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Natalies Second Chance

Carey Ganz

Table of Contents
Title Page1
Table of Contents2
Situational Analysis.3- 4
Research Report...5- 6
Problem Definition, Program Goal, & Key Objectives...7
Press Releases8- 11
Feature Stories.12- 15
Print Ad..16
Social Media Posts...17- 18

Media Kit
Backgrounder...........19- 20
Press Releases..................22- 25
Feature Story26- 29
Contact Info...30


Situational Analysis
Strengths (Internal)
Natalies Second Chance has a strong following of supporters. There are many positive
comments on their Facebook page with comments from happy adopters, donors, and volunteers.
Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter, and this appeals to people who support animal
rights. The shelters online presence gives off a relaxed vibe that draws in local students who
want to spend their time volunteering at the shelter.
Weaknesses (Internal)
Because Natalies Second Chance is largely run by volunteers, it can be difficult to reach
workers at the shelter for information. Most of the volunteers do not have set positions, and this
can be detrimental to potential adopters, volunteers, or donors who have questions or concerns.
For example, there is only one e-mail address for the shelter. This is problematic because each
time a potential adopter, donor, or volunteer tries to reach the shelter through their e-mail, they
may receive a different volunteer who responds. This can create an upset in the direct flow of
communication, and can also lead to e-mails going unread or forgotten about.
Natalies online presence does contain frequent grammatical errors. Although this seems
like a few simple mistakes every so often, it can make the organization appear unprofessional
and could discourage people from wanting to donate their money or extra dog food, treats, toys,
and beds to the shelter.
Another weakness of the shelter is their random hours. The hours of the shelter change
every day, and the shelter is only open a few days a week. This decreases the amount of time
potential customers have to view dogs and get started with the adoption process. The shelter

often closes at random for days at a time, and this can be confusing for people who are trying to
stop by the shelter, and might deter them from coming back.
The shelter is in desperate need of more volunteers. If the shelter had more volunteers or
a few part-time or full-time workers, it would be able to stay open for longer hours and on more
days, thus increasing the amount of dogs who could be adopted.
Opportunities (External)
Natalies Second Chance has amazing opportunities for adopters, volunteers, and donors
because it is located so closely to Purdue University. Many students on campus are interested in
or even required to do community service and philanthropy work. Despite the fact that there are
other animal shelters in the area, Natalies Second Chance is the most widely known by Purdue
students. Greek fraternities and sororities often host events on campus for Natalies Second
Chance to help raise money for the shelter and encourage students to adopt dogs.
Threats (External)
There is currently an anonymous Facebook page titled, The TRUTH about Natalies
Second Chance, that is dedicated to exposing potentially negative information about Natalies
Second Chance. Regardless of whether the information posted on the page is true or not, it
creates an extremely negative view of the shelter. This page could be especially detrimental to
the livelihood of the shelter because it is the fourth site that comes up on a Google search for
Natalies Second Chance. Natalies Second Chance also has negative reviews on their own
Facebook page and Google page. This reflects poorly on the organization as a whole.

Research Report
I wanted to get a better idea of how many students on Purdues campus knew about Natalies
Second Chance, so I created a survey with multiple choice questions that I gave to five random
students in Purdues Memorial Union.

The Survey
This survey is completely anonymous and is being used solely for research purposes. Please
answer all questions to the best of your ability. The survey will take less than five minutes to
1. Have you heard of Natalies Second Chance?
a. Yes
b. No

2. Have you ever volunteered at Natalies Second Chance?

a. Yes
b. No

3. Have you ever donated money to Natalies Second Chance?

a. Yes
b. No

4. Have you ever participated in an event thrown by Natalies Second Chance?

a. Yes
b. No

5. Do you know of any other animal shelters in the Lafayette Area?

a. Yes
b. No

Of the five random students that I surveyed, these were their responses:
Question 1: Yes- 5; No- 0
Question 2: Yes- 1; No- 4
Question 3: Yes- 3; No- 2
Question 4: Yes- 2; No- 3
Question 5: Yes- 1; No- 4

This information shows us that many students on Purdues campus know about Natalies
Second Chance, but most do not know of any other animal shelters in our area. Some students on
campus have been active in donating, volunteering, and attending events for Natalies Second
Chance, but we would still like to encourage other students to join the shelter.

