FNM Plan

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Food No More

Executive Business Plan

Kennedy Izuka, Tyler Kim, Amanda Roberts, Johnny
December 5th, 2016


Executive Summary

FOOD NO MORE: The mission of Food No More is to decrease the widespread

practice of supermarkets and restaurants throwing out large amounts of food that is
still safe to consume. It is a non-profit organization that operates in the greater

Seattle area and has partnerships with restaurants and supermarkets in order to
reallocate their leftover food to homeless shelters and food banks in order to bridge
the gap between malnutrition and food waste.
IMPLEMENTATION: Food No More plans on using an app to make communication
between the organization and its users very simple and efficient. Users simply fill
out corresponding information and a Food No More delivery truck will come at the
designated time. Food No More offers a full liability guarantee for leftover food as
soon as it enters our delivery truck to limit the burden of donating leftover food. All
donation documentation is recorded on the app for easy future reference.
USERS: Restaurants and Supermarkets in the greater Seattle area donating leftover
foods to nearby homeless shelters and food kitchens. Food No More will be targeting
supermarkets in the Seattle area first because of their potential for leftover food.
Supermarkets have no way to develop an accurate quota of leftover food since they
cannot control how many people come in at once. Food No More will also be
targeting small local restaurants. Restaurants will be able to provide Food No More
with any food that they do not use.
SCHEDULE: In the first three months of our operations, Food No More is looking to
work on registration of the company as a nonprofit organization. The process will
take an estimated three months before Food No More is fully recognized as a NPO.
In the next three to six months, Food No More will start phasing operations plan with
the goal of helping over 20% of the homeless population within the first year. In the
second year, we will be trying to help and give a reliable source of food serving 50%
of the homeless population in Seattle. In the next three to five years, we will be
using our existing business model to expand to areas in the greater Pacific
PLAYERS: Food No More plans on gaining many volunteers through its partnerships
with high school and Universities. High schools and Universities will be able to
provide us with a volunteer base of students looking for community
service.Additionally, Food No More will be partnering with Operation Sack Lunch,
which will allow Food No More to be able to accept a wider variety of food including
both individually packaged food and unpackaged/unprepared food.
OPERATIONS: Food No More will be utilizing a headquarters building to begin the
process for operations. This headquarter will essentially act as a starting point for
the process of moving leftover food to homeless shelters or food banks. In addition,
Food No More has outlined a series of employees that is essential to the company.
To fund this project, we will be looking for grants and investments.
1. Advertise through Social Media Increases brand recognition from the younger
2. Partner with High Schools Spreads students awareness and garner potential




Statement of Problem

Food No More is a non-profit organization that seeks to connect local restaurants

and supermarkets to food banks and homeless shelters in order to bridge the gap
between malnutrition and food waste. Food No More works to provide any business
interested in donating leftover food an outlet to be able to do so without incurring
any additional hassle or cost. Many restaurants throw away leftover food because
they simply dont know what to do with it, but Food No More wants to change that
by giving businesses an easy and affordable way to reallocate their leftover food
that is still safe to consume rather than disposing it. The predominant purpose of
Food No More is to provide food to the growing homeless population in the greater
Seattle area and eventually the Pacific-Northwest.


Background Information

The United States wastes nearly one third of the food they produced each year. A
majority of the wasted food stem from the fact that restaurants and supermarkets
throw away leftover food. Restaurants in the United States throw away an estimated
87% of their leftover food, and Supermarkets throw away any perishable food or any
food that cannot be sold by the sell by date. In addition, many supermarkets
create ready to eat food at varying amounts, providing more than enough in order
to accommodate the varying amount of customers they expect to receive in a given
day. This increases the amount of leftover food that is wasted. Meanwhile, Seattle
homeless shelters and food banks are being overwhelmed with the amount of
people seeking for help. In the past year, there has been a 19% increase in the
amount of people homeless and seeking resources at homeless shelters. By

forming a relationship between the supermarkets and homeless shelters, both of

these important problems can be solved.


Description of Service



Food No Mores seeks to work with our partners in the food industry to deliver
leftover food to homeless shelters or food banks. To do this, our food partners will
request a pick up on our app or website and a Food No More delivery driver will
show up at the designated time to pick up the leftover food. When requesting a pick
up, the user must have designated whether the food is individually packaged or if it
is unprepared in order for Food No More to determine its appropriate destination.
Food that is individually packaged and ready to be consume will be delivered to the
nearest homeless shelter where the food could be distributed as is, while food that
is unprepared or not individually packaged will go to Operation Sack Lunch.
Operation Sack Lunch is a partner of Food No More that will take any unprepared
food and use it to create meals for people in need. Throughout the time of the pickup to the delivery point, Food No More will be ensuring a safe food temperature as
per health regulations on food. Food No More offers a full liability guarantee to
ensure that businesses are not at risk by donating their leftover food. After the
delivery is completed, the place of donation will issue documentation of the
donation and the amount of food donated. Based on our research from a professor
in taxation, businesses can expect to receive about double the cost to import or
cook the food that is being donated. The documentation will be uploaded to the
companys account and will be IRS sufficient.



