A Study of Various Behaviors of Teenagers in Facebook: Reaction On Social Issues.

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College of Engineering and Computer Studies

A Study of Various Behaviors of Teenagers in Facebook:

Reaction on Social Issues.

An Project Proposal Action Plan

Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Laguna

A Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Sociology/ Anthropology with HIV- Aids

Prepared by:
Bondad, Mariah Rayah
Borcer, Jessa Marie
Gulay, Andreana Amor M.

Submitted to:
Miss Cynthia Gabriel
SSCN02A Instructor

October 2015


College of Engineering and Computer Studies

Table of Contents
Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Table of Contents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2


Statement of the Problem ---------------------------------------------------------------4-5

Significance of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------5
Objective of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------6
Conceptual Framework and Paradigm-----------------------------------------------6
Definition of Terms------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Review of Related Literature and Studies-----------------------------8-15

Time Spent in Using Facebook---------------------------------------------------12-13
Effects on the Relationship with Family Members---------------------------13-14
Effects on the Relationship with Friends---------------------------------------14
Effects on the Performance in Studies-----------------------------------------14-15


Research Design--------------------------------------------------------------------15
Scope and Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------15


Presentation of Data---------------------------------------------------------15-23
Profile of Facebook Users---------------------------------------------------------16-17
Time Spend in Using Facebook--------------------------------------------------18
Effects in the Users Behavior and Interaction with Other People-------19-24


Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation ---------------------25-28





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Internet has been widely used by the generation today. According to a
research survey, as of 2014, 38 percent of the worlds human population has used
the services of the Internet within the past yearover 100 times more people than
were using it in 1995. Internet has become an integral part of our life. In fact, this is
the first generation that cannot imagine life without being connected to Internet as
its importance has grown up that extent now. Social Network Sites (SNSs) is one of
the uses of the Internet. It undoubtedly play roles in broadening social connection.
SNSs such as Myspace, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have attracted millions
of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. Of all
theses SNSs, Facebook is the most popular and frequently used social media
In accordance with this, a report by Get Hooked 360 Inc. articulates that the
Philippines definitely continues to be a Facebook country as the popular network
site reached 30 million users as of January 2013. Forty percent of the population
are young adults aged 18-24 and the most active are the 15 percent of the
population which are the teenagers aged 13-17. Facebook has also been a widely
used platform to spread ideas, news, life moments and the likes.
According to Mark Zuckerberg, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
of Facebook, as early as year 2009 the population of media companies that
migrated to Facebook increased by 30% from 25% of 2008.
Due to the rapid increase in the users population, Facebook has made
changes throughout its lifespan from user interface, to the addition and removal of
features, to policy changes. These changes often have their supporters and
detractors. The user-created content of some user pages, public pages, and groups,
has been criticized for promoting or dwelling upon controversial and often divisive
topics (e.g., politics, religion, sex, etc.). There have been several issues, both on
the website and of the website. Of particular note are the new user interface format
launched in 2008, and the changes in Facebook's Terms of Use, which removed
the clause detailing automatic expiry of deleted content.


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Along with its popularity, it has been also a home for issues. Due to the
freedom that Facebook allows its users, it enables them to interact and post their
views and insights in a particular subject. In line with this, social and practical
controversies have been affected by several netizens that spreads news which are
not relevant to the issues, making it the topic of every one.
According to Global Survey Company, 60% of Facebook users comment
and post their concerns in a particular issue based on what theyve read in the
internet, 25% are those who contend the post, 10% delve deeper to the issue and
the remaining 5% doesnt care at all. This 95% of users commonly participate in the
cyber war.
This study will focus on the behaviors of teenagers in social issues posted
in the Facebook platform, how their conduct affect their performance in school and
at home.

Statement of the Problem

In the cyber world, Facebook is the most popular social media platform
which has the largest population of users. It has been widely used by different
people of different ages. With its newsfeed feature, users can easily post and
promote websites containing current news, events, and the like.
Whenever there are issues, may it be local, national or international, every
teenagers has something to say about it. The researchers observed the ffg:
1. Teenagers react (comment, post etc.) without knowing the whole story,
2. Follows the trend of the current news,
3. Give their own views and exercise their freedom of expression.

