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Competency 001:

The teacher understands human development processes and applies this

knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and
are responsive to their developmental characteristics and needs.

This competency explains that educators recognize the wide range of

individual developmental differences that characterizes students in early
childhood through grade 12. It also states that educators need to be aware of
the factors that may affect students such as lack of attention, parental
divorce, and homelessness. These are all things that educators need to factor
in when they start to analyze students.

Competency 002:
The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning
experiences and design assessments that are responsive to differences among
students and that promote all students learning.

This explains that educators demonstrate knowledge of students with diverse

personal and social characteristics and the significance of student diversity
for teaching, learning, and assessment. It also explains that educators should
respect students with diverse backgrounds and needs. On top of that
educators, should understand the instructional significance of varied student
learning needs and preferences.

Competency 003:
The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent
instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

This competency explains that an educator understands the importance of

the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill (TEKS). The TEKS are a guideline for
educators to follow to make sure their students stay on track. This
competency also explains how important it is to give appropriate
assessments. Our goal as educators is for our students to succeed and by
doing this we must plan everything accordingly in a timely fashion. Our
lesson plans should be structured in a way where we meet our students
learning needs.

Competency 004:
The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student
learning and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging
instruction and appropriate assessments.

This competency explains that every child learns differently and that no child
is the same. As educators, we must plan our lesson in a way that meets all of

our students learning styles. It also explains that educators must plan
instruction to promote students motivation. Our lessons revolve around our
students needs and we only present information to them if it is appropriate.

Competency 005:
The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning,
equity and excellence and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional
environment that is safe and productive.

This competency explains that a classroom should feel safe for our students.
It is also a place where they can be themselves and be supported by
everyone around them. On top of that, a classroom should present a learning
environment as well. As educators, we want our students to succeed and by
doing this we must explain to them our expectations and rules. This
competency also goes on to explain that a classroom should be a place where
they are respected.

Competency 006:
The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive
learning environment and for managing student behavior.

This competency mainly focuses on classroom management. Classroom

management follows with schedules and organization. Without a clear
schedule in a place within inside a classroom, things would be chaotic. There
is only so much time a teacher has during the day to get everything done in a
timely fashion. There needs to be a certain amount of time focused on math,
reading, writing, and social studies each day. Organization is key to keeping a
classroom running smoothly. On top of that, this competency also focusses on
behavior and expectations of students within the classroom.

Competency 007:
The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating
effectively in varied teaching and learning contexts.

As Educators, we are to recognize that every student has a different learning

style. It is our job to create lesson plans that incorporate all types of styles so
that it will benefit the students in their educational career. We are to motivate
them to learn so that they will always have the desire to keep reaching for
the stars.

Competency 008:

The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the
learning process.

As educators, we are to always keep our students motivated to learn. By

doing this, we must find what interests the students so that we can
incorporate these things within the lesson. Students become bored easily,
especially when it comes to the secondary grades. Our job is to keep the
students focused on their school by incorporating things that will interest

Competency 009:
The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver
and evaluate instruction for all students.

In todays classrooms, we see technology everywhere. I believe that it is

important to incorporate this in their learning somehow. Technology could be
used during stations for reading or even math in some type of software. As
educators, we are to take advantage of all the technology available to us and
use it in a way that is educational. This competency explains that an educator
should know how to use technology in an appropriate manner in a way that is
beneficial to students and their learning.

Competency 010:
The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students
with timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all

This competency explains that an educator should monitor and collect data
according to the assessment to determine where the students lie. Using this
data, educators are able to see where their strengths and weaknesses are.
On top of that, educators needs to be aware that use of meaningful oral
feedback is vital for a students success. Sometimes students need that
praise in order to know that they are doing a good job.

Competency 011:
The teacher understands the importance of family involvement in childrens
education and knows how to interact and communicate effectively with families.

This competency focuses on how important it is to have a good relationship

with not only the students but with the parents as well. If a student has a
learning disability, you must know how to handle this in an appropriate
manner to where they still benefit from your teaching. Especially when
parents and teacher conferences are going on you must address a situation in

a positive manner without saying anything negative about the student. It is

important that the parents are able to trust and respect you.

Competency 012:
The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting
with other members of the educational community and participating in various
types of professional activities.

This competency states that it is okay to ask other professionals questions. In

the beginning of your teaching career, you are still learning so much. By
listening to other teachers and professionals one will obtain so much
information that is viable to his/her teaching career.

Competency 013:
The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical requirements for
educators and is knowledgeable of the structure of education in Texas.

The TEXES states that teacher must know the laws of being an educator. By
knowing them, an educator knows their legal rights in the state of Texas.
These laws are put into place for a reason and it is our job to be familiar with
them. This competency also goes on to explain that an educator must
adhere to legal guidelines in education-related situations.

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