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Student Self Assessment

The follow is a self Students Self Assessment for Social Studies Project
related to the UnMasMedius Website
I comply with all the guidance request for this project
I keep a performance log of my readings, search and work
notes and update it frequently.
I provide myself with regular task and assignment updates.
I meet with my teacher formally at least once during each
class period.
I know my material and I review my sources for accuracy
and share a common understanding of my key tasks,
priorities and the purpose of my job.
I complete a summary of accomplishments with specific
review my job description and previous evaluations.
I ask questions when I dont understand or a task is
I seek out informal feedback throughout the class session.
I know what I need from my teacher to do a better job.
I can articulate what I need to do to raise a specific
concern or need on this project
I follow up on areas of concern that come up during
feedback sessions and discussions.
I follow up on my development plan and seek out learning


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