Specifically, the study was sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the Facebook users in terms of
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Nationality


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2. How many hours they are spending in the internet

2.1 Per day
2.2 Week
2.3 Per month
3. How did it affects their relationship with
3.1 Family
3.2 Friends
3.3 Studies

The study is important because it will show how the teenagers affect the
controversy itself and how other nationalities behave in the concerns posted in the
internet. This will also enable to determine the level of awareness and involvement
of an individual in the social platform.

Significance of the Problem

It is hoped that the following individuals and group of people will be benefited
through the possible findings of this study:
Students. This study will guide the students particularly how to manage their
time in spending to their SNS accounts and also to be aware of how they should
behave in issues posted in the internet.
Family. This study will give them awareness as to their childrens behavior,
look into their class performance in school and help their children to develop their
sense of responsibility in using the internet platforms.
Future Researchers. This will serve as a reference for the future
researchers and the information in this study may have some bearing on the other
research studies that will be conducted in the future.


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Objective of the Study

In the light of the study, the researchs objective is to know the effects of
using Facebook in the social and personal life of the users and to know the level of
involvement of every users in the issues and stories posted in the World Wide
When the objectives are achieve, concern audiences and parties will
benefit the study.

Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables
1. Profile of the Users
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex

Dependent Variables
1. Relationship with
1.1 Family
1.2 Friends

1.3 Nationality
2. Performance in
2.1 Studies
2. Hours spend in the
2.1 Day

3. Social Behavior of the


2.2 Week
2.3 Month

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

The figure shows the relationship of the independent and dependent variables.
Under independent is the age, sex, nationality, and school/year level of the user. It
also includes the hours they spend in using the internet. Comprising the dependent
variable is the relationship with the family members and friends, and the effect in
the performance in school.


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Definition of Terms
Internet. A global system of interconnected computer networks that use
the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.

Netizen. A person who actively uses the Internet especially in a proper and
responsible way.
Facebook. A popular free social networking website that allows registered users to
create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues. The site, which is available in 37 different languages,
includes public features such as:

Marketplace - allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads.

Groups - allows members who have common interests to find each other
and interact.

Events - allows members to publicize an event, invite guests and track who
plans to attend.

Pages - allows members to create and promote a public page built around
a specific topic.

Presence technology - allows members to see which contacts are online and

Cyber world. The world of computers and communications. It implies today's fastmoving, high-technology world.

Cyber war. A form of war within the internet premises using computers. Commonly
between users discussing the same topics.
Newsfeed. News Feed is a list of updates on a users Facebook home page. The
News Feed shows updates about those people who are in your friend's list, as well
as the odd advertisement. The News Feed is actually a collection of events from


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your friend's own Mini-Feed that is intended to give you a quick look at what your
friends have been doing on Facebook.

Review of Related Literature

As of today, this generation is very fond of technology. Technology is like
the lifeline of every teenager. Through technology, the social media was introduced
to people. Social networking sites serve as entertainment, use of communication,
and way of spreading of current events.
Modernizing the Youth through Mass Media.Today the most powerful
catalyst for modernizing youth culture is the mass media (Lanuza, 2001). The study
of Lanuza (1998) shows that the modernizing influence on the youth is coming more
from the mass media than from the peer group and the school. Nevertheless it must
also be noted that, like any other agent of socialization (e.g., the school and peer
group), mass media exhibits ambivalent character in relation to the formation of
youth culture. While it carries modernizing currents, yet at the same time, it also
promotes traditional Filipino values. Hence studies on youth and values promoted
by television would show the propagation of traditional Filipino values such as
respect for elders, family solidarity, and reverence for authorities (see Concepcion,
1986; Parungao-Adorable, 1982; Yujuico, 1994). This is interesting if one notes that
mass media consumes much of the time youth spend in leisure activities (Cheng,
1974; Torres, 1982-1983; de Vera, et. al., 1999). Television, newspapers, and radio
are the main sources of Catholic youths knowledge about social issues (Episcopal
Commission on Youth/Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, 2002).
There are also indications that mass media shapes to certain extent the values and
behavior of children (Pagayon, 1993; Mateo, 2000; Concepcion, 1986; Galindo,
2000). The Philippines like the rest of other countries is experiencing the
modernization and cultural transition brought by globalization. Teenagers are the
one who is very affected by this modernization. They are very exposed to the social
media like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Multiply, YouTube, MySpace, Tumblr, and


