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Andrew Garcia

Eng one
I have gained many useful skills in these past few months and learned more about the
writing process than I have ever known before.I feel that this class has helped me become a
better writer and has furthered me in academia by allowing me to look deeper in my writing and
my ability to write.This class has taught me how to deeper analyze our readings and works of
literature.We has a class have been able express our self and our opinions through the courses
and have been able to show our opinions in deeper details supported by facts.We have learned to
become better writer and we have learned how the whole writing process is used to benefit the
writer so that his or her message can become clear and is known to the reader.I Learned many
things in the courses And I know that with my new found knowledge I will be able to go further
In acidemia due to it.
In English one We learned several helpful tactics to help with writing essays.This was
one of the most difficult and most fun English courses I have ever taken.It has tough me to
become a better writer and to lead my reader to the conclusion and not to aloow my wor to stray
off topic.This courses has made its students look more in depth at how we read articles by
allowing us to take deeper looks into articels that challange our notions of understanging and
percpective.We look at what they might have meant and were abel to exam the pices by using the
rethorical reading prosess.This has tough me to look more in depth at what the auther was saying
to look at what was being said not what we might have been infured.The corse was helpful in
allowing us to read and analyze texts on our own. we were able to break the writings down better
and grab a deeper knowledge.This allowed us more as writer and has Readers so that we can see
more in depth at what was author was saying.
I feel as thought the course has helped me immensely as a writer and as a reader.The
skills I have been abel to develope in this class will help me thought the rest of my college
career.I believe that this cores is very helpful and that it was beneficial to me.It was abel to
explain and give me more knowledge than any courses has to this point in my college career.I
believe that this was helpful with explaining to me the writing proses and how to more
effectively write an essay.This cores also was abel to show me how to more accrual analyze an
essay or piece of writing and know what the writer was trying to get me to understand by using
the rethorical anaysis prosess I was abel to read and annotate the writings witch allowed me to
gain a better knolege on the topics.One of the main things that I learned in this cores is how to
become an effective writer, as this was one of the main focuses of the courses.The key to
becoming a effective writer is to grab your audiences attention and leave nothing to the
imagination.To write efec tivly you need the skillls and ability to look over you paper and be
hnest with you self and correctb any errors.Writing is a prosess and that us one of the key things
I have learned this emester is that you can not write a perfect essay in one draft.Writing is a
prosess and is most affective whaen you think of it that way.
I thank this class for giving me the tools to be successful in writing.This semester I have
gotten the tools to become a better writer and I believe that I have used them effectively.This

course has been trying and difficult at some points but ,Has been enjoyable the entire time.I feel
that this courses has helped me In the writing process.I had no clue to all the steps that go into a
good essay.this course allows us to express our self in a kind environment that develops and
nurtures its students and for that I am grateful to have been part of it.I tank all those who helped
me this semester and gave me feedback on my writing.This class has helped me immensely and I
recommend it to any person who would want to take it .

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