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Professional Growth Plan

Jarett Zentner
Action Plan


-Before entering the classroom review all my handouts from

Ed Psych class regarding classroom management

November-December 2016

-Talk to my Dad about what he does and see if he has any tips
-Communicate with Doris about what she does and see if she
has any attention cues
-Reflect on what works and does not work as I go through
To learn how to effectively capture the classs attention

Doris Janzen
Marlo Steed

Indicators and Measures of Achievement

-Students will respond to me and will do as
-I will not feel overwhelmed or as if the students
are not listening to me
-Doris will discuss how well I capture attention and
give me feedback
-Marlo will discuss how well I capture attention
and give me feedback
-Basically, the students will listen to me when I
need them to
-I will feel comfortable in front of the class and not
feel like I am being futile in gaining their attention.
Students will look at me and understand I am
talking and that they need to listen

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