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Friendster. This social networking site allows them to exercise their freedom of
expression that leads sometimes in good or bad condition.
According to Randy Milavanoc (2015), Twitter is perhaps the simplest of all
social media platforms, Facebook is considered to be synonymous with social
media by some, Facebook is the one site where youre likely to find friends,
colleagues, and relatives all floating around. Although Facebook is mainly
centered on sharing photos, links, and quick thoughts of a personal nature,
individuals can also show their support to brands or organizations by becoming fans.
The fact that using SNSs is an integral part of most young adolescents lives
is a valuable reason on its own to investigate the outcomes of this technology use.
Teenagers are also a group in society in need of protection due to their state of
being underage and their lack of experience. As a result, an array of stakeholders,
including parents, educators and politicians, call for better understanding of the
consequences of SNS use.
Since the emergence of Social Networking Sites (SNSs), like Facebook (FB)
and MySpace, the use of these platforms by young adolescents has been in the
focus of scholarly attention (Davies, 2012). According to the study of Taylor and
Francis of Science Daily, 2013, with 1.11 billion users per month on average,
Facebook has become a global phenomenon offering a continual and direct
communication with friends, family and other people.
In addition, providers themselves exhibit an unprecedented level of concern
directed at supporting the interest of this audience (The Influence Of Facebook on
Life Satisfaction, Wenninger et al., 2014) and this despite a rather low share of
this user segment in the overall demographic structure of the FB audience:

Facebook remains the most-used social networking platform, as two-thirds
of online adults say that they are Facebook users. Women are more likely than men
to be Facebook users, and Facebook use is especially common among younger
adults. (The Demographics of Social Media Users- 2012, pewinternet.org- Duggan


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& Brenner, 2013). The demographics of whos on what social network are
shifting older social networks are reaching maturity, while newer social messaging
apps are gaining younger users fast. (REVEALED: The Demographic Trends for
Every Social Network, Guimaraes, 2014)
Facebook remains the top social network for teens. Teenagers are among
the busy users of Social Media applications and the always on aspect of these
technologies is very distinctive for them (e.g. Davies, 2012). Indeed, a whopping
93% of teens in the age of 12-17 have an account on FB, with 64% of 12-13 year
olds using FB in the U.S. (Lenhart et al., 2011). Nearly half of teen Facebook users
say theyre using the site more than last year. Facebook has more daily users than
any other social network. (REVEALED: The Demographic Trends for Every Social
Network, Guimaraes, 2014)
. As a result of this dissatisfying outcome, FB has relaxed its privacy
regulations for its 13- to 17 year old user segment, allowing teens to have more
freedom with regard to the audience they would like to reach with their status
updates, photos and comments. (The Influence of Facebook on Life Satisfaction,
Wenninger et al., 2014)
According to Amanda Lenhart (2011), Social media use has become so
pervasive in the lives of American teens that having a presence on a social network
site is almost synonymous with being online. Fully 95% of all teens ages 12-17 are
now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites. Many log
on daily to their social network pages and these have become spaces where much
of the social activity of teen life is echoed and amplifiedin both good and bad ways
(Teens, kindness and cruelty on social network sites).
In accordance with this, Global Social Media Research summarize that
Philippines has the most number of Facebook active users with an age ranging 16
to 44 years old.


