Hermilo Proposal

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November 1, 2016


Bobby Singer


Joseph Williams, Project Manager

Stephanie French, Research Analyst
Marissa Wesley, Research Analyst
Hermilo Flores, Materials Coordinator


Proposal for the implementation of video games into curriculum


The purpose of our proposal is to request authorization to utilize multiple forms of video entertainment
as learning material.


Our team was asked to come up with an innovative new way to keep the younger students in the
district engaged and attentive to learning. We have found that a large portion of the student
population has been having a problem with boredom and inattention to the materials. The state, so
far, has handled this problem with the implementation of standardized testing. This seems to have
only caused more problems for the district and the teachers within it.

We have discovered that the current problem seems to be that although the technology, job force,
and expectations after graduation have changed drastically within the last decade, the way we teach
has not changed much. With the new technology available, there are many options to help teachers
prepare students for the future, most of which is not being utilized currently.

In an effort to help rectify this problem, our research has brought us to the intriguing idea of using

popular video games to help in the classroom including online games that are designed to teach
children specific subject matter, to games that can instill life lessons and basic skills. In our continued
research, we hope to find specific games that will fit our school district, as well as more information
about the effects these games can have on the classroom and the overall test scores of the district.

Proposed Tasks

Primary research shows children that are allowed to explore ideas and learning interactive have
higher test scores. With the school board and superintendents approval, we propose three tasks.
The following tasks will attempt to improve test scores through an alternative learning method.

Task 1: Teaching the fundamentals of the programing to teachers.

Teachers will need to be able to teach the importance of how decisions have outcomes. The staff
involved in the use of this tool will need to understand how to use the gaming to properly teach. Most
gaming will be simulation based and graphic implications may occur. Teachers will need to know how
to troubleshoot minor issues. Data will need to be derived from the students while preforming tasks.
Learning in a digital world allows for easier metrics. The nice thing about gamification is that it
provides metrics, allowing for teachers to maintain better statistics on student progress (Zaino).

Task 2: Testing for the best options for the subject or lesson plans.
Not all video gaming can cover all learning tasks. Unfortunately, there is not a catch all program that
allows for all subjects. Each subject area will need its own specific game. I can use a massive
multiple player like World of Warcraft to teach a real world market for supply and demand. Reading
comprehension can come more from a card game such as Yu Gi Oh or Magic the Gathering.
Mathematics can have learned through real time strategies such as Age of the Empires. A current
example being used is Bitbox!, an interactive gestural digital musical interface (DMI) designed to

deconstruct and explain the underlying technical frameworks that support adaptive video game
soundtracks, expose the creative challenges faced by video game soundtrack composers this was
built specially for music (Alphine 192).

Task 3: Implementing video gaming into lesson plans and receive feedback from students and
Primary research shows that children learning through interactive means learn at faster and higher
rates than typical means. USA Today did a web article on gaming in the classroom is proving real
world situations for critical thinking. A sample SimCityEDU lesson asks students to prioritize public
works projects and "explain your reasoning," with writing assignments that culminate in several drafts
of an essay. Game play, both at home and in school, tests students' hypotheses. (Toppo)

Task 4: Prepare Report

With analyzation from both teach and student review we will use this data to understand if this a
possible solution. If it does become a possible solution this will allow us to see both pros and cons
and allow us to better address the cons.


Date of Tasks (by day)

Task 1: Teaching the

fundamentals of the
programming to the
Task 2: Testing for the
best options fo rthe
subject or lesson plan
Task 3: Implementing
video gaming into lesson
Task 4: Prepare Report










We are experienced teachers who have prior encounters with the benefits of video games, as well as
multiple years combined among us.

Joseph Williams, Project Manager, with 20 years of gaming experience, graphic/animation

classes in high school, military electronics, base coding knowledge, predicted graduation for
BS in mathematics in 2020.

Marissa Wesley, Research Analyst, has had firsthand experience on using video games in the
classroom. In high school, one of her teachers used the video game, Assassin's Creed to walk
through ancient Rome and teach her class about architecture. In addition, Marissas interest in
child psychology gives her a deeper level of understanding on how the children will be

Stephanie French, Research Analyst, has more than three years of experience educating preschool age children. She also has two years of experience educating in college level

developmental classes. Stephanie is an aspiring educator for the district and has specific
interest in the subject of video games in the classroom as a way to hold the attention of
younger students from her own experience around the epidemic of attention deficit disorder.

Hermilo Flores, Materials Coordinator, has aspirations of becoming a public servant a police
officer. This field of work requires extreme levels of organization and responsibility; having the
title of Materials Coordinator will allow him to put his skills to work and practice for his future
job. Additionally, he has been an avid gamer almost his whole life and sees multiple benefits
children could reap if exposed to video games in the classroom.

Works Cited

Mcalpine, Kenneth. "BitBox!: A Case Study Interface for Teaching Real-time Adaptive Music
Composition for Video Games." Journal of Music, Technology & Education 9 (2016): 191208. Academic Search Complete [EBSCO]. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.

Toppo, Greg. "Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points." USA Today. Gannett, 04
Mar. 2013. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.

Zaino, Jennifer. "The Pros and Cons of Gamification in the Classroom." EdTech. N.p., 22 July 2013.
Web. 01 Nov. 2016.

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