NZF Menu

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Dear Chef
Thank you for considering our meal requirements. Our responsibility is to ensure our national football team
remains fit and healthy and as such, we have to adhere to a very strict food policy. We thank you in advance for
your help and understanding with this policy.
You will notice that there is a strong emphasis on healthy, nutritious food, as well as food safety. We also like to
offer the players a variety of choices with every meal and between meals, to cater for different individual
requirements and to prevent boredom with the food choices on longer tours. We would be grateful if you could
please allow us to check the menu on our arrival.
We would like to emphasize that we have a policy of not eating or drinking anything, which has been washed or
prepared with unboiled tap water (such as lettuce leaves, fresh tomatoes, etc). Peeled fruits and vegetables are
fine, as are cooked vegetables. Our health policy also stipulates that we do not eat food which has been
recycled from a previous meal.
Our daily requirements are outlined below.
Our meal times are generally:
Breakfast - 8am (to 9am)
Lunch 1pm (to 2pm)
Dinner 7.00pm (to 8.00pm)
Pre-match meals - 3 to 3.5 hrs before a match kick-off time
Dinner - immediate upon team return

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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1. Selection of assorted cereals
e.g: muesli, cornflakes, rice crispies, Kellogs, All Bran etc
Please ensure that there at least four cereal options at each meal
2. Selection of assorted fresh and preserved fruits
e.g: Please include a mixture of peeled and unpeeled fruits including mango, pineapple,
pawpaw, watermelon, apples, pears, bananas and or oranges
e.g: preserved apricots/pears/plums/fruit salad
3. Full cream and skim milk
4. Yoghurt variety of flavours (single serve tubs please)
5. Bread - selection of assorted bread (always brown or wholewheat, plus additional variety)
Multi-grain and whiteslice bread at all meal-times
Selection of at least one alternate bread from crumpet, bagels, fruit bread, muffin
6. Spreads
Butter, margarine, vegemite, peanut butter, jams, honey etc
7. Two large toasters (and a staff member to help with toasting)
This is very important to us and helps to speed things up, whilst ensuring that the toast is
8. Assorted muffins
9. Baked beans or spaghetti & sauce
10. Eggs
Always boiled or poached plus additional variety (e.g Scrambled, omelette, but not fried)
11. Grilled tomatoes or mushrooms
12. Bacon on alternate days
13. 2 types of juices (orange daily, then choice from apple, pineapple, tomato etc)
14. Coffee and tea (please also set some sachets of honey with the tea and coffee)

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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Set-up in the following order, and well spaced out for perception of many food choices
1. Bread selection with spreads
Sliced multi-grain and white bread at all meals
Selection of fresh bread rolls
2. One soup (low fat, please)
Vary daily choice from tomato, pumpkin, potato & leek, chicken broth, minestrone, pea etc
3. 3 types of salad (low fat and prepared from cooked or peeled vegetables)
Green salad at all meal-times
Selection of two further salads from potato salad, pasta salad, bean salad, couscous salad,
beetroot salad, carrot salad, tuna salad
Separate bowls containing sliced tomatoes, cucumber, capsicums and avocado (if
Mixed salad dressings including balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, small bowl of
parmesan cheese
4. Cold meats or fish
A selection of at least three from the following - salami, smoked chicken, pastrami, ham,
tuna, salmon or sardines
In addition please provide a small bowl of anchovies at all meals
5. Cheese (low fat choices)
Selection of at least two of the following cheese - low fat cheddar, edam, cottage cheese,
spreadable low fat cream cheese (always provide sliced cheddar please)
6. One type of cooked meat (Grilled chicken (mainly breast) or beef or lamb)
Either steak, schnitzel, casserole, stir fried, curry (mild only), kebabs
Ideally vary the method of cooking each day perhaps a whole grilled chicken breast one
day and a stir fry the following day.
Low fat cooking methods please
7. Vegetables
Please ensure that there is a steamed vegetable option available at all lunch times.
e.g broccoli, beans, carrots, cauliflower, mixed selection, asparagus, mushrooms, eggplant,
corn etc
8. Potato
e.g baked, mashed, boiled (no hot chips)
9. Pasta (served separately please)
e.g penne, spaghetti, fettuccine, ravioli, canelloni etc
10. Pasta sauce (low fat, served separately)
e.g Napolitan, bolognese, vegetable
11. Rice
e.g steamed, risotto, paella
Please try and mix this up as much as possible.
12. Fruits - Selection of cut and whole fresh fruits (as per breakfast)
13. Fruit juices and drinks
e.g. orange juice, coke, lemonade, energy drink.
14. Water
15. Coffee and tea (please also set some sachets of honey with the tea and coffee)

Please always serve chicken (boneless) for game day lunch and pre-match.