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According to Seven Statistics about Facebook Users that Reveal Why it is
Such a Powerful Marketing Platform by Smith (2013), Facebook skews slightly
toward women. But it is more gender neutral than Pinterest and Google+. Women
in the U.S. are more likely to use Facebook than men by about 10 percentage points,
according to a 2013 survey of social network adoption (REVEALED: The
Demographic Trends For Every Social Network, Guimaraes, 2014).
Some sites' users are more demographically alike than others are. One thing
is the same for most social sites college students, or those who have completed
some college, represent the majority on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, Digg and Reddit. Among Facebook users, 57% have completed some
college, and 24% have earned a bachelor's or master's degree. Although, people
45 and older make up 46% of Facebook users.
Social media sites are also seeing a gender split women use social media
more than men. More women are on Facebook and Twitter. About 57% of Facebook
and 59% of Twitter users are women. Women gravitate toward Pinterest and young,
techie men hang out on Google+. Pinterest has the heaviest gender imbalance
82% of users are women, who pin crafts, gift ideas, hobbies, interior design and
fashion. On the other spectrum, Google is dominated by men (71%) and early
adopters, engineers and developers. About 50% of Google+ users are 24 or
younger. LinkedIn reports an even ratio of men and women 49% over age 45
who use the site to connect with other business professionals. Most people use
social media to stay in touch with friends and family, and more are doing so while
on the go. About 200 million Facebook users check their Timelines from their mobile
devices every day. (Social Demographics: Whos using Todays Biggest NetworksINFOTAPHIC, Skelton, 2012)
Modern world is full addict of Facebook and share their feeling, emotions,
what they are doing and where they are right now. Facebook attract people by


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updating its new features and programs every month so its user are increasing day
by day and now Facebook has become one of the top five rankings of Google.
According to Top Tenny, the top 10 of the best (2015), United States of
America is the most addictive country all over the world using Facebook, where
about 165 million people are Facebook users. This is ordinary as the United States
is very interested in technology. 78% surfers on the internet have 67% people who
have Facebook accounts. Followed by: the Brazil with 68 million users. India with
about 61.7 million internet surfers have Facebook accounts. Indonesia about 22%
of people use internet, yet 20% of this ratio have Facebook accounts. Mexico is a
South-American country that embraces about 39.8 million users of Facebook.
United Kingdom, UK, nearly 53% of the internet users are Facebook users. Turkey
has about 32 million users out of 74 million Turkish people; Philippines over 30.2
million people users. Germany with 25.2 million Germans using Facebook. And for
the last one is France, about 25 million people use Facebook.
Most Facebook users, according to race and ethnicity, Hispanic has the
most number with 36 percentage followed by Black (Non- Hispanic) having a 48%
and the White ones (Non-Hispanic) with a 36% (Pew Internet Spring Tracking
Survey, March 15-April 3,March 15-April 3, 2012).
Time Spent In Facebook
The result of a study commissioned by Analytics firm Verto reveals just how
much time people are spending on Facebooks mobile app each month. Facebooks
222 million monthly users in US spend an average of 14 hours each month within
the companys mobile app.
According to the official Facebook statistics page, Facebook users spend
700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. At 500 million active users, this equates
1400 minutes per user per month.
Facebooks more than 1.44 billion monthly active users around the world
spend an average of 20+ minutes per day on the social network, liking, commenting,
and scrolling through status updates, according to analyst from Needham, citing


