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Lesson Plan Format (an adaptation of the MoPTA lesson plan format for KCAI students)

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Name of Lesson :
Building Ceramic Sculpture
Name of Teacher Candidate :
Katherine OHara

4-23_GadgetCreatures_Your Last

Class :
Grade :
School Placement :
Hocker Middle School

3D Art

Rationale : (2-3 sentences why this topic is important and relevant to this age group) KCAI addition
In the 8th grade at Hocker Middle School, all students created ceramic sculptures which used appropriate building methods and texture to
enhance the meaning of their artwork. In this lesson, students will reflect on the successes in their artwork and ways to improve in the future.
Learning Objectives (the lessons objectives and learning outcomes for meeting curricular and student needs;

The students will:

Students will be able to evaluate their artworks using vocabulary from the unit.

Missouri Visual Art Standards (bulleted)

II.1.D.8 Identify and use invented texture
V.1.A.8 Identify works of art from United States
I.2.A.8 Modeling with clay: create a three- dimensional artwork demonstrating appropriate joining
V.1.A.8 Identify works of art from United States

National Core Visual Art Standards (bulleted)

VA:Cr1.1.8a Document early stages of the creative process visually and/or verbally in traditional or new media
VA:Cr2.1.8a: Demonstrate willingness to experiment, innovate, and take risks to pursue ideas, forms, and meanings that emerge in the
process of art- making or designing
VA:Re.7.1.8a: Explain how a persons aesthetic choices are influenced by culture and environment and impact the visual image that one
conveys to others.
Re9.1.8a Create a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art.

Studying Artists / Understanding Art (Learning outcomes includes artists, historical and cultural

context; can include books for elementary)

The students will: (bulleted)
-Students researched ceramic artists in the creation of their sculptures.

Creating (Instructional Strategies; HOW it will be taught ):

Expressing (Learning Activities; WHAT the students will do):

List and bullet sequentially the strategies used in Lesson Structure and Procedure including direct instruction, oral or written directions,
modeling, guided practice, independent practice,etc
-Lecture (introduce project and explains project criteria)
-Listening to lecture (introducing topic)
-Questioning (check for understanding of project criteria)
-Guided practice (whole group practice TAB critique
-Guided practice (class collaboratively fills out a TAG critique sheet)
sheet in which students will develop critique etiquette
-Independent practice (on critique and reflection sheets)
and logical arguments for their interpretation of
-Conferencing (during work time)
-Asking questions (Throughout lesson to check for
understand and develop critical thinking skills)
-Discussion (during guided practice and critique to learn
etiquette and logical arguments for their interpretation of
-Writing (during both guided and independent practice in
critique sheet and reflection sheet in which students will
develop convincing and logical argument to support an
evaluation of art)
Evaluating Artworks : (the overarching things that you will grade; the rubric in the assessment section will be more specific) (bulleted)
-Use of vocabulary
-Supporting interpretations of artworks using visual evidence found in the work being evaluated
Exhibiting Artworks (be thoughtful) : (bulleted)
-Artworks will be displayed in hallway display case with learning statement.
Assessment Procedures : (assessments used before, during, and after the lesson) (bulleted)
Before : Questioning
During: Observation and questioning
After : (please attach assessment tool to end of this lesson plan)
Guided critique forms and reflections
Lesson Structure and Procedures: The sequence of events of the lesson elements. Please list each sequence by day or class period.
Consider: * Four Studio Structures * Eight Studio Habits of Mind * Procedures should be linked to objectives * Materials Management