Problems, Goals, and Objectives

People in the public believe that Natalies Second Chance is not putting forth the level of effort
necessary to maintain a successful and prominent dog shelter.

My goal is to change the publics negative perception towards Natalies Second Chance, and
make them feel more comfortable volunteering at, adopting from, and donating to the shelter.

i. Objective 1: To create a more professional online presence for the shelter by removing
unnecessary grammatical errors from all future online posts.
ii. Objective 2: To host an event on Purdues campus specifically focused on finding at least ten
more regular volunteers for the shelter by February 2017.
iii. Objective 3: To host an adoption event at Natalies Second Chance on a day that the shelter is
not normally open in January 2017.

Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567



Sept. 28, 2016: Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter that is reaching out to Purdue
University students in an effort to fill necessary volunteer roles at the shelter.

Body: Natalies Second Chance orchestrates numerous fundraising opportunities and awareness
events throughout the Lafayette and West Lafayette area and is a great way for Purdue students to
get involved with and give back to their community. The shelter prides itself on welcoming all
dogs with open arms as long as it has the space, including sick, elderly, or pregnant dogs.
Because the shelter aspires to create a hospitable environment for as many dogs as
possible, the non-profit organization must rely on volunteers and donations. Natalie Moore started
the shelter in 2009 with the motto, Give a dog a home. Although the shelter only takes in dogs,
it spreads its efforts to help animals by working with the Wildcat Valley Clinic.
The shelter has hosted numerous events within the community including events in
combination with fraternities and sororities on Purdues campus. Fraternities and sororities on
Purdues campus often host events where students can pay a small donation in exchange for
petting dogs from Natalies Second Chance. These events offer a great way for students to provide
help within their own community and relieve stress by playing with adorable puppies. These

events also offer an opportunity for dogs from the shelter to interact with people and receive
exercise and attention. Natalies Second Chance is always open to new event ideas
On Google reviews, former volunteer, Ashley Riley states,
I went here to get some community service done for my schooling. The first day I went, I
adopted the most amazing dog. Although the dog was 5 years old, it was so adorable and super
sweet! Natalie was great with the dogs and we even bring our dog back to visit Natalie!
Any efforts by students would be appreciated at the shelter including to the donation of
food, time, or money. The shelter is always in need of food, treats, toys, and bedding. Dogs at the
shelter can always benefit from walks with volunteers. Walks allow the dogs to exercise, go
outside and have the ability to have human contact. Not only does this benefit the health of the
dog, but it prepares them for adoption by keeping them open to human interaction.
If you have any interest in working with the shelter feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website,

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore.

Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567

Jan. 16, 2016: Natalies Second Chance will be opening up their doors for adoptions next Sunday,
Jan. 22. In addition to opening on a day that they would normally be closed, Natalies Second
Chance will be changing their adoption fee for the day.

Typically, the adoption fee at Natalies Second Chance varies between puppies and grown
dogs. Grown dogs can normally be adopted for $125 dollars, while puppies can be adopted for
$175 dollars. On this special day, dogs will be available for adoption for $75 dollars, and puppies
will be available for adoption for $125 dollars. Natalies is offering a fifty dollar discount for
those wishing to adopt a special friend at this event/
The event will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Natalies Second
Chance. Everyone is welcome. If you are seriously considering adopting a dog at this event, you

can fill out the adoption application online in advance. You can access the application through the
shelters main website.
Natalies Second Chance is dedicated to helping the dogs in our community. If you have
further questions about the shelter or this event, feel free to contact the shelter by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website, Do not forget that the shelter is open to
accepting dogs who are no longer a good match for their current home and will work to find them
a better home that suits them.

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore



Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567



Sept. 28, 2016: Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter that was founded in Lafayette, IN
seven years ago, in 2009.

