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MLA/APA/AMA Citation: Consultara para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento

(CODHES) (2013) La Crisis Humanitaria en Colombia Persiste: Informe del desplazamiento
forzado en 2012. Bogota, CODHES, Documentos CODHES No. 26.
Source Validation: This book was written in part by a professor who had read deep of both
primary and secondary sources.
How did you find this source?: I found this source through my outside mentor.
Intended audience: This article was not loaded with as much field specific terminology as
many of the other other articles I have read so I assume it is meant more so for well-read
individuals rather than specialists. However, some parts do take time to decipher.
What arguments/topics does this source discuss?: This article focuses on the link
between injustice and inequality. He discusses the corruption that has plagued Colombian
institutions since the Spanish Colonial era, how it has persisted up to this day, and how it has
given room powerful actors the room they need in order to accumulate stores of land and
wealth far larger than stores of land and wealth owned by the average Colombian. According
to him, the maldistribution of resources coupled with inherent corruption has empowered the
wealthy with the power and resources they need to commit injustices such fraud, land
seizures, and bribery. Ultimately, however, the roots of Colombias woes are historical.
Minimum 3 quotes, paraphrases, summaries of source text that seem likely to be
helpful in future writing:
The percentage of todays large properties acquired through fully legitimate
means (in other words, without involving blood, dispossession or any type of fraud)
probably falls in the range of 10 to 25%, depending on ones definition of legitimacy.
Meanwhile local elites discouraged education for the populace, with the result
that in the late 19 th century Colombia was one of the least educated countries in the
Injustice and inequality are causally linked in any society. Some part of inequality
is inevitably due to injustice, and inequality facilitates some of the mechanisms of
injustice, with vertical inequality facilitating mechanisms of vertical injustice and
horizontal inequality facilitating those of horizontal injustice.

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