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MLA/APA/AMA Citation: Ibez, Ana Mara (2008) El desplazamiento forzoso en

Colombia: un camino sin retorno a la pobreza. Bogota: Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad
de Economa.
Source Validation: This book was written by a professor from the University of Bogota in
How did you find this source?: I found this source through my outside mentor.
Intended audience: This article was not loaded with as much field specific terminology as
many of the other other articles I have read so I assume it is meant more so for well-read
individuals rather than specialists. However, some parts do take time to decipher.
What arguments/topics does this source discuss?: This article focuses on the violence
that has shaken Colombia. It studies the link between violence and inequality, pointing out
that the vast majority of homicide victims in Colombia are rural peasants caught in the
crossfire between powerful factions. It also details how rival factions have not hesitated to
use violence in order to grow their respective power bases. Finally, the article lambasts the
financial loopholes that have allowed inequality to flourish.
Minimum 3 quotes, paraphrases, summaries of source text that seem likely to be
helpful in future writing:
Violence, at least as measured by homicides per capita, showed two major
upswings to very high levels, one extending from the mid 1940s to a peak around 1958,
beginning at around 10 per 100,000 and reaching close to 50 before dropping back to
lows of around 20 at times in the 60s and 70s, then skyrocketing to the 70-80 range in
the early 1990s.
Injustice ranges from a mild tilting of, say, agricultural research policy in favour
of the larger better-off farmers at one extreme to murder and displacement at the other.
Theft shades into the greyer form of injustice in which the financial system works to
favour the insiders.
These data suggest that the top 1% of income earners received 20% of total
national (disposable) income in both 1997 and in 2010.

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