Day / Class #1
Preparation Before Class (materials management): Finished student sculptures are on cart, display cases are emptied, reflection and critique
sheets are printed.
Engagement / Opening: Introduce the lesson of critique and reflection. Show video on critique etiquette from the art assignment.
Connection to Prior Learning: This lesson has students reflect on and response to the work done in this unit.
Modeling: Show students how to till out a TAG critique form on the pad cam.
Procedures : Students will listen to lecture introduction on critique titled Critque at the address: and then view a video on critique etiquette. In a whole group guided practice
activity, the class will collectively fill out a TAG critique sheet on the pad cam. Students will give suggestions of what to write. The instructor
will guide the class in creating thoughtful response to TAG prompts that use language from the elements and principles of art. Students will
then place their artworks in the display case in the hallway. They will be instructed to write a TAG critique for the sculpture to the right of their
sculpture and place it under the artwork. After this, the instructor will ask for volunteers to have their artwork critiqued in a whole class verbal
critique using the TAG prompts. After this, students will be given a guided reflection worksheet for their own artwork.
Independent Practice: Students will fill out critique sheets and reflection sheets independently.
Clean-up: None.
Conclusion: Students will remain in their seats until dismissal.
Resources and Supplies : (include all supplies per student; be specific as to amount and size) (include hard copy materials such as handouts,
prints, PPTs, etc.)( plan for storage)(bulleted)
Critique sheets, guided reflection sheets, laptop, and projector
Technology : (instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning)(bulleted)
Laptop and projector
Differentiation / Accommodations / Modifications / Increase in Rigor : (to help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural
and language differences, etc.) (include all listed below)
Differentiation: Expectations for this assignment will be given verbally and in writing.
Accommodations: Students with reading IEPs may have worksheets read to them and fill out sheets in guided practice with instructor or peer.
Modifications: Students with writing IEPs will not be penalized for not writing in complete sentences.
Increase in Rigor: Students may fill out extra critique forms for other students.
Classroom Management: (strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior needs to help keep
students actively engaged) Includes: behavior management plan, time management, transitions, and lesson/class wrap-up
Behavior Management Plan :
-Do now work when students enter the classroom.
-For demonstrations, push in chairs and walk silently to a place where students can see the instructor using the materials.

-When cleaning up, clean tools first, hands second, table third.
1. Show respect to everyone by using appropriate language, a quiet voice, being on task, and doing what is asked of you in a
timely manner.
2. Use all materials only in the way they are designed to be used: SAFELY. This includes cleaning and storing them!
3. Keep your workspace clean and organized.
4. If your cell phone/laptop is a distraction, it becomes MINE.
5. Bring everything you need to work during class to class (pencil, notebook, assignments). If you do not have a
notebook/pencil, talk to the instructor.
1. Verbal Redirection
2. Loss of clay privileges
3. Buddy room/loss of clay privileges
Time Management /Transitions :
1. Introduction/video (7 to 10 min)
2. Guided practice (10 min)
3. Displaying art/Independent practice (15 to 20 min)
4. Whole group critique (15 min)
5. Reflection worksheet, which may be complete the next day, from end of whole group critique until dismissal
Lesson/Class Wrap-up (same as conclusion)
Student will sit in seats and wait for dismissal.
Extensions : (activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the learning objectives by applying their
new knowledge in a different way)(bullet, minimum of 2)
-Students who finish their reflection quickly may choose to write an artist statement using a flow chart guide
-Students who finish their reflection quickly may choose to write more TAG critique form for their peers
Follow-Up to Todays Lesson : (quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding and
interconnect concepts; may be incorporated in next session as connection to prior learning or throughout the unit)
This lesson will set a precedent how critique is run in class.
Reflection : If you had the chance to re-teach this lesson, what would you do differently ?)(complete this section in final draft after lesson has
been taught) (5 or more complete sentences)

Learning Statement: (Summary of what has been taught in this lesson and its purpose to be displayed with the artwork; to inform the school
community of the learning involved in the lesson.) (Bold or italicize 3 or more key concepts or vocabulary.) KCAI Addition

grade students engaged in reflective evaluation of their own artworks and those of their peers. Students used a guided critique form
to give respectful feedback to their peers using vocabulary from the elements and principles of art.

Images of Student Work: (5 Examples) (Complete this section in final draft after lesson has been taught.) KCAI Addition

Vocabulary: Tempera Paint, Watercolor Paint, Oil Pastels, Slip, Underglaze, Paper Resist, Squeeze Bottles, Texture

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