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El Past Progressive

Esta forma del pasado se utiliza normalmente en el contexto de una forma de

Past Simple o anclada a una expresin de tiempo que hace referencia a un
momento del pasado en el cual una situacin estaba ocurriendo.
I was watching TV when you called / at 10 oclock yesterday evening.
Como el Present Progressive, el Past Progressive es una forma compuesta del
verbo TO BE en el pasado (was / were) y el verbo + la terminacin ing.
Para la forma interrogativa, se invierte el orden entre el verbo TO BE y el sujeto:
Were you watching TV at 10 oclock yesterday evening?

Y para la negacin, se utiliza el verbo TO BE en su forma negativa:

I was not (wasnt) watching TV at 10 oclock yesterday.
They were not (werent) playing football when you called.

Pon los verbos entre parntesis en la forma del pasado adecuada (Past Simple o Past
Progressive). Las frases pueden ser afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas.
1. A: What
(do) when the accident

B: I

2. After I

(drive) on the motorway.

(find) the purse, I

3. Yesterday morning, Tom

4. Sebastian

(go) to the police and

(be) sick and he

(study) at the library for her French exam.

5. When I

(walk) into the busy office, the secretary


(need) to stay at home.

(arrive) at Susan's house at 9:00 PM, but she


(work) at their desks, and the manager

(turn) it in.

(not be) there.

(type) a letter, several

(talk) with a customer on

the phone.

8. At 10 o'clock yesterday evening John

(work) at his computer when the lights

(go) out. He

(leave ) his office.

(stop) working and he

9. Jill

(listen) to music when she

10. I

(hear) a strange noise in the kitchen.

(not want) to disturb you while you

A lorry driver


(drive) 200 penguins to London Zoo when his lorry

on the motorway. The driver

a second lorry driver
penguins' driver

(get) out of the cab and

(stop) in front of him and

(explain) that he

(look) at the engine when

(ask) if he

(wait) on the motorway. The penguins

(need) help. The

(take) the penguins to the zoo and

(ask) if the other man would take the penguins there. He

Some hours later the second lorry driver

(break) down

(drive) past the first one who

(be) still on the lorry and


(look) happy.

"I thought I asked you to take those penguins to the zoo",

The second driver

(shout) the first driver.

(reply), "I did, but I have some money left, so we are going to the
cinema now".

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