Thad the chance to lean more about the world through their eyes and words. I was only 14, after all, when they disappeared, I just want to talk with them one last time. Selfish people do selfish things. Sometimes the selfless ‘get in the way." Fears for security hore REI Rag ace ec NE it ig NNER A sers° of security - one thing that has been taken from me. Every night my mom, dad, sister, friends, family member is late or can't show up to an event, | always fear the worst. Did they get mugged, kidnapped, get in an accident, have a heart attack. Something I can't get out of my head. Those consistent thoughts are part of the result from my grandparents getting man slaughtered. Every floorboard that creeks in my home has me on the edge, hand on a defense mechanism, ready to face the music. The music is just in my head. B ‘Thank you so much for accepting my victim impact statement. I'm sorry it is so late!!!! Sent from my Samsung device Russell Me Gam. Sent from my Samsung device VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT By KellyLee Carrol (Niece) A SISTER’s LOVE: Growing up I did not have the privilege of having a sister and the blessings that come with such a relationship. It has been described to me as having a “safe place to fall”, a BEF (best friend forever), a confidant, an unbreakable bond of acceptance, nurturance and support through every stage of life. A sister will eradicate your fears, is someone who will play and laugh with you, encourage you to go after your dreams, believe in you and comfort you through any difficulty. A sister is that special person who always has your back and is always there to celebrate victories or lend a shoulder to cry on, a hearing ear to process and problem solve with. Because I did not have a sister growing up, I did not get to personally experience such a relationship but I did get to witness that kind of connection with someone I’ve known all my life. That someone is my mother, Alice. During this trial she has affectionately become known by many as “Aunt Alice”. My mother Alice and her oldest sister Marie had that kind of loving sisterly bond and special relationship. They were very close growing up and continued that close relationship as they each got married and had babies of their own. They were there for each other throughout all their ups and downs, as life would have it, This closeness continued as the years went by. They stayed fully involved in each other’s lives, talking on the phone practically every day, meeting frequently at each other’s homes where laughter was the constant and wholehearted, going on shopping sprees together and meeting up on. yearly vacation destinations down south. Both sisters were in their seventies when this tragedy took place, My Mom Alice was 73 and my Aunt Marie was 77. When I gave deeper thought to that aspect alone, it stood out to me that this act of Travis Vader taking the life of my Aunt Marie ended, in an instant, what was over 70 years in the making. This beautiful creation, this profound bond between two sisters, this deep, caring relationship that was a constant in each other’s lives, a huge factor towards the quality of each other’s lives, was forever stolen, terminated by this senseless and cruel act from another human being! 43 Victim impact Statement Written by KellyLee Carrol ~ December 1, 2016 ‘Now instead of witnessing the special bond between two sisters, I was witnessing the horrible consequences of one sister experiencing the loss of her beloved sister at the hands of someone else. I witnessed everything from the initial shock and panic to the progressive level of anxiety and fear my Mom was going through. Robbed of the constant contact and involvement in each other’s lives, this emptiness, this void was being replaced with a deep sense of loss and bouts of depression. That daily hearty laughter was silenced and the playfulness that was so familiar in my Mom’s character was progressively replaced with sadness and deep sorrow. I witnessed first- hand the light go out of my Mom’s eyes and the subsequent withdrawal and heartache. No two people grieve the same way or for the same amount of time. One of my Mom’s pillars in her life, her loving sister Marie, was taken from her leaving an irreplaceable emptiness in my Mom’s heart that only Aunt Marie could fill. I see my Mom putting on a brave face, pressing forward the best she can but the ability to stand firm and strong has been thrown off balance with that pillar gone and the sweetness she deserves to be enjoying in her golden years is hard for her to taste. The previously prevalent smile and laughter now only sporadically make appearances. It’s as if'a black cloud has been cast over her, robbing her of ultimate happiness and instead creating misgiving and pessimism. To a large degree this heartbreak took my Mom away too, her essence, and I wonder if I will ever see “her” again. I am praying that in time I will. I want my Mom to be truly happy again, to be free from this overshadowing dread, distrust, anxiety, sorrow, that all-encompassing feeling of devastation. FAMILY & FRIENDS: When Aunt Marie and Uncle Lyle were first reported missing all of us in the family, myself included, went into panic mode. It goes without saying that sleepless nights ensued with much worry and anxiety. When hope was interchanged with unwanted reality, that they were never coming home, great emotional pain, sorrow and lingering disbelieve was the next onslaught. What persists for me, even today, is this question of why? Why them? I continue to be plagued with this question because they did not deserve this fate. You know, Uncle Lyle and Aunt Marie were “good” people, the kind of people society, this world, needs. None of us are perfect, including all in this courtroom today, but there are people that do go above and beyond, to purposely and with intent, aim to be “good” people. When I use