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Observation Date: 3.2.14 10.2.14 17.2.

Teacher: Alice
Observer: Amy
Observation Focus: Class environment, Set up of rotations and books work.
PM- Art Topic
11.15- Writing- Whole Class peer writing
12.05- Writing
All class on task. Support being given
to student who need it.
Great to see work already on walls.
Board set up with groups and rotation.
All class settled and writing with a
Books set out cleary.
Students have buy in with topic current. Was on the news that morning.
Timetable displayed on wall.
Three clear rotations for writing. All
class settled and students on task.
Books set out correctly.
Teacher Positives

Points for discussion

Check if support is needed for using TV.
What PD may be needed to help using Mac
How long is spend on peer writing before first
piece is started? Are students mixed with
learners from different groups? How are low
learners supported?

Advice and guidance

Learners very clear on set task and

Great to see teacher supporting learners Could S.T.O.P cards be used to help support
and reminding them of expectations of
learners during editing and proofreading?
setting out of guided books.
Great to see Alice using the new
technology - TV and mac book.
Had planning available for me. Easy to
follow. Will look more closely at
everyones planning during team meeting
this week.


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