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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1. Bread, rolls and spreads
Sliced multi-grain and white bread at all meals
Selection of fresh bread rolls
2. One soup (low fat, please)
Vary daily choice from tomato, pumpkin, potato & leek, chicken broth, minestrone, pea etc
3. 3 types of salad
Green salad at all meal-times
Selection of two further salads from potato salad, pasta salad, bean salad, couscous salad,
beetroot salad, carrot salad, tuna salad
Separate bowls containing sliced tomatoes, cucumber, capcicums and avocado (if
Mixed salad dressings including balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, small bowl of
parmesan cheese
4. Cold meats or fish
A selection of at least three from the following - salami, smoked chicken, pastrami, ham,
tuna, salmon or sardines
In addition please provide a small bowl of anchovies at all meals
5. Cheese (low fat choices)
Selection of at least two of the following cheese - low fat cheddar, edam, cottage cheese,
spreadable low fat cream cheese (always provide sliced cheddar please)
6. Two to three types of cooked meat (Grilled chicken (mainly breast) or beef or lamb)
Either steak, schnitzel, casserole, stir fried, curry (mild only), kebabs
Please serve a chicken option at each main meal with at least one different meat option
Ideally vary the method of cooking each day perhaps a whole grilled chicken breast one
day and a stir fry the following day.
7. Vegetables
Please ensure that there is a steamed vegetable option available at all lunch times.
e.g broccoli, beans, carrots, cauliflower, mixed selection, asparagus, mushrooms, eggplant,
corn etc
8. Potato
e.g baked, mashed, boiled, roasted (different from the previous meal)
If it is a baked potato option please also provide a bowl of grated cheddar cheese to
accompany this.
9. Pasta (served separately please)
e.g penne, spaghetti, fettuccine, ravioli, canelloni etc
10. Pasta sauce (low fat, served separately)
e.g Napolitan, bolognese, vegetable
11. Rice
e.g steamed, risotto, paella
12. Two desserts (low fat)
e.g cheesecake, milk tart, apple crumble, rice pudding, carrot cake, banana cake, low fat ice
13. Fruits - Selection of cut and whole fresh fruits (as per breakfast)
14. Fruit juices and drinks
e.g. orange juice, coke, lemonade, energy drink.
15. Water (served at each place setting)
16. Coffee and tea (please also set some sachets of honey with the tea and coffee)

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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Breads, rolls and spreads selection as above full toaster facilities required
Selection of breakfast cereals
Selection of single serve fruit yogurts
1 x Pasta
e.g penne, fettuccine or spaghetti
5. Bolognaise sauce (beef) only
6. Rice - steamed
7. Grilled chicken breasts
8. Pasta salad or potato salad
9. Green salad with selection of dressings including balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil,
bowl of parmesan cheese
10. Baked beans
11. Fruits - selection of cut and whole fruits
Minimum of three different options
12. Fruit juices and water
13. Coffee and Tea

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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On some occasions we may request a snack to be prepared for the players. There needs to be enough to
accommodate all players and staff. Please could this include:

A selection of pre-prepared rolls a mixture of ham, chicken and smoked salmon rolls (with salad,
cheese or other fillings)
A selection of muffins fruit/chocolate chip etc
Fruit smoothie
Sliced multigrain and white bread with a toaster and selection of spreads
Selection of breakfast cereals with milk

National Teams Meal Menu requirements (continued)

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POST MATCH MEAL: only after the final game, please

This is to be a treat for the players after their game.
Same as dinner menu, but may include barbeque, hamburger and chips or pizzas, tacos or the local speciality.
Please ensure that a healthy alternative is still available for those players who want it (i.e pasta, vegetables,
salad) Also soft drinks (Coca Cola etc)

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