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1)The shelf life of deglycerolized blood is:

a) 12 Hrs.
b) 24 Hrs.
c) One week.
d) One month.
2)Freezing damages red cells by intracellular ice formations and hypertonicity, this can be
prevented by addition of :
a) Hydrogen.
b) Oxygen.
c) Glycerol.
d) All of the above.
3)., of the heavy chains determine the class of immunoglobin:
a. Epitopes.
b. Isotopes.
c. Fc portion.
d. Fab portion.
4) If the A and B antigens are missing on the RBC's, the blood group is:
a) A blood group.
b) B blood group.
c) AB blood group.
d) O blood group.
5) An association between ....................blood group system and resistance to malaria has been
a) Kell.
b) Duffy.
c) Lutheran.
d) None of the above.
6) HLA antigen expression is controlled by a region on chromosome number:
a) 6.
b) 7.
c) 8.
d) 9.
7) AHG is used for detection of:
a) Complete Antibodies.
b) Complete Antibodies and antigens.
c) Incomplete Antibodies.
d) Incomplete Antibodies and Antigen.

8) , is a substance which elicits immune response, it is complex molecules:

a) Antigen.
b) Antibody.
c) Complement.
d) All of the above.
9) In case of prophylactic vaccination for hepatitis B the donor is:
a) Deferral for six months.
b) Deferral for one year.
c) Accepted.
d) None of the above.

10) The donor is immediately accepted if he has been vaccined with the following killed
vaccine ...........Except:
a) Polio Salk vaccine.
b) Influenza vaccine.
c) Mumps vaccine.
d) Typhiod vaccine.
11) The frequency of donation is:
a) One to two times in the year.
b) An interval of at least 3 months between donations.
c) Five to six times in the year.
d) a + b.
12) The mandatory test(s) of blood transfusion:
a) CMV.
b) ATLL.
c) TPHA.
d) All of the above.
13) The contraindications for autologus transfusion are:
a) When the blood is collected weeks before surgery.
b) When there are bacterial infections.
c) When the Hb level more than 11 g/dl.
d) All of the above.
14) All of the following are true regarding the criteria for FFP in neonates ....................Except:
a) Bleeding in congenital factor deficiency.
b) Haemorrhage secondary to vitamin K deficiency.
c) DIC with bleeding.
d) Rare blood groups.
15) ......................., the antigen and antibody reaction where complement is activated and leads to
breakdown of red cells and release of haemoglobin is:
a) Sensitization.
b) Neutralization.
c) Agglutination.
d) Hemolysis.
16) antibodies which produced without any antigenic stimulus:
a) Incomplete antibodies.
b) Warm antibodies.
c) IgG antibodies.
d) None of the above.
17) The antibodies of the HLA system are:
a) IgM.
b) IgG.
c) IgE.
d) IgA.
18) The individual with blood group A, his parents with blood group:
a) A blood group and B blood group.
b) A blood group and O blood group.
c) AB blood group and O blood group.
d) All of the above.
19) The acceptable donor with minimum percent of Hct:
a) 45 %.
b) 38 %.

c) 12.5 %.
d) 13 %.
20) In post shock phase of HTR, the patient show signs of:
a) Renal failure.
b) Blood urea , creatinine and K levels come down.
c) Hypobilirubinemia.
d) Haemoglobinurea.
21) The FFP is stored at:
a) 20 25 C.
b) (-30) C.
c) (-120) C.
d) (-196) C.
22) All of the following are Indications for long-term storage of blood in frozen state...........
a) Autologous blood.
b) Patient's sensitized to leukocyte.
c) Rare blood groups.
d) Patients with low frequency of antigens.
23) The principle of deglycerolization is that frozen red cells are kept in:
a) Hypertonic solution to less hypertonic solution and finally to isotonic solution.
b) Hypotonic solution to hypertonic solution and finally to isotonic solution.
c) Isotonic solution.
d) Isotonic solution to hypertonic solution.
24) Citrate phosphate dextrose Adeneine (CPD-A) has storage period to:
a. 21 days.
b. 35 days.
c. 42 days.
d. 63 days.
25) The application of HLA antigen typing is:
a) Platelets escalate.
b) Transplantation.
c) WBC Transfusion.
d) All of the above.
26) All of the following are causes of warm type of AIHA.......Except:
a) Infectious mononucleosis.
b) Lymphoma.
c) CLL.
d) SLE.
27) The Minor cross matching:
a) Donor's serum and patient's cells is mixed and tested.
b) Donor's cells and patient's serum is mixed and tested.
c) Donor's cells and donor's serum is mixed and tested.
d) Patient's serum and patient's cells is mixed and tested.
28) The antisera A are:
a) Blue in color because the presence of acriflavin.
b) Blue in color because the presence of methylene dye.
c) Yellow in color because the presence of methylene dye.
d) Colorless.
29) .................................. is a delayed effect of transfusion reaction:
a) Urticaria.
b) Anaphylaxis.
c) Malaria.

