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Enter (s) to auto-set phase by short time data,

(p) to manually set the phase,
(n) to switch to/from normalized V(out)
(f) to determine a linear fit to shifted V(out)
or (e) to end program:f
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in SetPhase_vH4 (line 285)
datatemp = [Encodercount,(tdelay_rawt0),Vin_shifted,Vout_shifted,ratio_shifted];
Error in process_160711_NbV (line 37)
[delphases(k),phase_shift(k),fitparam(k,:)] =
Examine the plots, zoom in as desired, and hit RETURN when ready.
Select t(echo)...the press RETURN to continue
Warning: Setting the "WindowButtonDownFcn" property is not permitted while this
mode is active.
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)
In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 71)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)
Warning: Setting the "WindowButtonUpFcn" property is not permitted while this
mode is active.
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)
In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 72)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)
Warning: Setting the "WindowScrollWheelFcn" property is not permitted while this
mode is active.
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)

In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 73)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)
Warning: Setting the "WindowKeyPressFcn" property is not permitted while this
mode is active.
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)
In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 74)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)
Warning: Setting the "WindowKeyReleaseFcn" property is not permitted while this
mode is active.
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)
In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 75)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)
Warning: Setting the "KeyPressFcn" property is not permitted while this mode is
> In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>localModeWarn (line 211)
In matlab.uitools.internal.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)
(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) (line 86)
In uirestore (line 76)
In ginput>restoreFcn (line 239)
In ginput>@()restoreFcn(initialState) (line 63)
In onCleanup/delete (line 60)
In ginput>cleanup (line 275)
In ginput (line 137)
In PickEchoes (line 123)
In process_160711_NbV (line 38)

ans =
You chose t(1) = 28.12 ps.
If done, enter 0: 0
fVout =
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in process_160711_NbV (line 80)
s3500(k) = mean(data(index2-avgL:index2+avgL,col));

line 45:

See also: writeLCTEg_vH4.m, analyze_yymmdd_template.m

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