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November 1, 2016


Bobby Singer


Joseph Williams, Project Manager

Stephanie French, Research Analyst
Marissa Wesley, Research Analyst
Hermilo Flores, Materials Coordinator

Subject: Progress report for the implementation of video games into curriculum

The purpose of this report is to inform Superintendent Singer as well as the Board of Education for
WISD that we are making substantial progress in our research into classroom gamification, with only
a few changes and setbacks in our proposal. Fortunately, with direct approval from Superintendent
Singer we have corrected those mistakes and realigned our goals.

Our team was asked to come up with an innovative new way to keep the younger students in the
district engaged and attentive to learning. We have found that a large portion of the student
population has been having a problem with boredom and inattention to the materials. The state, so
far, has managed this problem with the implementation of standardized testing, only causing more
problems for the district and the teachers within it.

We have discovered that the current problem seems to be that although the technology, job force,
and expectations after graduation have changed drastically within the last decade, the way we teach
has not changed much. With the new technology available, there are many options to help teachers
prepare students for the future.

In an effort to help rectify this problem, our research has brought us to the intriguing idea of using
popular video games to help in the classroom including online games that are designed to teach
children specific subject matter, to games that can instill life lessons and basic skills. In our continued
research, we hope to find specific games that will fit our school district, as well as more information
about the effects these games can have on the classroom and the overall student test scores.

Completed Work
After deeper conversation within our research group we came to the conclusion that the previously
chosen tasks needed revision, almost all of the previous task were reworked and expanded upon. As
of the submission of this progress report, both our research analysts have uncovered multiple articles
on the use of video games in the classroom. Many of the articles focus on increased learning and
attention by the students as well as the teachers attitudes toward using video games.
Task 1: Teaching the fundamentals of the programing to teachers.
The team decided that beginning with teaching the fundamentals of video games to teachers without
getting proper feedback from them would be the incorrect path to start the research project.
As mentioned before, subsequent task had to be reworked and were rewritten. Those task that were
modified are listed below.
Task 2: Testing for the best options for the subject or lesson plans.

Task 3: Implementing video gaming into lesson plans and receive feedback from students and
Task 4: Prepare Report

Future Work
Task 2 consists of determining the attitudes of teachers and students, during that task the group has
discussed the possibility of conducting a survey to acquire unbiased opinions from multiple teachers
and students. The pros and cons mentioned in Task 3 are already being looked into our research
analysts. They are also already taking steps towards looking for currently used video games. Last but
no least the final task would be to prepare out final report, so as long as everything continues at this
pace the final report will be right on schedule



In conclusion, after discussion with teachers and educators, our group has decided to rework the
tasks at hand. The new tasks moving forward will be more oriented towards the effectiveness of video
games in the classroom, finding working systems and ways to implement them into the current
curriculum and give educators room to adapt it to fit their needs. The whole team will move forward
and conduct actual surveys in the field. Finally, we will begin to prepare our report.

Works Cited
Mcalpine, Kenneth. "BitBox!: A Case Study Interface for Teaching Real-time Adaptive Music
Composition for Video Games." Journal of Music, Technology & Education 9 (2016): 191208. Academic Search Complete [EBSCO]. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.
Toppo, Greg. "Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points." USA Today. Gannett, 04
Mar. 2013. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.
Zaino, Jennifer. "The Pros and Cons of Gamification in the Classroom." EdTech. N.p., 22 July 2013.
Web. 01 Nov. 2016.

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