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9. MLA/APA/AMA Citation: Velez, C.E. 1995.

Gasto Social y Desigualdad: Logros y

Extravos. Santafe de Bogot: Misin Social, Departamento Nacional de Planeacin.
Source Validation: This book was written by a professor of economics from Bogota,
How did you find this source?: I found this source by looking at a source cited page of
another research paper on sustainable development.
Intended audience: This book is intended for an audience familiar with basic economics
What arguments/topics does this source discuss?: This article discusses potential
progressive taxation schemes that could be used to alleviate wealth inequality in Latin
American countries. In Latin America, more so than in the United States, the government
gets a lot of its revenue from consumption taxes, which tend to hurt the poor more than the
rich. In essence, Latin American treasuries are disproportionately filled with money that
comes out of the pockets of the poor and middle class. The rich simply arent paying their fair
Minimum 3 quotes, paraphrases, summaries of source text that seem likely to be
helpful in future writing:
...value added tax (VAT) is now seen as the mainstay of the revenue system in
Latin America...
Tax bases should be as broad as possible.
From an efficiency perspective, it is incredibly important to impose taxes on
production with care.

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