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Justin Pierre James

23rd Prime Minister
Elected in 2015
History of the Liberal Party
The Liberal Party has dominated federal politics for much of Canada's
history, using the formula for success of straddling the political center
developed under the leadership of Wilfrid Laurier. The Liberal
Party has been the governing party at the federal level for most of the
period since the late 1890s. This Party has been described as a
brokerage party, in recognition of its success in appealing to a range
of interests divided by region, language, ethnicity, and social class.

Five Issues

Protect the Freshwater
Creating Clean Jobs
Put a Price on Carbon

Middle class tax cut
Affordable housing
Invest in the Public Transit

Foreign Affairs:
Accept more Syrian refugees
Promoting International Peace and

Human Rights:
Trans* Rights
Fair Election
Close Political Financing

Health Care:
Fighting Poverty
Make Prescription Drugs for

Key Facts About Justin Trudeau

He is the 14th leader of the Liberal Part of Canada
His father was once the Prime Minister of
He was once a Teacher
He was born on December 25, 1971
One of his favourite sport was Boxing.

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