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comScore data (Insider, DOnfro, 2015). Indeed, with the overwhelming majority of
teens (and adults) visiting SNSs daily or at least several times a week (Schneider
et al., 2013).
Effects on Relationship with Family
In the family context, Schwartz (2004) proposes that the Internet can serve
as a tool to remove interpersonal barriers within families that encounter obstacles
in open communication. Internet is an alternative vehicle for parents to communicate
in a language and space that their children are more accustomed.
Boyd and Ellison (2002) defined Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as: Webbased services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile
within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a
connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by
others within the system. (p.211) when users surf on SNSs, they may not
necessarily be networking or looking to meet new people. Instead, they are using
the SNSs to communicate with those who are part of their extended social network
such as family and real life friends.
Lately, there are increasing numbers of parents register as Facebook users
and adding their children as friend. The observed trend has been explained as
parents viewing Facebook as a bid to connect with their children while befriending
with their childrens friends as well (Aratani, 2008).
Overall, we have found that Facebook contributes positively to the manner
in which parents and children interact with each other, as well as intimacy of a
parent-child relationship. As indicated in the earlier sections, past literature has
listed various factors that influence intimacy in relationships. Those factors are
mostly communication behaviors that occur in face-to-face situations where people
receive immediate responses. Findings in this research show that Facebook allows
interaction to occur between parents and children without physically being together
at the same time. (Welcome to Facebook: How Facebook Influences Parent-Child
Relationship, Chen et. Al., 2015.


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Effects on Relationship with Friends

According to Pew Internet, around 40 percent of the worlds population uses
the internet as a means to social communication and maintaining relationships, for
example, emails and social media sites. However, some scholars believe the
increasing innovation in technological communication is widening the gap for
interpersonal relationship.
The 2013 study also says the norms around privacy are changing, and the
majority of teens post photos and personal information about themselves for all
online contacts to see. Greenfield has found that young people feel socially
supported by having large network of online friends, and these friends they never


"We found in our study that people, college students, are not getting a sense of so
cial support from being on the phone. Theyre getting social support through bigger
networks and having a sense that their audience is large The result is decline in
intimate friendships, Greenfield says. Instead, many teenagers now derive personal
support and affirmation from likes and feedback to their postings. (How Teens
ideas about Friendship and Intimacy have been influenced by their Immersion in the
Online World, Patricia Greenfield)

Effect on Performance in Study

Nearly 85 percent of college students log on to Facebook everyday
according to techrunch.com. The social networking sites has become an addiction
to many. Instead of students concentration on their home works or studying for a
big test the next day, they are spending hours looking through their feeds,
commenting and chatting with friends. Facebook has consumed good grades and
face-to-face communication is in jeopardy.
Many students grades show how they get sucked into distraction such as
Facebook and remained glued to their computers for hours.


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Students who use Facebook while they study get significantly lower grades
than those who do not, according to psychologist. A study has found that the exam
results of those who used social networking site while working, even if it was on in
the background, where 20 percent lower than non-users. (MailOnline, 2010)
Three quarters of the Facebook users said they didn't believe spending time on the
site affected their academic performance. But most of the remaining quarter
admitted it had a harmful effect, with many saying it made them put off their work.
(MailOnline, 2010)


Research Design

This research is a descriptive-observational study wherein the researcher will

use the method of viewing and recording the participants behavior through the
wide-range surveys that are ready-made and posted by reliable sources in the

Scope and Limitations

This study aimed to determine the effects of using Facebook as a social platform
and how it affects the behavior and interaction with other people of its users. This
research was limited only in the data available and provided by the World Wide

Presentation of Data
This chapter includes tables that present the data of the findings with
corresponding interpretations. The data are analyzed and interpreted, so that
conclusions and recommendations can be drawn from the study.
The presentation of the findings follows the exact sequence of the topics
discussed in this study, namely: (a) Profile of Facebook users based from the
surveys; (b) Time spend in using Facebook and other social networking sites and;
(c) Effects in the Users Behavior and Interaction with Other People.


