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Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Ingls para Gesto da Produo Industrial III

Profa. Tatiane R. Carvalho -
Aula 2: reviso de estratgias de leitura
1) Voc conhece o logo da imagem abaixo? Cite pelo menos 4 produtos
produzidos pela empresa.

2) Observe o diagrama abaixo e diga a qual setor a Nestl pertence.

3) Observe o quadro abaixo e liste os grupos de produtos que mais vendem.

4) Voc vai ler um estudo de caso intitulado Nestl: Sustainability and water.
Antes de ler, discuta as seguintes questes com seu colega:
- Qual a importncia da questo da gua para uma empresa como a Nestl?
- Quais so as aes que uma empresa pode tomar para se tornar mais sustentvel?
Nestl is the largest food and drink business in the world. Its brands include: Nescaf,
Kit-Kat, Buitoni and Felix cat food. Nestl Waters is the world leader in bottled waters.
Its brands include Vittel, Perrier and San Pellegrino.
Business sense
Nestl feels that businesses should always try to act in a responsible or moral way. It
believes that acting in a moral way also makes good business sense as it gives Nestl
a good name. This means people are more likely to want to buy from the company.
The basic Nestl values include:

long term progress rather than short term profit

long term commitments to suppliers and customers
respect for the cultures it works in

always giving customers good information

making sure that all staff follow the principles by making them central to the business.

Nestl defines sustainable development as "the process of increasing the world's
access to higher quality food, while contributing to long-term social and economic
development, and preserving the environment for future generations". Nestl tries to
be a genuine partner in sustainable development. The rise in the world's population
means there is an increased demand for food. This in turn places pressure on water
and raw materials produced by the primary sector. If Nestl wants its business to
continue growing it must encourage more production of better quality raw materials
from its suppliers. Recognizing that others face this issue, Nestl created the
Sustainable Agricultural Initiative with other food manufacturers. The group defines
sustainable agriculture as "a productive, competitive and efficient way to produce
agricultural raw materials, while at the same time protecting and improving the
natural environment and social/economic conditions of local communities". They
recognise that this will take time, but by co-operating these competitors are better
placed to make an impact on a global scale.
Businesses use all of the factors of production. These are:
- Land natural resources such as land and water
- Labour the human effort
- Capital the money used to buy tools, plant and equipment
- Enterprise the process of organising the above factors and of taking risks in order
to make a profit.
Any production process involves the use of all factors of production. Water is a natural
resource and so is one of the factors of production. There is enough water on Earth to
meet the needs of all but it is not always in the right place. Nor is it always clean.
Nestl is involved in water education programmes and, with a charity, a water tank
project to bring clean water to parts of South Africa. The biggest user of water is
farming. Nestl has cut down its use of water so that it does not put pressure on
suppliers. It has built new waste water treatment plants. It has also cut down on
waste in its factories. Despite consuming only a tiny proportion of water, Nestl still
seeks to minimise water use. 70% of water usage is by agriculture, and agricultural
raw materials provide the basis of Nestl's finished products. Nestl does not own
farms but encourages sustainable agricultural practices amongst its suppliers. Nestl
uses water in manufacturing (for example to wash raw materials). Inside its factories,
the company limits the use of water in its various operations and, where this is not
possible, re-uses or re-cycles waste water.

In 2002 a World Summit set a target to halve the number of people without
access to clean water by 2015. Nestl will share its knowledge to help reach
this aim.
Source: adapted from

5) Responda s seguintes questes:

a. Em que segmento a Nestl lder de mercado?
b. Quais so os valores da empresa?
c. O que se entende por desenvolvimento sustentvel?
d. O que Sustainable Agricultural Initiative, quem participa dele e por
que ele foi criado?
e. Qual a importncia da gua para a Nestl e quais so as aes que a
empresa realiza para poupar seu uso?

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