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Alexis Sanchez
Professor Batty
English 28
December 13 2016
What Couldve Been and Still Can
Donald J. Trump is the 2017 president elect of the United States and whether you support
him or not that is the reality this country is facing. One of the most controversial issues
throughout this election has been immigration. Trumps stance to Deport illegal immigrants,
create a ban on all muslims that come from terrorist countries, and most popularly known to
build a wall that Mexico will pay for(Donald Trump, Make America Great Again) have lead
many to support him. This is understandable considering our country has been facing economic
and security turmoil. Although Trumps extreme measures regarding immigration appear to be
the best solution if we look further its evident that Hilarys wouldve been better suited to tackle
this issue because her plans respect human right, would better improve the economy, and create a
safer society.
Despite Trumps promises to create more jobs for Americans through his immigration
reform Hilarys reform would tackle the issue in a more ethical and cost effective way.
Hillary endorses immigration reforms such as DACA and the DREAM which both make it
possible for undocumented immigrants to become active contributing members in society. In
turn, creating a greater influx of wealth by creating a more educated society. Thus, benefiting the
economy that even experts agree would highly improve our fiscal health by adding $329 billion
to the U.S. economy and create 1.4 million new jobs by 2030. (Guzman, The Economic
Benefits of the Dream Act) An understandable fear for those who are happy with our president

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elect Trump argue that these will in fact take away jobs from hard working Americans.
Especially considering that many Trump supporters are struggling working class have trouble
gaining jobs considering most are not college graduates. As we can see that non college
graduates preferred Trump by 39 points as a posed to college graduates who preferred him by
4(Montanero, How did Trump win the Election).This fear of jobs being taken away my
immigrants is a misconception. Historically, immigrants gaining jobs actually help create more
jobs and contributes to economic growth. In the 1990s, for example, the increase in collegeeducated immigrants was found to be responsible for a 1.4 percent to 2.4 percent increase in U.S.
GDP. (Guzman, The Economic Benefits of the Dream Act) As shown Hillary's plan to support
these acts would again only benefit our economy instead of forcing illegal immigrants to stay in
the shadows of society and only being able to contribute through menial jobs. Furthermore,
Trumps plan to simply create stronger borders not only would prevent this economic growth
from happening in the first place, but also would cost 5.1 to 25 billion dollars (Valverde, How
Trump plans to build, and pay for, a wall along U.S. Mexico border) Trump has also claimed that
Mexico will pay for the wall (Donald Trump, Make America Great Again) however the
President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto tweeted At the start of the conversation with Trump, I
made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall. (US Immigration, The Costs and Benefits of
Border Security) In that case, this money will come straight from American taxpayers pockets.
This poses a concern considering that American taxpayers have already spent an estimated 90
billion dollars (US Immigration, The Costs and Benefits of Border Security) for strong borders
which has obviously not helped the problem. So what is the problem? According to Sonia
Nazario a journalist and author of Enriques journey who traveled with a young Honduran boy
named Enrique cross illegally into the united states claims that the problem is at the source

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(Nazario, xxv). The problem lies within the countries. Immigrants from South of the border
migrate to the U.S. in hope to escape poverty due to the immense corruption in their countries.
Millions Immigrants such as Enrique risk their lives in order to escape the dire circumstances
they face in the country such as poverty. Immigration in their country is also nearly impossible to
get even for hard working citizens with no clean backgrounds. There determination is unmoving
and despite the millions of dollars Americans end to keep them out theyll always find their way
in. With that said, Hilary does support strong borders(Hillary Clinton, Hillary for America) but
she also understand the reality of what is economically beneficial for the country as a whole. She
understand that a wall is simply a waste.
Concerning advocating human rights of immigrants Hillary proposed a more vigilant
attitude in helping separate criminals from hardworking immigrants and prevent families getting
ripped apart while Trump proposes nothing. Hillary's plan was to ensure that immigration laws
are done humanely (Hillary Clinton, Hillary for America) including helping to detain criminals
and differentiate hardworking immigrants so they are not treated as criminals she proposes
immigrant that seek asylum in the U.S. have a fair chance to tell their stories(Hillary Clinton,
Hillary for America). One harsh reality that most Americans are too blind regarding immigration
is the inhumane treatment people specifically south of the border face. Many immigrants when
caught are forced into prisons where conditions are unbearable and have been described as
Unfit for humans to live in. (Walshe, Expensive and Inhumane) The detention centers have
faced complains such as inedible, worm-ridden food little or no outdoor recreation; overuse of
solitary confinement on mentally ill detainees; and no contact visits with loved ones (Walshe,
Expensive and Inhumane) Worst of all, many of these criminals are often children or
hardworking citizens like Enrique a boy who traveled miles only to reconnect with his mother.

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(Nazario, Enriques Journey) this type of mistreatment of humans is everything this country is
against. Hillary's plan at least ensures they wont face mistreatment from our country. Another
hurdle that immigrants face everyday in this country is the harsh reality of different status
families getting torn apart. Hilary also proposed she will end this by banning ten year bars and
providing an easier path for citizenship. Families being torn apart is a harsh reality that many
face which at times only leads immigrants to cross illegal once more. I digress, Enrique a young
boy from Honduras simply traveled here in the hopes to see his mother. These complaints
shouldnt be ignored because America clearly states all are created equaland tax payers
contributing $ 1.7 million (Walshe, Expensive and Inhumane) of their money in order to keep
humans in these conditions opposes that law this country abides on. Yes, there are criminals that
need to be detained which Clinton supports The difference is she also does not generalize all
immigrants as rapist and murderers as Trump has.
Regarding immigration from Muslim countries Trumps proposal for Muslim immigrants
poses a dangerous threat while Clintons prevents these possible dangerous outcomes. During
Trumps campaign he proposed a Muslim ban for all Islamic countries however, he now only
promotes extreme vetting (Blake, Donald Trump Just Completely Undercut His Own Muslim
Ban Alternative) That is, taking extra measures for those willing to cross the border from Islamic
countries. Unfortunately, this could pose a large threat because the way Trump plans to conduct
this vetting is through various ambitious tests as a pose to thorough background checks. These
test will conclude if these foreign Muslims or people of Islamic countries "share our values and
respect our people (Donald Trump Just Completely Undercut His Own Muslim Ban
Alternative). This might pose threats as this could not only cause an attitude of discrimination
amongst the country. Additionally, banning simply Muslims fails to recognize that Muslims

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aren't to blame for the terrorist tracks rather Islamic extremist are. Both extremely different
groups which this pain fails to recognize. Not only does that failure of recognition make this plan
ineffective but rather a threat to the security to the United States. The disdain that this policy
connotes might intact make us a target for groups such as ISIS who only thrive when countries
respond to their fear tactics. Hilarys proposal to not ban all Muslims and instead tackle this issue
from a foreign affairs point a view wouldve been more effective. It also would prevent the
United States from banning a large group based on their religion and instead tackle the real issue.
All and all despite her great reform Hillary will not be the next president of the United
States. However now that we looked further into the arguments it is not impossible to fight for
the policies she proposes. In fact, it can save as an even larger motivation for citizens and
immigrants to get involved. Already after the election hundreds of protest were sparked.
Protesting our president elect might not be effective but constantly becoming vigilant and many
coming to the streets to have a voice shows how progressive the United States stand. Many who
did not even keep up with the political climate of their country are now are willing to exercise
their freedom of speech by participating in protests. Which is ultimately what our great nation
stands for.

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