Food No More connects businesses to homeless shelters or food banks. Food No

More will be utilizing a mobile app as our primary method of implementation. After
conducting research of restaurants and homeless shelters, we discovered that the
users of our business are looking for convenience and simplicity in our
implementation. In addition, over 68% of adults in the workplace own a smartphone
device in a recent 2014 survey. The popularity of the mobile device and the ease of
convenience with a mobile app is why we will be connecting our users through an
app. The Food No More app will allow our users to request a pick up, check
donation history, and contact us instantly to voice any questions or concerns. To
request a pick up, users will simply fill out the requested information on the screen
and send the information. A copy of the donation will be available 24 hours after the
pickup of the leftover food and will be posted on the app similar to an order history.
To contact us, our information is built into the app and our users can contact us with
several methods.



The users of the Food No More app would be the managers at the local store that
we service to. In the beginning, the target area will be the Queen Anne District
Whole Foods. The total number of users will never be substantial since the app will
be tailored for the whole store. The manager at the store would have the app
installed on his/her phone which allows for ease of access after the work day
finishes. Its a small audience that we will ultimately target as the product isnt
meant for the everyday consumer. As Food No More expands, the first goal would
be able to reach all the Whole Foods and similar supermarkets in the area
attempting to feed the roughly 5,000 additional homeless people.



The keys for Food No mores operations rely on the establishment of partnerships
with the supply side, such as Whole Foods, and the demand side, such as the food
banks. Additionally, a key partnership for Food No More is with Operation Sack
Lunch, as this organization knows how to best utilize unprepared foods, giving Food
No More an outlet to reallocate as much leftover food as possible. Food No More
would provide Operation Sack Lunch another outlet for food supplies as well as
promote them as a company. Additionally, Food No More would spread awareness
of malnutrition and food waste to school districts in the greater Seattle area to
hopefully gain volunteers and start implementing similar programs within the




Staff on Hand

Director of Operations
Project Manager
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Transportation Coordinator
Food Procurement Representative
Community Engagement Coordinator
Grocery Rescue Program Representative
Policy and Research Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Transportation Contractors
As a startup company, resources will be limited for a period of time soa Project
Manager and Director of Operations are vital during establishment. The Director of
Operations would run the logistical aspect of the company. While the Project
Manager would run the daily aspects of the deliveries, communication, and anything
involving the transportation details. After growth and investments, areas of
specialization can be filled to reduce the workload.




Activities Conducted

Complete Documentation to register as a non-profit

organization under Washington States RCW 24.03.025:
Articles of Incorporation

Month 1
Months 2-10

Year 1 Goal
Year 2

Years 3-5

Partner with Queen Anne High School

Begin conducting classroom presentations with
guest speakers in the high schools to educate
students on malnourishment, specifically in the
Greater Seattle Area
Set up a youth volunteer base

Provide for 20% of the Homeless

population in Seattle

Partner with more local high schools such as Ballard, Garfield,

and many of the private schools in the greater Seattle Area
Partner with The Housing and Food Services at the University of
Take leftover food from the Local Point, District Market, The 8,
and other food services located on campus
Partner with Large Food Corporations such as Whole Foods to
ultimately provide for 50

Expand what weve done in the greater Seattle

Area and reimplement it in the greater Pacific




Cost-Benefit Analysis



Lease for

1850 square feet at

$38 per square feet


Reconfigure allotted
area (Location in
Ballard is doing
majority of
renovations free of


Hire Director and

Project Manager

Buy Transportation
Related Equipment

Salary and benefits

Recruitment Costs




$50,000 x2

Orientation and


Truck Contractors


Trucks including gas

Food Packaging

Moving In Period

Cost in First Year

Transportation costs





Benefits in First Year




Partnerships with local

charitable fun-run

Bill and Melinda Gates



Accrued Individual
Sales Revenue

FNM Malnourishment

$5, 000


Government Grants
(Meets necessary





Food No More needs to be understood by both the business community and

the local community. In order to understand the multiple aspects of the

organization, weve developed two outreach recommendations. These

recommendations are targeted towards increasing overall awareness of the

organization, improving advertising mediums, and building new relationships with
the community.

Outreach #1: Advertise through Social Media
The use of social media sites is extremely prominent in society today. In order to
gain the attention of the community and improve their awareness of Food No More,
the organization should expand their presence on social media sites. According to
the surveys, local restaurants have become more and more prominent on social
media websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If Food No More were to
create accounts for its organization on these social media sites, it would allow them
to share the services and volunteer opportunities they have to offer, becoming more
in touch with their potential users. This outreach strategy is inexpensive and can
promote all aspects of the organization, including links to its webpage, access to the
company, and explanations of the different services the organization offers. This will
lead to an overall improvement in brand awareness, especially from the younger

Outreach #2: Create Partnership with High School Counseling Services

Food No More will develop relationships with local high schools in the area to not
only increase awareness of the food waste problem but to increase the amount of
potential clientele. Food No More will develop a presentation to present to
community service organizations like National Honor Society, and Key Club

international. This presentation would entail explaining the services Friends of Youth
offers to give students a better understanding of what the organization does since it
has been shown that many students are unaware of the food waste problem. Finally,
the organization will encourage the school to spread awareness of the problem and
ask for volunteers. Food No More will developed a program to allow high school
students to engage with the community and gather a volunteer workforce.



Food No Mores main goal as an organization is to bridge the gap between

malnourishment and food waste in the greater Seattle area. Supermarkets and
restaurants would be inclined to use Food No Mores services because we offer an
easy and affordable way to reallocate leftover foods, provide an outlet for our users
to portray a positive image of themselves to the public, and most importantly allow
our users to play a part in benefiting the greater Seattle community as a whole.


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