d) Hemolysis.
30) The universal recipients:
a) A.
b) B.
c) AB.
d) O.
31)The individual with blood group AB have:
e) Antigen A and Antigen B.
f) Anti- A and Anti-B.
g) Antigens A,B and Anti-A,Anti-B.
h) None of the above.
32)All of the following are causes of cold type of AIHA........Except:
a) Lymphoma.
b) Infectious mononucleosis.
c) Mycoplasma pneumonia infection.
d) Viral infection.
33).........................................resistant to malaria parasite:
a) Duffy blood group.
b) Lutheran blood group.
c) Kell blood group.
d) Kidd blood group.
34) All of the following criteria recommended for FFP transfusion ......Except:
e) Haemolytic uremic syndrome.
f) PT more than 16 seconds.
g) PTT more than 55 seconds.
h) Patients sensitized to leukocytes, platelet antigens or plasma proteins.
35) .......................antibodies dont cross placenta:
e) Warm antibodies.
f) IgM.
g) Incomplete Antibodies.
h) All of the above.
36) .....................The condition(s) diagnostic by DAT/DCT:
Investigation of drug induced sensitization.
Hemophilia A.
Sickle cell anemia.
None of the above.
37) The donor is accepted if gives positive history with:
a) TB.
b) Syphilis.
c) Vaccinated with Pertusis.
d) Vaccinated with rabies is given after bite.
38) The dextrose in CPDA anticoagulant provides:
a) Nourishment to the cells.
b) Act as anticoagulant.
c) Maintain PH.
d) Cramalization of glucose during autoclave.
39) The red cells can be stored for 35 days in:
e) ACD.
f) EDTA.

g) CPDA.
h) SAGM.
40) If the individual with blood group B, his parents with blood group:
e) B blood group and AB blood group.
f) B blood group and O blood group.
g) AB blood group and O blood group.
h) All of the above.
41) ..............................are stored at 20 25 C for 5 days:
e) Liquid plasma.
f) Platelets.
g) Packed RBC's.
h) WBC's.
42) .........................Stored in the gas phase of liquid nitrogen:
a) FFP.
b) Glycerol Red blood cells.
c) Cryoprecipitate.
d) All of the above.
43) The universal donor is:
a) A.
b) B.
c) AB.
d) O.
44) Panel test done to identification of:
a) Antibodies.
b) Antigens.
c) Antigens and antibodies.
d) Complement.
45) The citrate in ACD, act as
a) Nourishment.
b) Anticoagulant.
c) Maintain PH.
d) Help in the synthesis of ATP.
46) The donor is deferral of four weeks recommended for the following inoculation:
a) Cholera.
b) Rabies is given after the bite.
c) Antidiphtheria.
d) Polio Salk vaccine.
47) ..........................., the antigen and antibody reaction where complement is activated and leads to
breakdown of red cells and release of Hb is called:
a) Agglutination.
b) Sensitization.
c) Hemolysis.
d) Haemorrhage.

48) Factor VIII concentrate stored at:

a) -196 C.
b) 4 6 C.
c) (-18 C) (-30C).
d) -120 C.

49) Lewis antibodies are:

a) Cold, IgM.
b) Warm, IgG.
c) Cold ,IgG
d) Warm, IgM.
50) In Forward blood grouping, the sample is:
a) RBC's
b) Serum.
c) Plasma.
d) All of the above.
51) The Minor cross matching is:
a) Donor's blood + Donor's serum.
b) Donor's blood + Patient's serum.
c) Donor's serum + Patient's blood.
d) Patient's blood + Patient's serum.
52) All of the following true regarding of HLA......Except:
a) It is Leukocytes antigens.
b) It is the major histocombitibility system.
c) HLA antibodies cannot lead to febrile transfusion reactions.
d) Certain HLA are commonly present on red cells.
53) The clinical indication for Frozen-Thawed Red blood Cells:
a) To minimize severe allergic transfusion reactions.
b) To minimize sensitization to leukocyte and platelet antigens in prospective transplant
c) For autologous transfusion.
d) All of the above.
54) The complications for massive transfusion are:
a) Thrombocytopenia.
b) Hypokalamia.
c) Hypercalcaemia.
d) All of the above.
55) The mandatory test(s) of blood transfusion:
a) CMV.
b) ATLL.
c) TPHA.
d) All of the above.
56) Factors affecting antigen antibody binding are:
e) PH.
f) Tempreture.
g) Incubation period.
h) All of the above.
57) .., is defined as replacement of patient's total blood volume by stored blood
in less than 24 hrs :
a) Autologous blood transfusion.
b) Whole blood transfusion.
c) Exchange blood transfusion.
d) Massive transfusion.
58) The most important biochemical change in the stored blood is the:
a) Loss of K+ from the red cells and intake of Na+ from plasma.

b) Platelets increase their haemostatic properities.