Body: Natalies Second Chance was started by Natalie Moore because of her passion for animals.
Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill shelter that aspires to never turn dogs away. The shelter tries
to accommodate as many dogs as possible, regardless of their age, breed, size, or health.
The shelter is also willing to receive dogs from owners who can no longer care for them.
Natalies Second Chance has continued to run off of Moores beliefs throughout their seven year
Natalie is always working to bring in more donations and help more dogs receive the
proper care they need. Everyone here wants all of these dogs to go to a good home, Kimberly
Pop, a Natalies Second Chance volunteer said.
Unfortunately, the shelter cannot take in every dog that comes by because of space
reasons. The organization has been working to expand and bring in as many dogs as possible over
the past seven years. Natalies Second Chance wants to continue expanding over the next seven
years, and in order to do that, the shelter needs to build a larger volunteer base.


If you have any interest in working with the shelter feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website,

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore.

Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567

(Image of Suzie and Ron Swanson)


Dec. 2, 2016: This weekend, Purdue student, Ron Swanson, adopted Suzie, the eight-year old dog
who was taken to Natalies Second Chance Dog Shelter because of an abusive family.

Suzie came to the shelter in late October and was noticeably nervous around other people.
Many people would shy away from a nervous dog, but not Swanson. Swansons fraternity was
hosting an event for the shelter on Purdue Universitys campus, when he saw Suzie. She was
nervously avoiding all of the attention by standing away from most of the students.
Ron knew getting the skittish pooch to warm up to him would not be easy, so he grabbed a
treat on his way over to her. She looked reluctant as she took the treat, but after realizing Ron did
not want to cause her any harm, she warmed up to him and settled in his lap.
I instantly knew that I needed to take Suzie home with me. Because I live in an apartment
outside of my fraternity, I have a nice space for her to live in. I am excited to have a buddy to hang
out with while I do my homework. Swanson said.
Natalies Second Chance is home to a variety of dogs who need a good home in our area.
If you have any interest in adopting a dog, like Suzie, feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website, Do not forget that the shelter is open to
accepting dogs who are no longer a good match for their current home and will work to find them
a better home that suits them.

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore





Facebook Posts
Woof! Dont let fall bring you down! If youre looking for something to do and need a pick-meup or study break, come check out some of our dogs! Its ok if you are not able to adopt and just
want to come help us get our dogs the play time they need. They would really appreciate it, and
its just the excuse you need.

Natalies Second Chance will be hosting a haunted walk for you and your dogs tonight! Come
spend Halloween night with other dog lovers, and your pup might even get some spooky treats!
Costumes are encouraged for all humans and animals.

We just got a new addition to the shelter! Everyone, please welcome Gizmo! Gizmo is a
vivacious little pup with a curiosity for everything. Contact Natalies Second Chance if you or
anyone you know is interested in welcoming Gizmo into your home.


Dont forget that dogs need Thanksgiving dinner too! Natalies Second Chance will be hosting a
dog food drive tomorrow! Check out our website, for a list of dog
foods that we feed our lovely pooches. All donations are welcome. Dog food brands not featured
on our list can still be handed out to owners in need.

This holiday season, give a gift to someone who truly needs it. Come adopt a dog from Natalies
Second Chance and make this a Christmas for your family to remember.


Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit, no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter prides
itself on taking in as many dogs as possible, regardless of their breed, age or health. The
organization was established by Natalie Moore in 2009, and strives to make an impact on the
well-being of dogs within its community. The shelter works with local outside organizations to
host fundraising events in the area.
Executive Summary:
Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelters goal is to
help as many dogs as possible, including elderly and sick dogs. In an effort to achieve this goal,
the shelter hopes to continue expanding because this would allow them to take in more animals.
Executive Summary: Upon researching Natalies Second Chance, I noticed a few issues in their
online presence. The shelter has a website along with a Facebook page, which is positive for
spreading information. However, their website,, contains numerous
grammatical errors. These grammatical errors make the website and the organization appear less
professional. Editing information on their website is a quick, easy, and simple way to maximize
the shelters online presence, and a more professional writing style will give the shelter more
The second issue I encountered on the shelters website was their hours. The shelter is only
open on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week. They are open from 6-8 pm on
Tuesday, 3-7 pm on Thursday, 2-6 pm on Friday, and 10 am-5pm on Saturday. The shelter is only
open for a few hours a week, and this does not provide people with a great deal of time to access
the shelter. Longer hours or more days of availability would make it easier for people to bring
unwanted dogs to the shelter or adopt dogs from the shelter. In order to do this, the shelter would

