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Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Ingls para Gesto da Produo Industrial III

Profa. Tatiane R. Carvalho -
Aula 12: Writing Claim e-mails
A claim e-mail (or letter) is a letter that you write to a company to point out a problem. Some
problems that you write about in claim letters include: receiving the wrong products,
receiving damaged products, or receiving an incorrect invoice.
Before you write the letter, make sure you have all the information about the problem. If
necessary, contact other people in your company. Ask them if they have anything to add .

1. Leia os e-mails entre dois colegas da Wils & Company. Eles esto tendo
problemas com diversas remessas.
2. Complete o registro com as remessas j recebidas.

3. Nomeie as diferentes partes de um email de reclamao:

Dear Mr. Fisher,
a) In a recent shipment from New Tech Answers, there were two problems: we
received the wrong manuals and our account was incorrectly billed.
On April 1, we placed the following order: one copy of TM0053-3 and one copy of
TM0056-7. On May 7, we received two copies of TM0035-3. We did not receive
TM0053-3 or TM0056-7.
b) We are returning the two copies of TM0035-3.
c) Please send us the two (2) manuals that we ordered. Also please correct our
account, number 594NT. The invoice was for US$ 32.50 (thirty-two US dollars and
fifty cents). The correct invoice total should be Can$ 32,50 (thirty-two Canadian
dollars and fifty cents), or, at today's exchange rate, US$ 22.18 (twenty-two US
dollars and eighteen cents). A copy of the invoice is attached.
d) Thank you for your attention.
Cordially yours,
Holly Park
Purchasing Supervisor
Wils & Company




4. Responda s perguntas em portugus:

a) Quais foram os dois problemas que a Wils & Company teve?
b) Qual foi a reao da Wils & Company ao problema?
c) Qual foi a solicitao feita por Holly Park?
5. Em cada questo, duas das frases so apropriadas para uso em um email de reclamao. Marque a opo que no apropriada:


Quando se usa um estilo formal de escrita em e-mails ou cartas de reclamao,

deve-se evitar as "contractions". Elas so usadas em correspondncias mais
informais ou pessoais.
Observe os exemplos:

6. Circule as formas contradas em cada frase. Em seguida, reescreva as

frases em estilo formal.


E-mails de reclamao devem ser concisos, o que significa que voc deve usar to
poucas palavras quanto seja possvel. Isso pode ser conseguido atravs do uso de
advrbios. Observe os exemplos:

7. Reescreva as frases de modo a torn-las mais concisas. Observe o

exemplo. Use as expresses do quadro abaixo:

8. Preencha o e-mail de reclamao abaixo com palavras e/ou expresses

do dia-a-dia do seu trabalho.
Dear Mr. Tompson,
In a recent shipment from ____________________, there were two problems.
On _______________, we ordered _____________________.
On _______________, we received _____________________.
We are returning _________________________ .
Please correct ___________________________.
A copy of the ____________________ is attached.
Thank you for your attention.
Cordially yours,

(your name and department)

9. Qual a dica dada no pargrafo abaixo? Escreva com suas palavras.

When you send a claim letter, provide documentation such as receipts, invoices,
photos of damaged goods, or anything that would prove there was a problem.
Source: Business Correspondence - A Guide to Everyday writing. Longman, 2003.

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