Source 4

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4. MLA/APA/AMA Citation: Holmes, Jennifer S.

, Sheila Pineres Amin Gutierrez De, and Kevin

Curtin M. "Introduction." Introduction. Guns, Drugs, and Development in Colombia. Austin: U of
Texas, 2008. N. pag. Google Scholar. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.
Source Validation: This book was written in part by a professor at the University of Dallas
who has a PhD in political science.
How did you find this source?: I found this source through Google Scholar.
Intended audience: This article was not loaded with as much field specific terminology as
many of the other other articles I have read so I assume it is meant for well-read individuals
rather than specialists.
What arguments/topics does this source discuss?: This article focuses on the destruction
caused by decades of warfare between various insurgencies, paramilitaries, and the
Colombian government and its effect on economic development. It peers behind the veil of
political fragmentation in order to figure out how a country characterized by constitutional
stability can be so wrecked by conflict and extrapolates data from previous research pointing
to comparatively low homicide rates in places where cocaine is grown (Peru) and high rates
in countries where the drug trade is minimal (Nicaragua). Clearly, drugs are not the nexus of
all conflict in Colombia, so in building a sustainable peace that will guarantee sustained
growth in the long term following the peace deal with FARC, Colombia needs to pinpoint the
other roots of civil conflict that have challenged them in the past and neutralise them.
Minimum 3 quotes, paraphrases, summaries of source text that seem likely to be
helpful in future writing:

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