need more volunteers. To achieve this goal, we can reach out to the student community at Purdue
University by advertising the need for volunteers on campus.
The third issue I came across through the shelters online presence was a negative
perception about the professionalism of the shelter and the caring of the dogs. The shelters
Google reviews contained several comments making serious accusations about the forgery of
vaccination papers, the cleanliness of the shelter, and the overall environment the animals are kept
in. For example, one Google review by Amanda Riley states, This place is unkept. The animals
are trapped in small cages and are made to set in their filth. They say they do so much for the
animals but it is not true. I volunteered there for a long time and natalie was never there or even
lifted a finger. The paper work is not done correctly. Some paperwork is forged saying that dogs
have been given shot but they have not. Some of her dogs that get brought back have been found
dropped off in the country because of her lack of care. Natalie picks and chooses what dogs she
wants and if they are about to have puppies, of course she will plaster them all over facebook and
sell them for $175 with out them having been fixed or chipped. I don't suggest feeding Natalies
animal neglect. Look into the place and you will see the truth behind natalies second chance.
There are multiple comments similar to this one.


The names of the authors of these testimonials have been removed. These comments were
featured on the Facebook page for The TRUTH about Natalies Second Chance.

We came at 4:30 today to adopt Bingo and were so disappointed that you had to close early.
When I was there late Thursday and visited him, I felt like I was leaving my dog behind after
having fostered him. Yes, he is high energy, but the bottom line is that we fell in love with him.
May we plan to get him on Wednesday? Anonymous Author 1

ADOPTERS BEWARE!! I adopted a dog from Natalies and found out a week later he had
hookworms. After a $300 vet bill to treat him and a promise from Natalie to split the cost with
me, Im now being ignored. Ive called, sent emails, sent a letterNO RESPONSE! This
happened in May/June 2013. Anonymous Author 2

I have fostered a puppy for over 1 months. I have attempted on numerous occasions to
contact Natalie and her shelter to ask about getting my puppy her shots, I have yet to hear from
her, very frustrated foster Mom. Anonymous Author 3

All of these comments show how the shelters irregular schedule and lack of reliable
communication sources has a negative impact on those in the community who are trying to
adopt, donate, or volunteer.


Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567



Sept. 28, 2016: Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter that is reaching out to Purdue
University students in an effort to fill necessary volunteer roles at the shelter.

Body: Natalies Second Chance orchestrates numerous fundraising opportunities and awareness
events throughout the Lafayette and West Lafayette area and is a great way for Purdue students to
get involved with and give back to their community. The shelter prides itself on welcoming all
dogs with open arms as long as it has the space, including sick, elderly, or pregnant dogs.
Because the shelter aspires to create a hospitable environment for as many dogs as
possible, the non-profit organization must rely on volunteers and donations. Natalie Moore started
the shelter in 2009 with the motto, Give a dog a home. Although the shelter only takes in dogs,
it spreads its efforts to help animals by working with the Wildcat Valley Clinic.
The shelter has hosted numerous events within the community including events in
combination with fraternities and sororities on Purdues campus. Fraternities and sororities on
Purdues campus often host events where students can pay a small donation in exchange for
petting dogs from Natalies Second Chance. These events offer a great way for students to provide
help within their own community and relieve stress by playing with adorable puppies. These


events also offer an opportunity for dogs from the shelter to interact with people and receive
exercise and attention. Natalies Second Chance is always open to new event ideas
On Google reviews, former volunteer, Ashley Riley states,
I went here to get some community service done for my schooling. The first day I went, I
adopted the most amazing dog. Although the dog was 5 years old, it was so adorable and super
sweet! Natalie was great with the dogs and we even bring our dog back to visit Natalie!
Any efforts by students would be appreciated at the shelter including to the donation of
food, time, or money. The shelter is always in need of food, treats, toys, and bedding. Dogs at the
shelter can always benefit from walks with volunteers. Walks allow the dogs to exercise, go
outside and have the ability to have human contact. Not only does this benefit the health of the
dog, but it prepares them for adoption by keeping them open to human interaction.
If you have any interest in working with the shelter feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website,

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore.


Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567

Jan. 16, 2016: Natalies Second Chance will be opening up their doors for adoptions next Sunday,
Jan. 22. In addition to opening on a day that they would normally be closed, Natalies Second
Chance will be changing their adoption fee for the day.

Typically, the adoption fee at Natalies Second Chance varies between puppies and grown
dogs. Grown dogs can normally be adopted for $125 dollars, while puppies can be adopted for
$175 dollars. On this special day, dogs will be available for adoption for $75 dollars, and puppies
will be available for adoption for $125 dollars. Natalies is offering a fifty dollar discount for
those wishing to adopt a special friend at this event/
The event will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Natalies Second
Chance. Everyone is welcome. If you are seriously considering adopting a dog at this event, you

can fill out the adoption application online in advance. You can access the application through the
shelters main website.
Natalies Second Chance is dedicated to helping the dogs in our community. If you have
further questions about the shelter or this event, feel free to contact the shelter by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website, Do not forget that the shelter is open to
accepting dogs who are no longer a good match for their current home and will work to find them
a better home that suits them.

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore



Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567



Sept. 28, 2016: Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill dog shelter that was founded in Lafayette, IN
seven years ago, in 2009.

Body: Natalies Second Chance was started by Natalie Moore because of her passion for animals.
Natalies Second Chance is a no-kill shelter that aspires to never turn dogs away. The shelter tries
to accommodate as many dogs as possible, regardless of their age, breed, size, or health.
The shelter is also willing to receive dogs from owners who can no longer care for them.
Natalies Second Chance has continued to run off of Moores beliefs throughout their seven year
Natalie is always working to bring in more donations and help more dogs receive the
proper care they need. Everyone here wants all of these dogs to go to a good home, Kimberly
Pop, a Natalies Second Chance volunteer said.
Unfortunately, the shelter cannot take in every dog that comes by because of space
reasons. The organization has been working to expand and bring in as many dogs as possible over
the past seven years. Natalies Second Chance wants to continue expanding over the next seven
years, and in order to do that, the shelter needs to build a larger volunteer base.


If you have any interest in working with the shelter feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website,

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore.

Name: Carey Ganz

Address: 1720 N 9th St., Apt. 2, Lafayette, IN 47904
Phone Number: (219) 241-2413
Fax: 123-4567

(Image of Suzie and Ron Swanson)


Dec. 2, 2016: This weekend, Purdue student, Ron Swanson, adopted Suzie, the eight-year old dog
who was taken to Natalies Second Chance Dog Shelter because of an abusive family.

Suzie came to the shelter in late October and was noticeably nervous around other people.
Many people would shy away from a nervous dog, but not Swanson. Swansons fraternity was
hosting an event for the shelter on Purdue Universitys campus, when he saw Suzie. She was
nervously avoiding all of the attention by standing away from most of the students.
Ron knew getting the skittish pooch to warm up to him would not be easy, so he grabbed a
treat on his way over to her. She looked reluctant as she took the treat, but after realizing Ron did
not want to cause her any harm, she warmed up to him and settled in his lap.
I instantly knew that I needed to take Suzie home with me. Because I live in an apartment
outside of my fraternity, I have a nice space for her to live in. I am excited to have a buddy to hang
out with while I do my homework. Swanson said.
Natalies Second Chance is home to a variety of dogs who need a good home in our area.
If you have any interest in adopting a dog, like Suzie, feel free to contact them by email at or by phone at (765) 742-2200. For more information, you can
also go to the shelters website, Do not forget that the shelter is open to
accepting dogs who are no longer a good match for their current home and will work to find them
a better home that suits them.

Natalies Second Chance is a non-profit no-kill dog shelter in Lafayette, IN. The shelter was
established in 2009 by Natalie Moore




Contact List
Natalies Second Chance
Phone: (765) 742-2200

Carey Ganz
Phone: (219) 241-2413


Natalies Second Chance

The TRUTH about Natalies Second Chance

Yelp Reviews


Brody, I. (2015). 5 Great Facts About: Pet Adoption - DGP For Pets. Retrieved from

Natalie's Second Chance. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Natalies Second Chance Dog Shelter. Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Natalies Second Chance. Yelp. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The TRUTH about Natalies Second Chance Dog Shelter. Facebook. (n.d.) Retrieved from


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