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Profile of Facebook Users


Age. This refers to the chronological year of existence of an


Figure 1 source: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/new-socialstratosphere-who-using-facebook-twitter-pinterest-tumblr-and-instagram-2015and-beyond-1622

The infographic showed the distribution of the users age in social

networking sites (SNS) namely, twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, and
Instagram. A total of 179.7 million users were tallied in the year 2015. Dominant
of the users are at the age of 25-34 with 35% and the least were at the age of 65
and above or equivalent to 14.6 % of the population.
According to the article by adweek, there is an increasing number of users
that create their SNS every day. These users are usually at the age of early
adolescence to late adulthood. This is because SNS accounts were used as


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platforms for work and education which has the most time allotment for people at
the age.
On the other hand, Dr. Nicole Ellison of Michigan University studied that
adults find Facebook convenient for multiple task that they are conducting.
Facebook is flexible and updates every other month to provide ease to its users,
he added.
I.II Gender. This refers whether the respondent is a male or female.
Figure 2 showed that the dominant gender in Facebook, the third sex were

Figure 2 source: http://www.mideastmedia.org/2015/chapter/social-media.html

classified as male or female and not their sexual preference. Women dominate the
Facebook Community garnering 65% of the users while men are 35%.
According to the Facebook founders (Zuckerberg et.al), women create
multiple accounts based from their statistics on 2014 and women are most likely
sociable than men. Women also use Facebook as a photo platform and shopping








International, from September 11 to September 14, 2014 and September 18 to

September 21, 2014. Telephone interviews were conducted in English and Spanish
by landline (1,002) and cell phone (1,001, including 594 without a landline phone).
For results based on the total sample, women day that they allot time to socialize


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and post what they are doing while men said that they use Facebook during their
free time.

Time Spend in the Internet.

Figure 3 source: http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/01/09/demographics-of-key-social-networking-platforms-2/

Figure 3 presents the time allotted by every individual in using the internet.
The average time covered by using the SNS was 4 hours and 15 minutes. It was
not specified what platform or medium has been used for the specific time.
According to a study by Dr. Cliff Lampe of Stanford University, as the
technology rapidly evolve, the use of social media platforms are now one click away.
Almost half of the people under the millennial period (2000s) spend half of their day
checking and posting in their SNS accounts. Facebook remains to be the most
popular social networking site. Users continues to grow, while daily use on other
platforms shows little change.


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Effects in the Users Behavior and Interaction with Other


Figure 4

Figure 4 represents the routine done by Facebook users upon logging in.
Teenagers, 12-18 years old, spend their time browsing the internet by hitting the
like button, while the least was updating their profile status or posting a comment
on what they are doing.


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Effects in the Relationship with Family members and Friends

Figure 5 source: Livestrong.com

Based from the data presented by figure 5, 89% of users use Facebook for
leisure, 7% for business and 3% was interpreted for studies.
According to Dr. Lerma ET. Al (2012), a professional psychologist,
teenagers, preferably those in the peak of their puberty seek acceptance through
posting photos or commenting in Facebook. This case is sometimes caused by
lack of attention and motivational support. In some cases, this leads to suicide.
Other cases may appear, a child that is not that open to his parents tend to express
his feelings through posting or sharing posts that is likely to his situation. Though
this can cause no harm, this may lead to communication gap to the family
members. Some resort in expressing it to their friends in the online world.
Facebook termed social strangers as friends. There are two categories of
friendship in Facebook, mutual friend are the users you know personally and the


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other one, friend/s who are a complete stranger. Having new acquaintances
according to experts do not cause any harm if the friendship stayed behind the
monitor. On the other side, too much usage of Facebook also hinders the
communication between close friends
That causes them to have gaps in their relationship. Reasons why a person enjoy
using Facebook is that he/she finds joy in the content of the website, giving him/her
contentment to stay quiet and be alone.

The Effects of Facebook on Studies

Figure 6 source: http://mashable.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/04/facebook-effect-college.jpg

According to data gathered from several sources by OnlineEducation.net,

Facebook and Twitter are used to great benefit sometimes. Students welcome
online engagement and resources Around 75% of student respondents said they'd