c) The WBC becomes functional after 24 hrs.
d) All of the above.
59) In reverse blood grouping, when the patient's serum agglutinate with the B-cells only, the
patient's blood group:
a) A.
b) B.
c) AB.
d) O.
60) Patient's with Von willbrand's disease given:
a) Cryoprecipitate Factor VIII concentrates.
b) Fresh blood.
c) Massive transfusion.
d) Leukocytes depleted RBC's.
61)If anti-B is present in the serum, the blood group is :
i) A.
j) B.
k) AB.
l) O.
62)Glycerolized red cell are stored in the:
e) Refrigerator.
f) Deep freeze.
g) Gas phase of liquid nitrogen.
h) 20 25 C.
63)The changes which take place in stored RBC's are:
e) The shape of RBC's changes from spherical to discoid.
f) Osmotic fragility is decreased.
g) Loss of red cell membrane lipids.
h) All of the above.
64) The ABH antigens are:
i) Glycoproteins.
j) Protein.
k) Lipoprotein.
l) Carbohydrates.
65) The Rh (CDE) is:
i) Incomplete antibodies.
j) Natural antibodies.
k) Cold antibodies.
l) All of the above.
6 6) Coomb's test, used for detection of:
e) Cold antibodies.
f) Warm antibodies.
g) Antigens.
h) Antibodies and antigen.
67) In the following condition(s) the DAT is diagnostic for:
a) Autoimmune haemolytic anemia.
b) Haemolytic disease of the newborn.
c) Haemolytic transfusion reaction.
d) All of the above.
68) The donor is deferred if gives a positive history of any of the following ...............except:


Allergic disorders.
Cardiovascular disease.
Prophylactic vaccine for HBs-Ag.

69) The clinical indication for FFP:

i) Treatment of TIP, haemolytic uremic syndrome.
j) Rare blood groups.
k) To patients sensitized to leukocyte.
l) All of the above.
70) The red cells can be stored for 42 days in:
i) ACD.
j) CPDA-1.
k) CPDA-2.
l) SAGM.
71) Routine Platelets transfusions involve:
i) Compatibility test.
j) ABO typing
k) Cross matching.
l) All of the above.
72) Synthetic colloids and balanced salt solutions given to patients for:
e) DIC with bleeding.
f) Deficiency of factor VIII.
g) Blood volume expansion.
h) PT more than 16 seconds.
73) Universal recipients are blood groups:
e) A.
f) B.
g) AB.
h) O.
74) The sign of anuric phase of haemolytic uremic syndrome:
e) The blood urea, creatinine levels are come down.
f) Renal failure.
g) Fever with chill only.
h) Decreased K level.
75) ............................blood transfusion is defined as transfusion of patient's own blood:
e) Massive transfusion.
f) Whole blood transfusion.
g) Fresh blood transfusion.
h) Autologous transfusion.
76) All of the following are true regarding incomplete antibodies .Except:
e) Require coomb's sera for binding to the antigenic site.
f) They react at 37 C.
g) Most of ABH antibodies are incomplete.
h) The Rh (CDE) antibodies are incomplete.
77) The platelets are stored at:
e) 4 - 6 C.
f) -150 C.
g) 6 8 C.
h) 20 25 C.

78) The antibodies that do not cross placenta are:

e) IgM.
g) Rh-antibodies.
h) All of the above.
79) The acceptable donor with minimum Hb:
e) 45 g/dl.
f) 38 g/dl
g) 12.5 g/dl
h) 14 g/dl.
80) In reverse blood grouping, the sample is:
e) EDTA blood.
f) Serum.
g) RBC's.
h) All of the above.
81) When the donor's RBC's and the patient's serum is mixed and tested, it is called:
a) Panel test.
b) Major cross matching.
c) Minor cross matching.
d) None of the above.
82) When the individual inherits one gene from mother with blood group A and one gene from
father with blood group O, the blood group for this individual may be:
e) A.
f) AB.
g) B.
h) All of the above.
83) ..............................are stored at (-18C) (-30C) up to 12 months:
e) WBC's.
f) RBC's.
g) Factor VIII concentrates.
h) Leukocytes depleted RBC's
84) The .are yellow in colour:
a) Antisea A.
b) Antisea B.
c) Antisera AB.
d) Antisera D.
85) The Cryoprecipitate consist of:
a) Fibrinogen.
b) Plasma proteins, firbrenigen and Factor VIII.
c) RBC's.
d) WBC's.
86) The red cells of subgroup A2 react with:
a) Anti A only.
b) Anti- A and Ani-A1.
c) Anti- A and Anti-B.
d) Anti- B only.
87) The adverse effect takes from days to months after blood transfusion:
a) Fever with shock due to bacterial contamination.
b) Urticaria.
c) Congestive heart failure.

d) Hepatitis B and C.
88) The Rh-positive patient's may receive the blood from:
a) Rh-positive donor only.
b) Rh-Negative donor only.
c) Rh-Positive or Rh-negative donor.
d) Bombay blood group only.
89) The patients with sickle cell anemia given:

a) FFP.
b) Autologous blood transfusion.
c) Hemolytic disease of newborn.
d) Leukocytes depleted RBC concentrate.
90) All of the following are anticoagulants used in blood bag .Except:
a) ACD.
b) CPDA1.
c) EDTA.
d) SAGM.

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