the term 213 Victim Impact Statement Written by KellyLee Carrol — December 1, 2016 “good” people I'm talking about those who choose to take the higher road — people who are genuinely sincere, respectful, kind, warm, gentle, giving, caring, and live to demonstrate their love. I’m talking about people who sincerely want to help, encourage, influence, teach and assist others in a positive manner in order to assist all to become their best. These are people who believe whole souled in the family unit and are committed to being positive role models and a strong nucleus for their family and friends. These were the kind of “good” people my Aunt Marie and Uncle Lyle were. The loss of these “good” people, especially in the manner in which their lives were stolen from them, has negatively impacted all of the lives of us who loved them. We, in turn, have also been robbed by the termination of Aunt Marie’s and Uncle Lyle’s quality influence and support affecting our individual lives. Ultimately ithas meant the theft of: « asolid father and mother, a pillar of strength, from their children «an adored grandmother and grandfather from their grandchildren « a devoted great grandmother and great grandfather from their great grandchildren » a loving sister and brother from their sisters and brothers « arespected uncle and aunt from their nieces and nephews © benevolent friends from their grateful friends © ablessing to strangers that happened in their way as they positively touched their lives, even for a moment. ‘Your Honor, Travis Vader did a huge disservice to this world when he took the precious lives of two greatly loved and admirable individuals. And in so doing, he has also stolen from everyone one of us, who loved and admired my Aunt Marie and Uncle Lyle, of all the future years of “true” family and friendship. He took a chunk out of our hearts where there will always remain a deep, bleeding wound, changing each of us forever. He has left devastation in the wake of his decisions that day and has robbed all of us of what rightly belonged to us, namely increased quality lives because of being further touched by the blessed influence from two beautiful people. Ali 313 Victim Impact Statement Written by KellyLee Carrol ~ December 1, 2016 Governmentof Alberta WICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT Victims Services Criminal Code of Canada and Youth Criminal Justice Act Victim's Name ‘Accused Person's Name (if known) Lyle and Marie MeCann Travis Edward Vader Police Agency Name Police File Number Police A Code: RES a 2 Belnteinert Mam: Edson Rome psciedel eee e PLEASE DESCRIBE HOW THIS CRIME HAS AFFECTED YOU EMOTIONALLY -Luos so devastated after the death of my brother kyle aact sister - in-law Marie. I realized just how much I ombtiaued tn be impoatect s. h 1 be 4 were Later heading on holidays in their matorhome I had a om f meltdown” Twas so teribed anct | dist ath pal ty not see them again I just could aot stop p abut T still have that panicky Pee! ee Bi or [am go away I can only truly rel, hen | bs they are hame sale ard socem PLEASE DESCRIBE HOW THIS CRIME HAS AFFECTED YOU PHYSICALLY Se —drig—te help m_deal_uwith my_smetenal stress trouble gettin g-asleep. That is better now hut FE have cistucbing dreams where Vm alu in Sutucch rT + get out of Is that relevant? | don't know put : they ha ppee. PLEASE DESCRIBE THE EFFECT THIS CRIME HAS HAD ON YOUR LIFE My remaining three brothers and TI have questioned mething so horrencous have had to hap, toa couple that wer tonoeent so Family orientated , anol Priemds to 2 mane. Theat 1s now the Poeus and topic of diseussion whenever we get too ther. 7 ‘Additional pages canbe attached if you dese. Yes, the Vici Impact Statement continues onthe attached pages. LUNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING 41, The information in this Victim Impact Statement will be ‘matter of public record. A member of the public or media considered only if a charge is laid and the accused person Is ould apply to tne Court to have access toa copy of the found gulty Victim Impact Statement, 2, Aftera finding of gui, a copy ofthis Vieim Impact 5, Ifthe Victim Impact Statement isnot considered by a Judge ‘Statement will be provided to the Judge, the Crown Germania, thaaccuced & exeed eck), the Vien Victim Impact Statement — Mary-Ann McCann Over the past six years, each of us have tried to cope with the fact that Travis Vader killed Mom and eooprerre remanent [1s caries act, has made our lives so differenti is hard to see we are the same people we once were. ‘The lives of Lyle and Marie have had a huge influence on who | am today. | was 18 when Bret brought ‘me into their lives. | was young and very impressionable. | come from a great family, and my parents loved and taught me well, but | stil had so much to learn. Lyle and Marie were patient teachers who showed the way by how they acted. They were truly the most in love couple | have ever had the privilege of knowing and loving. The love and respect they had for each other was amazing and'it was. something we have tried to model our marriage on. | miss Dad McCann’ gentle spirit. His patient manner, the compliments he gave so freely. It helped increase my confidence and belief in myself. miss his hand gently resting on my back when he spoke to me. Our grandchildren (his great grandchildren) will never benefit from his wisdom and gentleness; they have been robbed of having his loving presence. | miss my friend, Mom McCann, she was my confidant, guidance counselor. Her laughter would fill room so quickly. | am saddened that we will never laugh again, so hard our stomach hurt. | miss lunching with her, garage saleing and honestly, just sitting in a room sharing our feelings, thoughts and hopes for the future. Our grandchildren (her great grandchildren) will never know her unconditional love.

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