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like to do some online collaboration for class, in fact. Also, social media may have
a positive impact on students' sense of themselves in the community. Social media
using students were twice as likely as other students to feel well liked by their peers
and to participate in extracurricular activities. And 20% more of Facebook using
students (as compared to students who didn't use Facebook) said they felt
connected to their school and community.
However, negative effects abound. Students who use Facebook and hit the
books simultaneously found their multitasking led to 20% lower grades than those
of their more focused peers. Facebook using students also made less money
during school from part time work, putting in around five hours per week as
opposed to 16 hours per week for a typical, unplugged counterpart. Not only do
grades and finances suffer, but students might actually end up feeling more
depressed or lonely. Almost half of students believe they are sadder than their
friends on Facebook, and 25% of college students have shown signs of severe
depression in their status updates at one time or another.
Not only do grades and finances suffer, but students might actually end up
feeling more depressed or lonely. Almost half of students believe they are sadder
than their friends on Facebook, and 25% of college students have shown signs of
severe depression in their status updates at one time or another. In a word, the
results are inconclusive. But with around 96% of all college students on Facebook,
only the most dedicated academics would consider giving up social media for a
slightly better GPA.


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Social Behavior
Figure 7 Source: Wenninger et al. / The Influence Of Facebook on Life

According to the study of Wenninger,I t shows the demographic

profile and the time spent in correlation to the users activities and behavior
in Facebook.
In line with past research (Diener and Diener, 1995), self-esteem
turned out to be the only control variable leading to a significant increase in
life satisfaction (SWB) ( = 0.48, p<0.01). This relationship is confirmed in
multiple studies for Western societies as feeling good about oneself is an
integral property in individualistic cultures ( With the only significant
predictor, the model in step 1 explains 20.2 % of variance (F (5,74) = 4.99,


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p<0.01) in life satisfaction, confirming self-esteem as a salient determinant

of SWB (Campbell, 1981).
Following results of step 2, we find that such active forms of SNS
participation as posting ( = 0.25, p<0.05) and chatting ( = 0.30, p <0.05)
may work to enhance life satisfaction (SWB), which supports hypotheses
H1 and H4. However, activities such as commenting ( = -0.03, p>0.05) and
liking ( = 0.14, p>0.05) exert no significant impact, leading us to reject
hypotheses H2 and H3.
Our data confirm a negative impact of passive following on users life
satisfaction (SWB) (H5: =

-0.27, p<0.05). This result is particularly

intriguing in the absence of the significant effect of time spent on the Internet
( = -0.09, p>0.05) an activity that is also often of passive nature (e.g.
reading news, searching for information).
In accordance, Wenninger added, to our surprise, commenting is not
associated with increases in individual life satisfaction. In contrast to posting,
which is often self-promoting and narcissistic in nature (Hum et al., 2011;
Peluchette and Karl, 2009), commenting is typically less self-centered, with
a commenter often expressing his or her opinion on a given subject of
discussion. As a result, the self-promoting element of communication - often
associated with a positive affect (Gonzales and Hancock, 2011) - is missing.
Moreover, commenting is in most cases asynchronous, with network
participants rarely engaging in a simultaneous dialogue with each other.
Hence, possibilities for immediate emotional support and problem solving are
limited. Just as commenting, liking was also found to exert no significant
effect on individual well-being. This outcome indirectly corroborates the view
that liking is rather located between a passive and an active uses of FB,
increasingly signifying I hear you (Bosch, 2013), rather than a sincere
desire to initiate a meaningful dialogue.


College of Engineering and Computer Studies

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

The salient findings of the study were as follows:
1. Demographic Profile of the Facebook Users:

Age. Out of 179.7 million Facebook users tallied in the year 2015.
Thirty-five percent (35%) are 25-34 years old; 29.7% ages 35-44;
28.3% ages 18-24; 26.4 ages 45-54; 19.7 ages 55-64 and 14.6%
are ages 65+. Hence, for all the results in every study, the most
dominant users are the teenagers.


Sex. Women dominate the Facebook Community garnering 65% of

the users while men are 35%.


Nationality. Most Facebook users, according to race and ethnicity,

Hispanic has the most number with 36 percentage followed by Black
(Non- Hispanic) having a 48% and the White ones (Non-Hispanic)
with a 36% (Pew Internet Spring Tracking Survey, March 15-April
3,March 15-April 3, 2012).

2. Time Spend in Using Facebook

The average time covered by using the SNS was 4 hours and
15 minutes. It was not specified what platform or medium has been
used for the specific time.
3. Effects in the Users Behavior and Interaction with Other People.
3.1 Family
Facebook users, especially teenagers, might cause a
communication gap to the family members. And was found that they
are not that open to their parents and tend to express their feelings


College of Engineering and Computer Studies

through posting or sharing photos in Facebook. Some resort in

expressing it to their friends in the online world.
3.2 Friends
Too much use of Facebook hinders the communication
between close friends in real world. It causes gaps in their
relationship and find the word friendship online.
3.3 Performance at School
Too much use of Facebook often leads to failure of grades of
the students. Students who use Facebook and hit the books
simultaneously found their multitasking led to 20% lower grades than
those of their more focused peers. 25% of college students have
shown signs of severe depression in their status updates at one time
or another. In a word, the results are inconclusive. But with around
96% of all college students on Facebook, only the most dedicated
academics would consider giving up social media for a slightly better

4. Social Behavior
Browsing the News Feed in Facebook and looking through
profiles and commenting to issues are considered as one of the
favorite pastime activities of teenage users on Facebook due to
overall time spent by the users this result should be alarming for all
stakeholders involved. However. The absence of negative feedback
in teens, Faceboook communication is encouraging and suggesting
that that it can be used to spread announcements, fight cyberbullying
and prevent problematic Social Media.


College of Engineering and Computer Studies

Teenagers, common Facebook users, spent a lot of time in Facebook with
an average time of 4 hours and 15 minutes can affect their social interaction with
other people such as family and friends. It tends that Facebook is a hindrance it the
real communication between their relationship. It affects also the performance of
the students in school. They consumed a lot of time scrolling and scrolling in
Facebook instead of studying their lessons.
With the lot of time consumed in Facebook, users especially teenagers
reacts (commen, post, etc) without knowing the whole story and give their own views
as an exercise of their freedom of expression.

In the light of the findings and results of the research, the following
recommendations are formed.

To Teenagers. Know the function of Facebook and how it works. Think hundred
times before posting a comment to Social Media. Dont just post or comment for the
sake of following the trends but think if you need to. Choose the right word that
shows youre a respected person. Be aware that everyone or your friends can see
what you are posting. Be responsible enough to handle your account. Act
accordingly to what is right.
To Parents. They must guide their children towards the right path. They must be a
good role model to their children. They are the one who have the authority to limit
their childs usage of Social Media. Give their children a schedule of using computer
and watching television. Try to use and see how facebook affects their child. Be
aware of your childs behavior. Help them develop the sense of responsibility in
using the internet platforms.
To Facebook users. Understand how Facebook engagement really works Add
friends who you really know. Post a status or comments which have a sense. Make
your account private. Dont show or put your personal information in social media.


College of Engineering and Computer Studies

To Students. Study first before surfing in the Internet. Make surfing as a prize for
finishing the projects and assignment. Know how to manage your time. Make your
time effectively and productive. Be responsible enough. Be aware of your behavior.
To the Future Researchers. The study may provide information and data for future
studies. Tackle the issues which are relevant or to make the study easier.

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Use among University Students Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Moreno and Kota, 2013 / Canadian Center of Science and Education- Social
Media, 435-486
McAfee, June 2012 / The Digital Divide: How the Online Behavior of Teens is
Getting Past Parents
Jubayer, University of Dhaka, March 2013/ The Use of Social Networking
Sites Among Teenagers: A Study of Facebook Use in Dhaka City , Journal of
International Social Issues, Volume 2 Number 1 Page 35 44
TEEN McAfee, An Intel Company


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Digital Learning Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume (ed. David
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the Attitudes Amongst Friends in Social Network Circle of Thai Youths: Case
Study on College Students International Journal of Social Sciences Vol. III (2),
Weber, 2009 / Freedom of Speech: Finding the Limits Leonore Annenberg
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